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Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.43
Listen, O King, and I shall instruct you to the best of my knowledge. Therefore, you should avoid all sensual desires and cultivate knowledge of the eternal soul, which exists
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.43
Step by step, one should progress along the path of knowledge, never thinking oneself to be the material
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.43
He sees everything and He possesses all knowledge. No one is unknown to the Supreme Being.”
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.43
We can understand such actions from low-class men with poor education, but you are born in the line of