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Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
After installing Dṛṣṭadyumna as his commander-in-chief, Yudhiṣṭhira and his generals consulted Kṛṣṇa. They had heard that Duryodhana had requested Bhīṣma …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
As the Pāṇḍavas were speaking about the arrangements, Balarāma arrived. He entered Yudhiṣṭhira’s tent in the company of Akrūra, Uddhava, …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
After Balarāma had saluted elders such as Drupada and Virata, He took His seat and said, “Many men are about …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Kṛṣṇa looked at His elder brother and smiled. Balarāma glanced across at Him as He continued. “Keśava has set His …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Balarāma stood up and placed His helmet on His head. Taking leave of Kṛṣṇa and the Pāṇḍavas, He left, followed …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Soon, the Pāṇḍavas received another visitor. It was Rukmī, King Bhīṣmaka’s son and Kṛṣṇa’s brother-in-law. He arrived with a full …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Arjuna could not tolerate Rukmī’s proud speech. He laughed. “I was born in the Kuru race, I am Pāṇḍu’s son …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Seeing the other warriors agreeing with Arjuna, Rukmī scowled. Taking up his bow he marched out of the tent without …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Going before Duryodhana, he repeated the words he had used when speaking to Yudhiṣṭhira. “Do not be afraid of the …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Duryodhana also rejected him. “I have no need of your help,” he laughed. “What fear do I have of the …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.1
Rukmī left the Kauravas and returned home, deciding to play no part in the war. If no one wanted his …