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pṛthaktvena tu yaj jñānaṁ
nānā-bhāvān pṛthag-vidhān
vetti sarveṣu bhūteṣu
taj jñānaṁ viddhi rājasam
pṛthaktvena tu yaj jñānaṁ
nānā-bhāvān pṛthag-vidhān
vetti sarveṣu bhūteṣu
taj jñānaṁ viddhi rājasam



pṛthaktvena – zaradi ločenosti; tu – toda; yat – katero; jñānam – znanje; nānā-bhāvān – mnogovrstne narave; pṛthak-vidhān – različne; vetti – pozna; sarveṣu – v vseh; bhūteṣu – živih bitjih; tat – to; jñānam – znanje; viddhi – vedi; rājasam – v strasti.

pṛthaktvena — because of division; tu — but; yat — which; jñānam — knowledge; nānā-bhāvān — multifarious situations; pṛthak-vidhān — different; vetti — knows; sarveṣu — in all; bhūteṣu — living entities; tat — that; jñānam — knowledge; viddhi — must be known; rājasam — in terms of passion.



Če človek vidi v vsakem telesu drugačno živo bitje, vedi, da je njegovo znanje v guṇi strasti.

That knowledge by which one sees that in every different body there is a different type of living entity you should understand to be in the mode of passion.



Pojmovanje, da se živo bitje ne razlikuje od materialnega telesa in da je ob smrti telesa uničena tudi zavest, je v guṇi strasti. Ljudje s takim znanjem menijo, da se telesa razlikujejo drugo od drugega, ker so razvila različne vrste zavesti, in ne priznavajo ločenega obstoja duše, ki je izvor zavesti. Dušo enačijo s samim telesom in pravijo, da ne obstaja ločeno od njega. Nekateri od njih so prepričani, da je zavest začasna. Drugi zanikajo obstoj individualnih duš in govorijo o vsepričujoči duši, polni znanja, materialna telesa pa imajo za začasne pojavne oblike nevednosti. Nekateri pa menijo, da v telesu ni niti individualne niti vrhovne duše. Vsa taka prepričanja so rezultat guṇe strasti.

The concept that the material body is the living entity and that with the destruction of the body the consciousness is also destroyed is called knowledge in the mode of passion. According to that knowledge, bodies differ from one another because of the development of different types of consciousness, otherwise there is no separate soul which manifests consciousness. The body is itself the soul, and there is no separate soul beyond the body. According to such knowledge, consciousness is temporary. Or else there are no individual souls, but there is an all-pervading soul, which is full of knowledge, and this body is a manifestation of temporary ignorance. Or beyond this body there is no special individual or supreme soul. All such conceptions are considered products of the mode of passion.