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sañjaya uvāca
evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye
rathopastha upāviśat
visṛjya sa-śaraṁ cāpaṁ
sañjaya uvāca
evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye
rathopastha upāviśat
visṛjya sa-śaraṁ cāpaṁ



sañjayaḥ uvāca: Sañjaya dit; evam: ainsi; uktvā: parlant; arjunaḥ: Arjuna; saṅkhye: sur le champ de bataille; ratha: du char; upasthe: sur le siège; upāviśat: se rassit; visṛjya: repoussant; sa-śaram: ainsi que les flèches; cāpam: l’arc; śoka: par l’affliction; saṁvigna: accablé; mānasaḥ: le mental.

sañjayaḥ uvāca — Sañjaya said; evam — thus; uktvā — saying; arjunaḥ — Arjuna; saṅkhye — in the battlefield; ratha — of the chariot; upasthe — on the seat; upāviśat — sat down again; visṛjya — putting aside; sa-śaram — along with arrows; cāpam — the bow; śoka — by lamentation; saṁvigna — distressed; mānasaḥ — within the mind.



Sañjaya dit: Après avoir tenu ces propos, Arjuna pose son arc et ses flèches, puis s’asseoit, accablé de douleur.

Sañjaya said: Arjuna, having thus spoken on the battlefield, cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot, his mind overwhelmed with grief.



Alors qu’il observait l’armée ennemie, Arjuna se tenait debout sur son char. Mais une telle détresse l’accable maintenant qu’il s’assied et pose son arc et ses flèches. Un être aussi dévoué au Seigneur, possédant une telle tendresse de cœur, est digne de recevoir la connaissance spirituelle.

While observing the situation of his enemy, Arjuna stood up on the chariot, but he was so afflicted with lamentation that he sat down again, setting aside his bow and arrows. Such a kind and soft-hearted person, in the devotional service of the Lord, is fit to receive self-knowledge.

Ainsi s’achèvent les teneurs et portées de Bhaktivedanta sur le premier chapitre de la Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā traitant de la situation des deux armées sur le champ de bataille de Kurukṣetra.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the First Chapter of the Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā in the matter of Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra.