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सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत ।
श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषो यो यच्छ्रद्ध: स एव स: ॥ ३ ॥



sattvānurūpā sarvasya
śraddhā bhavati bhārata
śraddhā-mayo ’yaṁ puruṣo
yo yac-chraddhaḥ sa eva saḥ
sattvānurūpā sarvasya
śraddhā bhavati bhārata
śraddhā-mayo ’yaṁ puruṣo
yo yac-chraddhaḥ sa eva saḥ



sattva-anurūpā — according to the existence; sarvasya — of everyone; śraddhā — faith; bhavati — becomes; bhārata — O son of Bharata; śraddhā — faith; mayaḥ — full of; ayam — this; puruṣaḥ — living entity; yaḥ — who; yat — having which; śraddhaḥ — faith; saḥ — thus; eva — certainly; saḥ — he.

sattva-anurūpā – prema postojanju; sarvasya – svačija; śraddhā – vjera; bhavati – postaje; bhārata – o Bharatin sine; śraddhā – vjere; mayaḥ – mnogo; ayam – to; puruṣaḥ – živo biće; yaḥ – koje; yat – s tom; śraddhaḥ – vjerom; saḥ – tako; eva – zacijelo; saḥ – ono.



O son of Bharata, according to one’s existence under the various modes of nature, one evolves a particular kind of faith. The living being is said to be of a particular faith according to the modes he has acquired.

O Bharatin sine, ovisno o svom postojanju pod utjecajem različitih guṇa prirode živo biće razvija određenu vrstu vjere. Smatra se da ima određenu vjeru prema guṇama koje je steklo.



Everyone has a particular type of faith, regardless of what he is. But his faith is considered good, passionate or ignorant according to the nature he has acquired. Thus, according to his particular type of faith, one associates with certain persons. Now the real fact is that every living being, as is stated in the Fifteenth Chapter, is originally a fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Therefore one is originally transcendental to all the modes of material nature. But when one forgets his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and comes into contact with the material nature in conditional life, he generates his own position by association with the different varieties of material nature. The resultant artificial faith and existence are only material. Although one may be conducted by some impression, or some conception of life, originally he is nirguṇa, or transcendental. Therefore one has to become cleansed of the material contamination that he has acquired, in order to regain his relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is the only path back without fear: Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If one is situated in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then that path is guaranteed for his elevation to the perfectional stage. If one does not take to this path of self-realization, then he is surely to be conducted by the influence of the modes of nature.

SMISAO: Svatko ima određenu vrstu vjere bez obzira na svoj položaj, ali prema naravi koju je stekao smatra se da je njegova vjera u vrlini, strasti ili neznanju. Tako se, u skladu sa svojom vrstom vjere, druži s određenim osobama. Ustvari, kao što je bilo rečeno u petnaestom poglavlju, svako je živo biće, izvorno, djelić Svevišnjeg Gospodina. Zato je izvorno transcendentalno prema svim guṇama materijalne prirode, ali kad zaboravi svoj odnos sa Svevišnjom Božanskom Osobom i dođe u dodir s materijalnom prirodom u uvjetovanu životu, stvara vlastiti položaj, družeći se s raznolikostima materijalne prirode. Umjetna vjera i postojanje, uzrokovani takvim druženjem, materijalne su prirode. Premda živo biće može biti vođeno nekim dojmom ili životnim shvaćanjem, izvorno je nirguṇa, transcendentalno. Zbog toga se mora pročistiti od materijalnih nečistoća koje je steklo kako bi ponovno uspostavilo svoj odnos sa Svevišnjim Gospodinom. Jedini put povratka bez straha jest svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Ako se utemelji u svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe, osiguran mu je put uzdizanja do savršene razine. Ako ne prihvati ovaj put samospoznaje, sigurno će djelovati pod utjecajem guṇa prirode.

The word śraddhā, or “faith,” is very significant in this verse. Śraddhā, or faith, originally comes out of the mode of goodness. One’s faith may be in a demigod or some created God or some mental concoction. One’s strong faith is supposed to be productive of works of material goodness. But in material conditional life, no works are completely purified. They are mixed. They are not in pure goodness. Pure goodness is transcendental; in purified goodness one can understand the real nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As long as one’s faith is not completely in purified goodness, the faith is subject to contamination by any of the modes of material nature. The contaminated modes of material nature expand to the heart. Therefore according to the position of the heart in contact with a particular mode of material nature, one’s faith is established. It should be understood that if one’s heart is in the mode of goodness his faith is also in the mode of goodness. If his heart is in the mode of passion, his faith is also in the mode of passion. And if his heart is in the mode of darkness, illusion, his faith is also thus contaminated. Thus we find different types of faith in this world, and there are different types of religions due to different types of faith. The real principle of religious faith is situated in the mode of pure goodness, but because the heart is tainted we find different types of religious principles. Thus according to different types of faith, there are different kinds of worship.

U ovom je stihu vrlo značajna riječ śraddhā, tj. vjera. Śraddhā, vjera, izvorno nastaje iz guṇe vrline. Netko može vjerovati u poluboga ili izmišljenog Boga, ili u neku maštariju. Čvrsta se vjera smatra rezultatom djelovanja materijalne vrline, ali u materijalno uvjetovanom životu nijedno djelo nije potpuno pročišćeno. Pomiješano je. Nije u čistoj vrlini. Čista je vrlina transcendentalna. U pročišćenoj vrlini možemo shvatiti pravu prirodu Svevišnje Božanske Osobe. Sve dok vjera nije potpuno utemeljena u pročišćenoj vrlini, podložna je nečistoćama guṇa materijalne prirode. Nečiste guṇe materijalne prirode dopiru do srca. Tako se vjera stvara prema stanju srca u dodiru s određenom guṇom materijalne prirode. Ako je nečije srce u guṇi vrline, trebamo shvatiti da je i njegova vjera u guṇi vrline. Ako je srce u guṇi strasti, i vjera je u guṇi strasti. Ako je srce u guṇi tame, iluzije, i vjera je tako nečista. U ovom svijetu postoje različite vrste vjere i zbog različitih vjera različite religije. Pravo je načelo pobožne vjere u guṇi čiste vrline, ali budući da srce nije čisto, postoje razne vrste religijskih načela. Tako, prema raznim vrstama vjere, postoje razne vrste obožavanja.