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Text 14




तयाभिहितमाकर्ण्य कंस: परमविस्मित: ।
देवकीं वसुदेवं च विमुच्य प्रश्रितोऽब्रवीत् ॥ १४ ॥



tayābhihitam ākarṇya
kaṁsaḥ parama-vismitaḥ
devakīṁ vasudevaṁ ca
vimucya praśrito ’bravīt
tayābhihitam ākarṇya
kaṁsaḥ parama-vismitaḥ
devakīṁ vasudevaṁ ca
vimucya praśrito ’bravīt



tayā — by the goddess Durgā; abhihitam — the words spoken; ākarṇya — by hearing; kaṁsaḥ — Kaṁsa; parama-vismitaḥ — was struck with wonder; devakīm — unto Devakī; vasudevam ca — and Vasudeva; vimucya — releasing immediately; praśritaḥ — with great humility; abravīt — spoke as follows.

tayā — pela deusa Durgā; abhihitam — as palavras faladas; ākarṇya — ouvindo; kaṁsaḥ — Kaṁsa; parama-vismitaḥ — ficou espantado; deva­kīm — a Devakī; vasudevam ca — e Vasudeva; vimucya — libertando imediatamente; praśritaḥ — com grande humildade; abravīt — falou o seguinte.



After hearing the words of the goddess Durgā, Kaṁsa was struck with wonder. Thus he approached his sister Devakī and brother-in-law Vasudeva, released them immediately from their shackles, and very humbly spoke as follows.

Após ouvir as palavras da deusa Durgā, Kaṁsa ficou espantado. Assim, aproximou-se de sua irmã Devakī e de seu cunhado Vasudeva, libertou-os imediatamente de suas algemas, e muito humildemente falou o seguinte.



Kaṁsa was astonished because the goddess Durgā had become the daughter of Devakī. Since Devakī was a human being, how could the goddess Durgā become her daughter? This was one cause of his astonishment. Also, how is it that the eighth child of Devakī was a female? This also astonished him. Asuras are generally devotees of mother Durgā, Śakti, or of demigods, especially Lord Śiva. The appearance of Durgā in her original eight-armed feature, holding various weapons, immediately changed Kaṁsa’s mind about Devakī’s being an ordinary human. Devakī must have had some transcendental qualities; otherwise why would the goddess Durgā have taken birth from her womb? Under the circumstances, Kaṁsa, struck with wonder, wanted to compensate for his atrocities against his sister Devakī.

SIGNIFICADO—Kaṁsa estava atônito com o fato de a deusa Durgā ter-se tornado filha de Devakī. Uma vez que Devakī era um ser humano, como a deusa Durgā poderia tornar-se sua filha? Esse era um dos motivos de seu espanto. E como é que o oitavo bebê de Devakī era uma me­nina? Isso também o deixou atônito. De um modo geral, os asuras são devotos da mãe Durgā, Śakti, ou dos semideuses, especialmente do senhor Śiva. O aparecimento de Durgā em seu aspecto original de oito braços, portando várias armas, imediatamente fez Kaṁsa re­considerar se Devakī era um ser humano comum. Devakī devia ter algumas qualidades transcendentais; caso contrário, por que a deusa Durgā nasceria de seu ventre? Nessas circunstâncias, Kaṁsa, atônito, queria reparar as atrocidades que cometera contra sua irmã Devakī.