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Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
Nārada Muni was astonished, and he finally said, “I can’t understand the mystery of this.”
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“That you will see,” Nārāyaṇa said. “When they ask you what I am doing in My abode, tell them that …
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
When Nārada returned to earth and approached the brāhmaṇa, the brāhmaṇa said, “Oh, you have seen the Lord? What was …
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“He was threading an elephant through the eye of a needle,” Nārada answered.
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“I don’t believe such nonsense,” the brāhmaṇa replied. Nārada could immediately understand that the man had no faith and that …
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
Nārada then left and went on to the cobbler, who asked him, “Oh, you have seen the Lord? Tell me, …
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“He was threading an elephant through the eye of a needle,” Nārada replied.
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
The cobbler began to weep, “Oh, my Lord is so wonderful! He can do anything!”
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“Do you really believe that the Lord can push an elephant through the hole of a needle?” Nārada asked.
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“Why not?” the cobbler said. “Of course I believe it.”
Rāja-vidyā: the king of knowledge 3
“You can see that I am sitting under this banyan tree,” the cobbler answered, “and you can see that so …