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Text 32



gopās tad-rodhanāyāsa-
durgādhva-kṛcchrato ’bhyetya
go-vatsair dadṛśuḥ sutān
gopās tad-rodhanāyāsa-
durgādhva-kṛcchrato ’bhyetya
go-vatsair dadṛśuḥ sutān



gopāḥ os vaqueiros; tat-rodhana-āyāsa de sua tentativa de impedir que as vacas fossem ter com seus bezerros; maughya devido à frustração; lajjā ficaram envergonhados; uru-manyunā e, ao mesmo tempo, ficaram muito irados; durga-adhva-kṛcchrataḥ embora passassem pelo caminho muito áspero com grande dificul­dade; abhyetya após chegarem ali; go-vatsaiḥ juntamente com os bezerros; dadṛśuḥ viram; sutān seus respectivos filhos.

gopāḥ — the cowherd men; tat-rodhana-āyāsa — of their attempt to stop the cows from going to their calves; maughya — on account of the frustration; lajjā — being ashamed; uru-manyunā — and at the same time becoming very angry; durga-adhva-kṛcchrataḥ — although they passed the very rough way with great difficulty; abhyetya — after reaching there; go-vatsaiḥ — along with the calves; dadṛśuḥ — saw; sutān — their respective sons.



Os vaqueiros, tendo sido incapazes de impedir que as vacas se di­rigissem a seus bezerros, sentiram-se simultaneamente envergonhados e irados. Eles atravessaram a áspera estrada com muita dificuldade, mas, quando desceram e viram seus próprios filhos, ficaram do­minados por grande afeição.

The cowherd men, having been unable to check the cows from going to their calves, felt simultaneously ashamed and angry. They crossed the rough road with great difficulty, but when they came down and saw their own sons, they were overwhelmed by great affection.



SIGNIFICADO—Em todos, aumentava a afeição por Kṛṣṇa. Quando os vaqueiros que desciam da colina viram seus próprios filhos, que eram exata­mente Kṛṣṇa, a afeição deles aumentou.

Everyone was increasing in affection for Kṛṣṇa. When the cowherd men coming down from the hill saw their own sons, who were no one else than Kṛṣṇa, their affection increased.