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tat kṣetraṁ yac ca yādṛk ca
yad-vikāri yataś ca yat
sa ca yo yat-prabhāvaś ca
tat samāsena me śṛṇu
tat kṣetraṁ yac ca yādṛk ca
yad-vikāri yataś ca yat
sa ca yo yat-prabhāvaś ca
tat samāsena me śṛṇu



tat — to; kṣetram — pole pôsobnosti; yat — ktoré; ca — tiež; yādṛk — také, aké je; ca — aj; yat — čo má; vikāri — zmeny; yataḥ — odkiaľ; ca — a; yat — kto; saḥ — on; ca — aj; yaḥ — kto; yat — má; prabhāvaḥ — vplyv; ca — a; tat — to; samāsena — v krátkosti; me — odo Mňa; śṛṇu — čuj.

tat — that; kṣetram — field of activities; yat — what; ca — also; yādṛk — as it is; ca — also; yat — having what; vikāri — changes; yataḥ — from which; ca — also; yat — what; saḥ — he; ca — also; yaḥ — who; yat — having what; prabhāvaḥ — influence; ca — also; tat — that; samāsena — in summary; me — from Me; śṛṇu — understand.



Vypočuj si teraz, prosím, čo ti v krátkosti poviem o poli pôsobnosti, o jeho povahe, o tom, ako sa mení, odkiaľ pochádza, kto je jeho znalcom a aké sú jeho účinky.

Now please hear My brief description of this field of activity and how it is constituted, what its changes are, whence it is produced, who that knower of the field of activities is, and what his influences are.



V tejto śloke Pán popisuje povahu poľa pôsobnosti a jeho znalca. Človek by mal vedieť, čo je telo, z akých látok sa skladá, kto ho ovláda, akými zmenami prechádza, odkiaľ tieto zmeny pochádzajú, aké sú ich príčiny, aký je najvyšší cieľ individuálnej duše a aká je jej skutočná povaha. Každý by mal poznať rozdiel medzi individuálnou dušou a Naddušou, ich odlišný potenciál a vplyv apod. Všetko nám bude jasné, ak pochopíme Bhagavad-gītu priamo z opisu Najvyššej Božskej Osobnosti. Musíme si však dávať pozor, aby sme si neplietli Najvyššiu Božskú Osobnosť sídliacu v tele každého s jīvou, individuálnou dušou. Bolo by to to isté, ako keby sme chceli postaviť na jednu úroveň mocného s bezmocným.

The Lord is describing the field of activities and the knower of the field of activities in their constitutional positions. One has to know how this body is constituted, the materials of which this body is made, under whose control this body is working, how the changes are taking place, wherefrom the changes are coming, what the causes are, what the reasons are, what the ultimate goal of the individual soul is, and what the actual form of the individual soul is. One should also know the distinction between the individual living soul and the Supersoul, their different influences, their potentials, etc. One just has to understand this Bhagavad-gītā directly from the description given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all this will be clarified. But one should be careful not to consider the Supreme Personality of Godhead in every body to be one with the individual soul, the jīva. This is something like equating the potent and the impotent.