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Duryodhana Humilhado

Duryodhana Humiliated

Este capítulo descreve a gloriosa conclusão do sacrifício Rājasūya e a humilhação que o príncipe Duryodhana passou no palácio do rei Yudhiṣṭhira.

This chapter describes the glorious conclusion of the Rājasūya sacrifice, and how Prince Duryodhana was humiliated in King Yudhiṣṭhira’s palace.

Por ocasião do sacrifício Rājasūya do rei Yudhiṣṭhira, muitos de seus parentes e benquerentes se esforçaram em agradar-lhe com a prestação de serviços necessários. Quando o sacrifício terminou, o rei adornou os sacerdotes, os membros ilustres da assembleia e seus próprios parentes com pasta aromática de sândalo, guirlandas de flores e roupas finas. Então, foram todos para as margens do Ganges realizar o banho ritualístico que marca o fim do período de iniciação do patrocinador do sacrifício. Antes do banho final, houve muito di­vertimento no rio entre os homens e mulheres participantes. Borrifadas com água aromática e outros líquidos, Draupadī e as outras damas pareciam muito belas, com seus rostos brilhantes a realçar­-lhes o riso tímido.

At the time of Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira’s Rājasūya sacrifice, many of his relatives and well-wishers endeavored to please him by performing necessary services. When the sacrifice was complete, the King adorned the priests, the exalted members of the assembly and his own relatives with fragrant sandalwood paste, flower garlands and fine clothing. Then they all went to the banks of the Ganges to perform the ritual bathing that marks the end of the sponsor’s period of initiation for the sacrifice. Before the final bathing, there was much sporting in the river among the male and female participants. Sprinkled with aromatic water and other liquids, Draupadī and the other ladies appeared most beautiful, their faces shining with bashful laughter.

Depois que os sacerdotes tinham executado os rituais finais, o rei e sua rainha, Śrīmatī Draupadī, banharam-se no Ganges. Em segui­da, todos os presentes que pertenciam às ordens do varṇāśrama se banharam. Yudhiṣṭhira vestiu roupas novas e adorou os brāhmaṇas eruditos, sua família, amigos e benquerentes conforme convinha a cada um, e ofereceu a todos eles vários presentes. Os hóspedes, então, partiram para suas casas. O rei Yudhiṣṭhira, no entanto, estava tão ansioso por causa da iminente separação daqueles que lhe eram queridos que obrigou muitos dos parentes e amigos mais próximos, inclusive o Senhor Kṛṣṇa, a ficarem em Indraprastha mais algum tempo.

After the priests had executed the final rituals, the King and his queen, Śrīmatī Draupadī, bathed in the Ganges. Then all those present who belonged to the orders of varṇāśrama bathed. Yudhiṣṭhira put on new clothes and worshiped the learned brāhmaṇas, his family, friends and well-wishers, each in the particular manner suitable for them, and offered them all various gifts. The guests then departed for their homes. But King Yudhiṣṭhira was so anxious about his imminent separation from those who were dear to him that he compelled several of his relatives and closest friends, including Lord Kṛṣṇa, to remain in Indraprastha a bit longer.

O palácio real do rei Yudhiṣṭhira fora construído por Maya Dānava, que o dotara de muitas características e opulências maravilhosas. O rei Duryodhana ardeu de inveja quando viu essas riquezas. Certo dia, Yudhiṣṭhira estava sentado com o Senhor Kṛṣṇa em seu salão de assembleias real. Auxiliado por seus subordinados e familiares, ele ma­nifestava magnificência igual à do senhor Indra. Naquele momento, Duryodhana, mal-humorado, entrou no salão. Enganado pela habi­lidade mística de Maya Dānava, Duryodhana confundiu uma parte do assoalho com água e, por isso, levantou sua roupa, ao passo que, em outro lugar, caiu na água, pensando que era o piso sólido. Ao verem isso, Bhīmasena, as mulheres da corte e os príncipes presentes começaram a rir. Embora Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira tentasse impedi-los de rir, o Senhor Kṛṣṇa incentivou o riso deles. Em completo embaraço, Du­ryodhana saiu furioso do salão de assembleias e partiu imediatamente para Hastināpura.

King Yudhiṣṭhira’s royal palace had been constructed by Maya Dānava, who had endowed it with many wonderful features and opulences. King Duryodhana burned with envy when he saw these riches. One day, Yudhiṣṭhira was seated with Lord Kṛṣṇa in his royal assembly hall. Attended by his subordinates and family members, he was manifesting magnificence equal to that of Lord Indra. At that time Duryodhana entered the hall in a fitful mood. Bewildered by the mystic craft of Maya Dānava, Duryodhana mistook parts of the solid floor for water and thus lifted his garment, while in one place he fell into the water, mistaking it for the solid floor. When Bhīmasena, the ladies of the court and the royal princes present saw this, they began to laugh. Although Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira tried to stop them, Lord Kṛṣṇa encouraged their laughter. Thoroughly embarrassed, Duryodhana left the assembly hall in a fury and immediately departed for Hastināpura.

Mahārāja Parīkṣit disse: Ó brāhmaṇa, segundo o que ouvi de ti, todos os reis, sábios e semideuses reunidos se deleitaram ao ver as maravilhosas festividades do sacrifício Rājasūya do rei Ajātaśatru, sendo Duryodhana a única excessão. Por favor, conta­-me o motivo disso, meu senhor.
Texts 1-2:
Mahārāja Parīkṣit said: O brāhmaṇa, according to what I have heard from you, all the assembled kings, sages and demigods were delighted to see the wonderful festivities of King Ajātaśatru’s Rājasūya sacrifice, with the sole exception of Duryodhana. Please tell me why this was so, my lord.
Śrī Bādarāyaṇi disse: No sacrifício Rājasūya de teu santo avô, os membros da família deste, atados por seu amor a ele, ocupa­ram-se em ajudá-lo prestando diversos serviços humildes.
Text 3:
Śrī Bādarāyaṇi said: At the Rājasūya sacrifice of your saintly grandfather, his family members, bound by their love for him, engaged themselves in humble services on his behalf.
Bhīma supervisionou a cozinha, Duryodhana encarregou-se da tesouraria, enquanto Sahadeva recebeu respeitosamente os hós­pedes que chegavam. Nakula providenciou os objetos necessá­rios, Arjuna atendeu os respeitáveis anciãos, e Kṛṣṇa lavou os pés de todos, enquanto Draupadī serviu a comida, e o generoso Karṇa distribuiu os presentes. Muitos outros, tais como Yuyu­dhāna, Vikarṇa, Hārdikya, Vidura, Bhūriśravā e outros filhos de Bāhlīka, e Santardana, também se ofereceram para realizar várias tarefas durante o primoroso sacrifício. Eles fizeram isso por causa de sua avidez por agradar Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, ó melhor dos reis.
Texts 4-7:
Bhīma supervised the kitchen, Duryodhana looked after the treasury, while Sahadeva respectfully greeted the arriving guests. Nakula procured needed items, Arjuna attended the respectable elders, and Kṛṣṇa washed everyone’s feet, while Draupadī served food, and generous Karṇa gave out the gifts. Many others, such as Yuyudhāna; Vikarṇa, Hārdikya; Vidura; Bhūriśravā and other sons of Bāhlīka; and Santardana, similarly volunteered for various duties during the elaborate sacrifice. They did so because of their eagerness to please Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, O best of kings.
Depois que os sacerdotes, os ilustres delegados, os eruditíssi­mos santos e os mais íntimos benquerentes do rei haviam todos recebido as devidas honras sob a forma de palavras agradáveis, oferendas auspiciosas e vários presentes como remuneração, e depois que o rei de Cedi imergira nos pés de lótus do Senhor dos Sātvatas, realizou-se, então, o banho avabhṛtha no divino rio Ya­munā.
Text 8:
After the priests, the prominent delegates, the greatly learned saints and the King’s most intimate well-wishers had all been properly honored with pleasing words, auspicious offerings and various gifts as remuneration, and after the King of Cedi had entered the lotus feet of the Lord of the Sātvatas, the avabhṛtha bath was performed in the divine river Yamunā.
Durante a celebração do avabhṛtha, ressoou a música de muitas espécies de instrumentos, tais como mṛdaṅgas, búzios, paṇavas, dhundhuris, timbales e chifres gomukhas.
Text 9:
During the avabhṛtha celebration, the music of many kinds of instruments resounded, including mṛdaṅgas, conchshells, panavas, dhundhuris, kettledrums and gomukha horns.
Dançarinas bailavam em grande júbilo, e coros cantavam, en­quanto as altas vibrações de vīṇās, flautas e címbalos de mão che­gavam até as regiões celestes.
Text 10:
Female dancers danced with great joy, and choruses sang, while the loud vibrations of vīnās, flutes and hand cymbals reached all the way to the heavenly regions.
Todos os reis, usando colares de ouro, partiram, então, para o Yamunā. Eles levavam bandeiras e flâmulas de várias cores e estavam acompanhados de soldados de infantaria e soldados bem enfeitados sobre elefantes majestosos, quadrigas e ca­valos.
Text 11:
All the kings, wearing gold necklaces, then set off for the Yamunā. They had flags and banners of various colors and were accompanied by infantrymen and well-adorned soldiers riding lordly elephants, chariots and horses.
Os exércitos reunidos dos Yadus, Sṛñjayas, Kāmbojas, Kurus, Kekayas e Kośalas faziam tremer a terra enquanto seguiam em procissão Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja, o realizador do sacrifício.
Text 12:
The massed armies of the Yadus, Sṛñjayas, Kāmbojas, Kurus, Kekayas and Kośalas made the earth tremble as they followed Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja, the performer of the sacrifice, in procession.
Os dirigentes da assembleia, os sacerdotes e outros excelentes brāhmaṇas vibravam com retumbância os mantras védicos, enquanto os semideuses, sábios divinos, Pitās e Gandharvas cantavam louvores e lançavam chuvas de flores.
Text 13:
The assembly officials, the priests and other excellent brāhmaṇas resoundingly vibrated Vedic mantras, while the demigods, divine sages, Pitās and Gandharvas sang praises and rained down flowers.
Homens e mulheres, todos enfeitados com pasta de sândalo, guirlandas de flores, joias e roupas finas, divertiam-se untando e borrifando uns aos outros com vários líquidos.
Text 14:
Men and women, all adorned with sandalwood paste, flower garlands, jewelry and fine clothing, sported by smearing and sprinkling one another with various liquids.
Os homens lambuzavam as cortesãs com grande quantidade de óleo, iogurte, água perfumada, cúrcuma e vermelhão em pó, e as cortesãs brincavam de lambuzar os homens com as mesmas substâncias.
Text 15:
The men smeared the courtesans with plentiful oil, yogurt, perfumed water, turmeric and kuṅkuma powder, and the courtesans playfully smeared the men with the same substances.
Rodeadas por guardas, as rainhas do rei Yudhiṣṭhira saíram em suas quadrigas para ver a diversão, assim como as esposas dos semideuses aparecem no céu em aeroplanos celestiais. Con­forme os primos maternos e amigos íntimos borrifavam líquidos nas rainhas, os rostos das damas desabrochavam em tímidos sor­risos, realçando-lhes a esplêndida beleza.
Text 16:
Surrounded by guards, King Yudhiṣṭhira’s queens came out on their chariots to see the fun, just as the demigods’ wives appeared in the sky in celestial airplanes. As maternal cousins and intimate friends sprinkled the queens with liquids, the ladies’ faces bloomed with shy smiles, enhancing the queens’ splendid beauty.
Enquanto as rainhas, com bisnagas na mão, esguichavam água em seus cunhados e outros companheiros, as roupas delas se enchar­caram, revelando seus braços, seios, coxas e cinturas. Em sua agitação, as flores caíram de suas tranças soltas. Com esses en­cantadores passatempos, elas inquietavam os homens de consciência contaminada.
Text 17:
As the queens squirted water from syringes at their brothers-in-law and other male companions, their own garments became drenched, revealing their arms, breasts, thighs and waists. In their excitement, the flowers fell from their loosened braids. By these charming pastimes they agitated those with contaminated consciousness.
O imperador, montado em sua quadriga que era puxada por excelentes cavalos enfeitados com arreios de ouro, parecia esplêndido em companhia de suas esposas, assim como o brilhan­te sacrifício Rājasūya rodeado por seus vários rituais.
Text 18:
The emperor, mounted upon his chariot drawn by excellent horses wearing golden collars, appeared splendid in the company of his wives, just like the brilliant Rājasūya sacrifice surrounded by its various rituals.
Os sacerdotes orientaram o rei através da execução dos rituais finais chamados patnī-saṁyāja e avabhṛthya. Então, solicitaram que ele e a rainha Draupadī sorvessem água para se purificar e se banhassem no Ganges.
Text 19:
The priests led the King through the execution of the final rituals of patnī-saṁyāja and avabhṛthya. Then they had him and Queen Draupadī sip water for purification and bathe in the Ganges.
Os timbales dos deuses ressoavam, juntamente com os dos homens. Ao mesmo tempo, semideuses, sábios, antepassados e seres hu­manos lançavam chuvas de flores.
Text 20:
The kettledrums of the gods resounded, along with those of human beings. Demigods, sages, forefathers and humans all poured down showers of flowers.
Todos os cidadãos incluídos nas várias ordens de varṇa e āśra­ma banharam-se, então, naquele lugar, onde até mesmo o mais cruel pecador pode libertar-se de imediato de todas as reações pecaminosas.
Text 21:
All the citizens belonging to the various orders of varṇa and āśrama then bathed in that place, where even the most grievous sinner can immediately be freed from all sinful reactions.
Em seguida, o rei vestiu roupas de seda novas e adornou-se com requintadas joias. Então, honrou os sacerdotes, dirigentes da as­sembleia, brāhmaṇas eruditos e outros hóspedes presenteando-os com ornamentos e roupas.
Text 22:
Next the King put on new silken garments and adorned himself with fine jewelry. He then honored the priests, assembly officials, learned brāhmaṇas and other guests by presenting them with ornaments and clothing.
De várias maneiras, o rei Yudhiṣṭhira, que dedicara sua vida por completo ao Senhor Nārāyaṇa, honrou continuamente seus parentes, família imediata, outros reis, amigos e benquerentes, bem como todos os presentes na cerimônia.
Text 23:
In various ways King Yudhiṣṭhira, who had totally dedicated his life to Lord Nārāyaṇa, continuously honored his relatives, his immediate family, the other kings, his friends and well-wishers, and all others present as well.
Adornados com brincos de pedras preciosas, guirlandas de flores, turbantes, coletes, dhotīs de seda e valiosos colares de pé­rolas, todos os homens ali brilhavam como semideuses. Os gra­ciosos rostos das mulheres eram embelezados por seus formosos brincos e cachos de cabelo, e todas elas usavam cinturões de ouro.
Text 24:
All the men there shone like demigods. They were adorned with jeweled earrings, flower garlands, turbans, waistcoats, silk dhotīs and valuable pearl necklaces. The lovely faces of the women were beautified by their matched earrings and locks of hair, and they all wore golden belts.
VERSOS 25-26:
Então, os cultíssimos sacerdotes, as eminentes autoridades védi­cas que haviam servido como testemunhas do sacrifício, os reis es­pecialmente convidados, os brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, śūdras, semideuses, sábios, antepassados e espíritos místicos, e os princi­pais governantes planetários e seus seguidores – todos eles, tendo sido adorados pelo rei Yudhiṣṭhira, receberam permissão e par­tiram, ó rei, cada qual para a sua própria morada.
Texts 25-26:
Then the highly cultured priests, the great Vedic authorities who had served as sacrificial witnesses, the specially invited kings, the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, śūdras, demigods, sages, forefathers and mystic spirits, and the chief planetary rulers and their followers — all of them, having been worshiped by King Yudhiṣṭhira, took his permission and departed, O King, each for his own abode.
Enquanto todos glorificavam o admirável Rājasūya-yajña exe­cutado por aquele notável rei santo e servo do Senhor Hari, eles não se saciavam, assim como um homem comum jamais se sacia de beber néctar.
Text 27:
As they all glorified the wonderful Rājasūya-yajña performed by that great saintly King and servant of Lord Hari, they were not satiated, just as an ordinary man is never satiated when drinking nectar.
Naquela ocasião, Rājā Yudhiṣṭhira impediu que vários de seus amigos, parentes próximos e familiares distantes, dentre os quais o Senhor Kṛṣṇa, partissem. Por amor, Yudhiṣṭhira não podia deixá-los partir, pois sentia a dor da separação iminente.
Text 28:
At that time Rājā Yudhiṣṭhira stopped a number of his friends, immediate family members and other relatives from departing, among them Lord Kṛṣṇa. Out of love Yudhiṣṭhira could not let them go, for he felt the pain of imminent separation.
Meu querido Parīkṣit, depois de ter enviado Sāmba e os outros heróis Yadus de volta para Dvārakā, o Senhor Supremo perma­neceu lá por algum tempo para agradar ao rei.
Text 29:
My dear Parīkṣit, the Supreme Lord remained there for some time to please the King, after first sending Sāmba and the other Yadu heroes back to Dvārakā.
Dessa maneira, o rei Yudhiṣṭhira, o filho de Dharma, tendo pela graça do Senhor Kṛṣṇa atravessado com sucesso o vasto e formidável oceano de seus desejos, mitigou enfim sua ardente ambição.
Text 30:
Thus King Yudhiṣṭhira, the son of Dharma, was at last relieved of his burning ambition, having by the grace of Lord Kṛṣṇa successfully crossed the vast and formidable ocean of his desires.
Certo dia, Duryodhana, enquanto observava a opulência do palácio do rei Yudhiṣṭhira, sentiu-se muito incomodado com a magnificência tanto do sacrifício Rājasūya quanto de seu exe­cutor, o rei, cuja vida e alma era o Senhor Acyuta.
Text 31:
One day Duryodhana, while observing the riches of King Yudhiṣṭhira’s palace, felt greatly disturbed by the magnificence of both the Rājasūya sacrifice and its performer, the King, whose life and soul was Lord Acyuta.
Naquele palácio, todas as opulências reunidas dos reis dos homens, demônios e deuses manifestavam-se com esplendor, pois foi Maya Dānava, o inventor cósmico, que as levou para lá. Com aquelas riquezas, Draupadī servia a seus maridos, e Duryodhana, o príncipe dos Kurus, lamentava-se porque sentia muita atração por ela.
Text 32:
In that palace all the collected opulences of the kings of men, demons and gods were brilliantly manifest, having been brought there by the cosmic inventor, Maya Dānava. With those riches Draupadī served her husbands, and Duryodhana, the prince of the Kurus, lamented because he was very much attracted to her.
As milhares de rainhas do Senhor Madhupati também perma­neciam no palácio. Seus pés se moviam devagar, devido ao peso de seus quadris, e os guizos de seus tornozelos tilintavam encan­tadoramente. A cintura delas era muito fina, o kuṅkuma de seus seios avermelhava seus colares de pérolas, e seus balançantes brincos e graciosos cachos de cabelo realçavam a beleza primo­rosa de seus rostos.
Text 33:
Lord Madhupati’s thousands of queens were also staying in the palace. Their feet moved slowly, weighed down by their hips, and the bells on their feet tinkled charmingly. Their waists were very slender, the kuṅkuma from their breasts reddened their pearl necklaces, and their swaying earrings and flowing locks of hair enhanced the exquisite beauty of their faces.
VERSOS 34-35:
Certo dia, o imperador Yudhiṣṭhira, o filho de Dharma, esta­va sentado exatamente como Indra em um trono de ouro no salão de assembleias construído por Maya Dānava. Presentes com ele, estavam seus auxiliares e membros da família, e também o Senhor Kṛṣṇa, seu olho especial. Enquanto exibia as opulências do próprio Brahmā, o rei Yudhiṣṭhira era louvado pelos poetas da corte.
Texts 34-35:
It so happened that Emperor Yudhiṣṭhira, the son of Dharma, was sitting just like Indra on a golden throne in the assembly hall built by Maya Dānava. Present with him were his attendants and family members, and also Lord Kṛṣṇa, his special eye. Displaying the opulences of Brahma himself, King Yudhiṣṭhira was being praised by the court poets.
O orgulhoso Duryodhana, com uma espada em punho e usan­do coroa e colar, entrou irado no palácio em companhia de seus irmãos, ó rei, e insultou os porteiros enquanto passava.
Text 36:
Proud Duryodhana, holding a sword in his hand and wearing a crown and necklace, angrily went into the palace in the company of his brothers, O King, insulting the doorkeepers as he entered.
Desorientado pelas ilusões criadas através da mágica de Maya Dānava, Duryodhana confundiu o chão firme com água e, em razão disso, ergueu a ponta de sua roupa. Em outro lugar, caiu na água, pensando que se tratava de piso sólido.
Text 37:
Bewildered by the illusions created through Maya Dānava’s magic, Duryodhana mistook the solid floor for water and lifted the end of his garment. And elsewhere he fell into the water, mistaking it for the solid floor.
Meu querido Parīkṣit, Bhīma riu ao ver isso, e o mesmo o fi­zeram as mulheres, os reis e outras pessoas presentes. O rei Yudhiṣṭhira tentou impedi-los, mas o Senhor Kṛṣṇa mostrou Sua aprovação.
Text 38:
My dear Parīkṣit, Bhīma laughed to see this, and so did the women, kings and others. King Yudhiṣṭhira tried to stop them, but Lord Kṛṣṇa showed His approval.
Humilhado e ardendo de ira, Duryodhana baixou a cabeça, saiu sem dizer uma palavra e regressou a Hastināpura. As pessoas santas presentes clamaram: “Ai, ai!”, e o rei Yudhiṣṭhira ficou um pouco triste. Mas o Senhor Supremo, cujo mero olhar con­fundira Duryodhana, permaneceu em silêncio, pois Sua intenção era remover o fardo da Terra.
Text 39:
Humiliated and burning with anger, Duryodhana turned his face down, left without uttering a word and went back to Hastināpura. The saintly persons present loudly cried out, “Alas, alas!” and King Yudhiṣṭhira was somewhat saddened. But the Supreme Lord, whose mere glance had bewildered Duryodhana, remained silent, for His intention was to remove the burden of the earth.
Agora respondi a tua pergunta, ó rei, sobre a razão pela qual Duryodhana ficou descontente por ocasião do formidável sacrifí­cio Rājasūya.
Text 40:
I have now replied to your question, O King, concerning why Duryodhana was dissatisfied on the occasion of the great Rājasūya sacrifice.