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Text 37



śayānau yudhi nirbhinna-
hṛdayau rāma-śāyakaiḥ
tac-cittau jahatur dehaṁ
yathā prāktana-janmani
śayānau yudhi nirbhinna-
hṛdayau rāma-śāyakaiḥ
tac-cittau jahatur dehaṁ
yathā prāktana-janmani



śayānau — estendidos; yudhi — no campo de batalha; nirbhinna — sendo trespassados; hṛdayau — no âmago do coração; rāma-śāyakaiḥ — pelas flechas do Senhor Rāmacandra; tat-cittau — pensando ou absorvendo-se no Senhor Rāmacandra; jahatuḥ — abandonaram; deham — corpos; yathā — assim como; prāktana-janmani — em seus nascimentos anteriores.

śayānau — being laid down; yudhi — on the battlefield; nirbhinna — being pierced; hṛdayau — in the core of the heart; rāma-śāyakaiḥ — by the arrows of Lord Rāmacandra; tat-cittau — thinking or being conscious of Lord Rāmacandra; jahatuḥ — gave up; deham — body; yathā — even as; prāktana-janmani — in their previous births.



Trespassados pelas flechas do Senhor Rāmacandra, Kumbhakarṇa e Rāvaṇa caíram ao solo e abandonaram seus corpos, completamente absortos em pensar no Senhor, assim como anteriormente lhes acontecera quando haviam sido Hiraṇyākṣa e Hiraṇyakaśipu.

Pierced by the arrows of Lord Rāmacandra, both Kumbhakarṇa and Rāvaṇa lay on the ground and left their bodies, fully absorbed in thought of the Lord, just as they had in their previous births as Hiraṇyākṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu.