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Text 32



putrāṇāṁ duhitṝṇāṁ ca
kāle vidhy-upayāpanam
dārair varais tat-sadṛśaiḥ
kalpayantaṁ vibhūtibhiḥ
putrāṇāṁ duhitṝṇāṁ ca
kāle vidhy-upayāpanam
dārair varais tat-sadṛśaiḥ
kalpayantaṁ vibhūtibhiḥ



putrāṇām — de filhos; duhitṝṇām — de filhas; ca — e; kāle — no momento oportuno; vidhi — segundo os princípios religiosos; upayāpanam — casando-os; dāraiḥ — com esposas; varaiḥ — e com maridos; tat — com eles; sadṛśaiḥ — compatíveis; kalpayantam — providencian­do isso; vibhūtibhiḥ — em termos de opulências.

putrāṇām — of sons; duhitṝṇām — of daughters; ca — and; kāle — at the suitable time; vidhi — according to religious principles; upayāpanam — getting them married; dāraiḥ — with wives; varaiḥ — and with husbands; tat — for them; sadṛśaiḥ — compatible; kalpayantam — so arranging; vibhūtibhiḥ — in terms of opulences.



Nārada viu o Senhor Kṛṣṇa ocupado em casar Seus filhos e filhas com noivas e noivos adequados e no momento apropria­do, e as cerimônias matrimoniais estavam sendo executadas com grande pompa.

Nārada saw Lord Kṛṣṇa engaged in getting His sons and daughters married to suitable brides and bridegrooms at the appropriate time, and the marriage ceremonies were being performed with great pomp.



SIGNIFICADO—Esta tradução baseia-se em Kṛṣṇa, de Śrīla Prabhupāda.

This translation is based on Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Kṛṣṇa.

Aqui, a palavra kāle significa que Kṛṣṇa providenciou o casamento de Seus filhos e filhas quando cada um deles chegou à idade apropriada.

The word kāle here means that Kṛṣṇa arranged for His sons and daughters to be married when each of them reached the proper age.