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sattvaṁ rajas tama iti
guṇāḥ prakṛti-sambhavāḥ
nibadhnanti mahā-bāho
dehe dehinam avyayam
sattvaṁ rajas tama iti
guṇāḥ prakṛti-sambhavāḥ
nibadhnanti mahā-bāho
dehe dehinam avyayam



sattvam – guṇa vrline; rajaḥ – guṇa strasti; tamaḥ – guṇa nevednosti; iti – tako; guṇāḥ – guṇe; prakṛti – materialne narave; sambhavāḥ – ki so proizvod; nibadhnanti – vežejo; mahā-bāho – o Arjuna močnih rok; dehe – v tem telesu; dehinam – živo bitje; avyayam – večno.

sattvam — the mode of goodness; rajaḥ — the mode of passion; tamaḥ — the mode of ignorance; iti — thus; guṇāḥ — the qualities; prakṛti — material nature; sambhavāḥ — produced of; nibadhnanti — do condition; mahā-bāho — O mighty-armed one; dehe — in this body; dehinam — the living entity; avyayam — eternal.



Materialno naravo sestavljajo tri guṇe: vrlina, strast in nevednost. Ko pride večno živo bitje v stik z njo, o Arjuna močnih rok, postane podložno tem guṇam.

Material nature consists of three modes – goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes.



Živo bitje je transcendentalno in nima zato nič skupnega z materialno naravo. Ker pa je pod vplivom materialnega sveta, deluje po nareku treh materialnih guṇ. Živa bitja imajo zaradi podložnosti različnim guṇam različna telesa in so primorana delovati skladno z njihovo naravo. To je vzrok za raznolikost njihove sreče in nesreče.

The living entity, because he is transcendental, has nothing to do with this material nature. Still, because he has become conditioned by the material world, he is acting under the spell of the three modes of material nature. Because living entities have different kinds of bodies, in terms of the different aspects of nature, they are induced to act according to that nature. This is the cause of the varieties of happiness and distress.