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Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Dhṛtarāṣṭra wept when he heard of his sons’ deaths. “O Sañjaya, I am afraid. I am amazed to hear of …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Dhṛtarāṣṭra began to wail. Sañjaya consoled him, but the king continued to weep for some time. Struggling to regain his …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
“I am being chastised by destiny. Tell me, Sañjaya, why my sons are being killed while the Pāṇḍavas survive? I …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Sañjaya sat at the king’s feet with his eyes closed. He could see everything occurring on the battlefield in both …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Sañjaya then continued his description of the battle.
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Duryodhana entered his tent with a heavy heart. Tens of thousands of his troops lay dead on the battlefield, and …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
“O Grandsire, on my side I have you, Droṇa, Śalya, Kṛpa, Kṛtavarmā, Aśvatthāmā, and many other warriors incapable of being …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Bhīṣma, laying his silver helmet by his side, turned and looked at Duryodhana. “O King, I will explain once again …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Bhīṣma felt his compassion stir for the grieving Duryodhana, who sat weeping as he remembered his brothers, relatives and friends …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
“O King, O lord of the earth, there was not, is not, and will never be any person who can …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
“Feeling compassion for Bhumi, Brahmā, accompanied by the gods, went at once to the limitless milk ocean, where the inconceivable …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 2.8
Bhīṣma paused and looked at Duryodhana. He knew the Kaurava cared little for histories. Although he was prepared to accept …