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Text 38

Text 38



core lañā gela prabhuke bāhire pāiyā
tāra skandhe caḍi’ āilā tāre bhulāiyā
core lañā gela prabhuke bāhire pāiyā
tāra skandhe caḍi’ āilā tāre bhulāiyā



core — dva zloději; lañā — beroucí; gela — odešli; prabhuke — Pána; bāhire — venku; pāiyā — když Ho našli; tāra — jejich; skandhe — na ramena; caḍi' — poté, co vylezl; āilā — přišel zpátky; tāre — je; bhulāiyā — když zmátl.

core — two thieves; lañā — taking; gela — went; prabhuke — the Lord; bāhire — outside; pāiyā — finding Him; tāra — their; skandhe — on the shoulders; caḍi’ — rising; āilā — came back; tāre — them; bhulāiyā — misleading.



V dětství Pána před domem unesli dva zloději. Pán jim však vylezl na ramena, a když si mysleli, že Ho zdárně odnášejí podle svého plánu, aby Ho okradli o ozdoby, Pán je zmátl, a tak místo aby došli do svého domu, vrátili se zpět k domu Jagannātha Miśry.

In His childhood the Lord was taken away by two thieves outside His home. The Lord, however, got up on the shoulders of the thieves, and while they were thinking they were safely carrying the child to rob His ornaments, the Lord misled them, and thus instead of going to their own home the thieves came back to the home of Jagannātha Miśra.



V dětství chodil Pán bohatě ozdobený zlatými šperky. Jednou si hrál před domem a dva zloději, kteří šli kolem, uviděli příležitost Ho okrást. Vzali Ho tedy na ramena a dali Mu nějaké sladkosti, aby se Mu zalíbili. Mysleli si, že Ho odnesou do lesa a tam Ho zabijí a vezmou si Jeho ozdoby. Pán však zloděje zahalil svojí matoucí energií takovým způsobem, že místo aby Ho odnesli do lesa, přišli rovnou zpátky k Jeho domu. Když se tam objevili, dostali strach, protože v tu chvíli už byli všichni v domě Jagannātha Miśry i v celé čtvrti na nohách a pátrali po dítěti. Zloději nepovažovali za bezpečné se tam déle zdržovat, a tak se vytratili a dítě tam nechali. Bylo přineseno do domu matce Śacī, která trpěla velkou úzkostí, a to ji uklidnilo. Tato událost je rovněž obšírně popsána v Ādi-khaṇḍě Caitanya-bhāgavaty, ve čtvrté kapitole.

In His childhood the Lord was profusely decorated with gold ornaments. Once upon a time, when the Lord was playing outside His house, two thieves passing on the street saw the opportunity to rob Him. Therefore they took Him on their shoulders, pleasing Him by offering Him some sweetmeats. The thieves thought they would carry the child to the forest and then kill Him and take away the ornaments. The Lord, however, expanded His illusory energy upon the thieves, so much so that instead of carrying Him to the forest they came right back in front of His house. When they came before His house they became afraid because everyone from the house of Jagannātha Miśra and all the inhabitants of that quarter were busy searching for the child. Therefore the thieves, thinking it dangerous to remain, went away and left Him. The child was brought within the house and given to mother Śacī, who was in great anxiety, and she became satisfied. This incident is also very elaborately explained in the Ādi-khaṇḍa of Caitanya-bhāgavata, third chapter.