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ŚB 9.9.30
My lord, you are completely aware of the religious principles. As a son never deserves to be killed by his …
ŚB 9.9.31
You are well known and worshiped in learned circles. How dare you kill this brāhmaṇa, who is a saintly, sinless …
ŚB 9.9.32
Without my husband, I cannot live for a moment. If you want to eat my husband, it would be better …
ŚB 9.9.33
Being condemned by the curse of Vasiṣṭha, King Saudāsa devoured the brāhmaṇa, exactly as a tiger eats its prey. Even …
ŚB 9.9.34
When the chaste wife of the brāhmaṇa saw that her husband, who was about to discharge semen, had been eaten …
ŚB 9.9.35
O foolish, sinful person, because you have eaten my husband when I was sexually inclined and desiring to have the …
ŚB 9.9.36
Thus the wife of the brāhmaṇa cursed King Saudāsa, known as Mitrasaha. Then, being inclined to go with her husband, …
ŚB 9.9.37
After twelve years, when King Saudāsa was released from the curse by Vasiṣṭha, he wanted to have sexual intercourse with …
ŚB 9.9.38
After being thus instructed, the King gave up the future happiness of sexual intercourse and by destiny remained sonless. Later, …
ŚB 9.9.39
Madayantī bore the child within the womb for seven years and did not give birth. Therefore Vasiṣṭha struck her abdomen …
ŚB 9.9.40
From Aśmaka, Bālika took birth. Because Bālika was surrounded by women and was therefore saved from the anger of Paraśurāma, …
ŚB 9.9.41
From Bālika came a son named Daśaratha, from Daśaratha came a son named Aiḍaviḍi, and from Aiḍaviḍi came King Viśvasaha. …