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Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
As sunrise approached on the tenth day, the sounds of thousands of drums, cymbals, conches, and trumpets filled the air. …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Bhīṣma stood at the center of the Kaurava formation. Duryodhana ordered his best fighters to surround and protect him. He …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
As the two armies clashed, the slaughter began. Knowing that it would likely be his last day, Bhīṣma made one …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
All five Pāṇḍavas went toward him, awed by his power. They honored him in their minds. With depressed hearts they …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Standing between Bhīma and Arjuna, Śikhaṇḍī roared out his challenge and sent three arrows at Bhīṣma. They struck him on …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Śikhaṇḍī was infuriated by Bhīṣma’s words. “You are the destroyer of kṣatriyas, O mighty-armed hero. I have heard of your …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Śikhaṇḍī at once fired five more arrows that pierced Bhīṣma in the shoulder joint. Wincing, Bhīṣma turned away from Śikhaṇḍī …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Arjuna came up next to Śikhaṇḍī and said, “Maintain your assault on the grandfather, mighty-armed hero. He will not be …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Śikhaṇḍī longed for Bhīṣma to fight with him. He sent clusters of swift arrows at the Kuru commander, striking him …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
With a roar Arjuna charged into the fray. Shooting countless arrows he carved a path through the Kauravas. As he …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Bhīṣma lowered his bow and looked at Duryodhana. “O best of men, hear my words. Before the battle began I …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.12
Without another word Bhīṣma moved off and began scattering arrows among the Pāṇḍava forces. Like the sun drawing moisture with …