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Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
At dawn the next day, the Kaurava army arrived at the opposite side of the city from where the battle …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Addressed thus in front of the palace ladies, Bhuminjaya replied proudly, “I will surely display my prowess with the bow …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
The prince’s brave words circulated through the palace and soon reached Arjuna. Delighted at the chance to confront Duryodhana, he …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Draupadī went straight to the royal court where she found Bhuminjaya still vaunting his prowess. Unable to bear his repeated …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Bhuminjaya looked at her in surprise. “How can I ask a eunuch to govern my horses?” he asked.
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
“Have your sister ask him, O hero. He will certainly do her bidding. Do not hesitate to engage him. With …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Still doubtful, the prince turned to his sister Uttarā and said, “Go at once and fetch Bṛhannala.”
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Virata’s daughter nodded and left the court. That lotus-eyed maiden was as beautiful as Lakṣmī herself with her slender waist …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Arjuna smiled. “I am going.” He immediately left the palace followed by Uttarā, just as an elephant in rut is …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
As he entered the court the prince called, “Ah, Bṛhannala, you are here. I have heard that you are skilled …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
Arjuna approached the king and glanced downwards, playing with the long braid of hair that hung down his side. “What …
Mahābhārata - retold by kṛṣṇa dharma dasa 1.38
The prince looked at Bṛhannala. Although a eunuch, he was huge-bodied and appeared to possess great power. His arms, covered …