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चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जना: सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन ।
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ ॥ १६ ॥



catur-vidhā bhajante māṁ
janāḥ su-kṛtino ’rjuna
ārto jijñāsur arthārthī
jñānī ca bharatarṣabha
catur-vidhā bhajante māṁ
janāḥ su-kṛtino ’rjuna
ārto jijñāsur arthārthī
jñānī ca bharatarṣabha



catuḥ-vidhāḥ — four kinds of; bhajante — render services; mām — unto Me; janāḥ — persons; su-kṛtinaḥ — those who are pious; arjuna — O Arjuna; ārtaḥ — the distressed; jijñāsuḥ — the inquisitive; artha-arthī — one who desires material gain; jñānī — one who knows things as they are; ca — also; bharata-ṛṣabha — O great one amongst the descendants of Bharata.

catuḥ-vidhāḥ – četiri vrste; bhajante – služe; mām – Mene; janāḥ – osoba; su-kṛtinaḥ – pobožnih; arjuna – o Arjuna; ārtaḥ – nesretni; jijñāsuḥ – znatiželjni; artha-arthī – željni materijalnih dobrobiti; jñānī – koji poznaju pravu prirodu stvari; ca – također; bharata-ṛṣabha – o najbolji potomče Bharate.



O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me – the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.

O najbolji potomče Bharate, četiri vrste pobožnih ljudi – nesretni, željni bogatstva, znatiželjni i oni koji tragaju za znanjem o Apsolutu – počinju Me predano služiti.



Unlike the miscreants, these are adherents of the regulative principles of the scriptures, and they are called su-kṛtinaḥ, or those who obey the rules and regulations of scriptures, the moral and social laws, and are, more or less, devoted to the Supreme Lord. Out of these there are four classes of men – those who are sometimes distressed, those who are in need of money, those who are sometimes inquisitive, and those who are sometimes searching after knowledge of the Absolute Truth. These persons come to the Supreme Lord for devotional service under different conditions. These are not pure devotees, because they have some aspiration to fulfill in exchange for devotional service. Pure devotional service is without aspiration and without desire for material profit. The Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.1.11) defines pure devotion thus:

SMISAO: Za razliku od nitkova ove osobe slijede načela propisana u spisima. Nazivaju se sukṛtinaḥ, što znači da se pokoravaju propisima spisa i ćudorednih i društvenih zakona te su manje-više predani Svevišnjem Gospodinu. Njima pripadaju četiri vrste ljudi – oni koji su ponekad nesretni, oni kojima je potreban novac, oni koji su ponekad znatiželjni i oni koji ponekad tragaju za znanjem o Apsolutnoj Istini. Te osobe u raznim okolnostima prilaze Svevišnjem Gospodinu da bi Ga predano služile. Nisu čisti bhakte, jer u zamjenu za predano služenje žele ostvariti neku težnju. Čisto predano služenje oslobođeno je težnji i želja za materijalnim dobitkom. U Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhuu (1.1.11) nalazimo ovu definiciju čiste predanosti:

ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānu-
śīlanaṁ bhaktir uttamā
ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānu-
śīlanaṁ bhaktir uttamā

“One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service.”

„Osoba treba povoljno transcendentalno služiti Svevišnjega Gospodina Kṛṣṇu s ljubavlju i ne smije željeti da plodonosnim djelovanjem i filozofskom spekulacijom stekne materijalnu dobrobit. To se naziva čisto predano služenje."

When these four kinds of persons come to the Supreme Lord for devotional service and are completely purified by the association of a pure devotee, they also become pure devotees. As far as the miscreants are concerned, for them devotional service is very difficult because their lives are selfish, irregular and without spiritual goals. But even some of them, by chance, when they come in contact with a pure devotee, also become pure devotees.

Kad ove četiri vrste osoba priđu Svevišnjem Gospodinu kako bi Ga predano služile i potpuno se pročiste, družeći se s čistim bhaktom, postaju čisti bhakte. Što se tiče nitkova, za njih je predano služenje vrlo teško, jer vode sebičan, neuredan život, bez duhovnih ciljeva. Ali ako neki od njih dođu u dodir s čistim bhaktom, čak i oni postaju čisti bhakte.

Those who are always busy with fruitive activities come to the Lord in material distress and at that time associate with pure devotees and become, in their distress, devotees of the Lord. Those who are simply frustrated also come sometimes to associate with the pure devotees and become inquisitive to know about God. Similarly, when the dry philosophers are frustrated in every field of knowledge, they sometimes want to learn of God, and they come to the Supreme Lord to render devotional service and thus transcend knowledge of the impersonal Brahman and the localized Paramātmā and come to the personal conception of Godhead by the grace of the Supreme Lord or His pure devotee. On the whole, when the distressed, the inquisitive, the seekers of knowledge, and those who are in need of money are free from all material desires, and when they fully understand that material remuneration has nothing to do with spiritual improvement, they become pure devotees. As long as such a purified stage is not attained, devotees in transcendental service to the Lord are tainted with fruitive activities, the search for mundane knowledge, etc. So one has to transcend all this before one can come to the stage of pure devotional service.

Ljudi koji su uvijek zauzeti plodonosnim djelatnostima prilaze Gospodinu kada se nađu u nevolji i druže se s čistim bhaktama. Tako u svojoj nevolji postaju Gospodinovi bhakte. Razočarane osobe također katkada prilaze čistim bhaktama kako bi se s njima družile i razvijaju želju za spoznajom Boga. Suočeni s neuspjehom u svim oblastima znanja, suhoparni filozofi ponekad žele steći znanje o Bogu i prilaze Svevišnjem Gospodinu kako bi Ga transcendentalno služili i tako transcendirali znanje o neosobnom Brahmanu i lokaliziranoj Paramātmi te milošću Svevišnjega Gospodina ili Njegova čistog bhakte spoznali osobni vid Boga. Sve u svemu, kada se nesretni, znatiželjni, oni koji tragaju za znanjem i oni kojima je potreban novac oslobode svih materijalnih želja i u potpunosti shvate da materijalna nagrada nema nikakve veze s duhovnim napretkom, postaju čisti bhakte. Sve dok ne dostignu takvu pročišćenu razinu, bhakte koji transcendentalno služe Gospodina okaljani su plodonosnim djelovanjem, potragom za svjetovnim znanjem itd. Sve to moraju transcendirati prije nego što se mogu uzdići na razinu čistoga predanog služenja.