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VERZ 8-9




naiva kiñcit karomīti
yukto manyeta tattva-vit
paśyañ śṛṇvan spṛśañ jighrann
aśnan gacchan svapañ śvasan
naiva kiñcit karomīti
yukto manyeta tattva-vit
paśyañ śṛṇvan spṛśañ jighrann
aśnan gacchan svapañ śvasan
pralapan visṛjan gṛhṇann
unmiṣan nimiṣann api
vartanta iti dhārayan
pralapan visṛjan gṛhṇann
unmiṣan nimiṣann api
vartanta iti dhārayan



na – nikoli; eva – vsekakor; kiñcit – kar koli; karomi – počnem; iti – tako; yuktaḥ – kdor deluje z božansko zavestjo; manyeta – misli; tattva-vit – kdor pozna resnico; paśyan – gledajoč; śṛṇvan – poslušajoč; spṛśan – tipajoč; jighran – vonjajoč; aśnan – jedoč; gacchan – hodeč; svapan – sanjajoč; śvasan – dihajoč; pralapan – govoreč; visṛjan – izločajoč; gṛhṇan – sprejemajoč; unmiṣan – odpirajoč; nimiṣan – zapirajoč; api – čeprav; indriyāṇi – čuti; indriya-artheṣu – v zadovoljevanju čutov; vartante – naj tako delujejo; iti – tako; dhārayan – misleč.

na — never; eva — certainly; kiñcit — anything; karomi — I do; iti — thus; yuktaḥ — engaged in the divine consciousness; manyeta — thinks; tattva-vit — one who knows the truth; paśyan — seeing; śṛṇvan — hearing; spṛśan — touching; jighran — smelling; aśnan — eating; gacchan — going; svapan — dreaming; śvasan — breathing; pralapan — talking; visṛjan — giving up; gṛhṇan — accepting; unmiṣan — opening; nimiṣan — closing; api — in spite of; indriyāṇi — the senses; indriya-artheṣu — in sense gratification; vartante — let them be so engaged; iti — thus; dhārayan — considering.



Čeprav človek z božansko zavestjo gleda, posluša, tipa, vonja, jé, se premika, spi in diha, zmeraj ve, da pravzaprav ne dela ničesar. Medtem ko govori, izloča, sprejema ter odpira in zapira oči, se namreč ves čas zaveda, da gre pri tem le za stik materialnih čutov s predmeti čutne zaznave in da sam v to ni vpleten.

A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. Because while speaking, evacuating, receiving, or opening or closing his eyes, he always knows that only the material senses are engaged with their objects and that he is aloof from them.



Ker Kṛṣṇe zavesten človek s transcendentalno ljubeznijo služi Kṛṣṇi, je zmeraj čist, zato nima nič opraviti z delovanjem, odvisnim od petih neposrednih in posrednih vzrokov: vršilca, dela, okoliščin, vloženega truda in usode. Čeprav navidez deluje s telesom in čuti, se zmeraj zaveda svojega pravega položaja, v katerem je njegovo delovanje duhovno. Človek z materialno zavestjo zaposli čute s čutnim uživanjem, kdor je zavesten Kṛṣṇe, pa jih uporabi za zadovoljevanje Kṛṣṇovih čutov. Zato je zmeraj svoboden, čeprav so njegova dejanja navidez čutna. Gledanje, poslušanje in podobno so dejavnosti čutov za pridobivanje znanja, premikanje, govorjenje, izločanje itd. pa so dejavnosti čutov za delovanje. Na človeka, zavestnega Kṛṣṇe, dejavnosti čutov nimajo vpliva. Vsa njegova dejanja so namenjena služenju Gospodu, saj ve, da je Gospodov večni služabnik.

A person in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is pure in his existence, and consequently he has nothing to do with any work which depends upon five immediate and remote causes: the doer, the work, the situation, the endeavor and fortune. This is because he is engaged in the loving transcendental service of Kṛṣṇa. Although he appears to be acting with his body and senses, he is always conscious of his actual position, which is spiritual engagement. In material consciousness, the senses are engaged in sense gratification, but in Kṛṣṇa consciousness the senses are engaged in the satisfaction of Kṛṣṇa’s senses. Therefore, the Kṛṣṇa conscious person is always free, even though he appears to be engaged in affairs of the senses. Activities such as seeing and hearing are actions of the senses meant for receiving knowledge, whereas moving, speaking, evacuating, etc., are actions of the senses meant for work. A Kṛṣṇa conscious person is never affected by the actions of the senses. He cannot perform any act except in the service of the Lord because he knows that he is the eternal servitor of the Lord.