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The nectar of devotion 2
Here is a general description of devotional service given by Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī in his Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu Previously, it has been stated that devotional service can be divided into three categories – namely, devotional service in practice, devotional service in ecstasy and devotional service in pure love of Now Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī proposes to describe devotional service in practice.
The nectar of devotion 2
The three categories of devotional service which Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī describes in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu are listed as devotional service in practice, devotional service in ecstasy and devotional service in Generally it is understood that in the category of devotional service in practice there are two different qualities, devotional service in ecstasy has four qualities, and devotional service in pure love of
The nectar of devotion 2
service, can be classified by his particular taste. He says that devotional service is a continual process from one’s previous life. No one can take to devotional service unless he has had some previous connection with it. For example, suppose in this life I practice devotional service to some extent. service.
The nectar of devotion 2
Now this sādhana-bhakti, or practice of devotional service, may also be divided into two parts. service out of natural love. For example, a person engaged in devotional service may be ordered to rise early in the morning and offer service nicely. So the practice of devotional service, sādhana-bhakti, can be divided into two parts – namely, regulative
The nectar of devotion 2
Rūpa Gosvāmī defines the first part of devotional practice, or vaidhī-bhakti, as follows: “When there is no attachment or no spontaneous loving service to the Lord, and one is engaged in the service of of obedience to the order of the spiritual master or in pursuance of the scriptures, such obligatory service
The nectar of devotion 2
Therefore devotional service in practice means utilizing our different sensory organs in service to Kṛṣṇa So practice means employing both the mind and the senses in practical devotional service. Similarly, devotional service to the Supreme Lord is the natural instinct of every living entity.
The nectar of devotion 2
In the Nārada Pañcarātra the regulative principles of devotional service are described as follows: “Any the Supreme Personality of Godhead are accepted by saintly teachers as the regulative principles of devotional service. If one regularly executes such service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead under the direction of
in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu are listed as devotional service in practice, devotional service in ecstasy and devotional service in pure love of Godhead. qualities, devotional service in ecstasy has four qualities, and devotional service in pure love of devotional service in practice, devotional service in ecstasy and devotional service in pure love of Therefore devotional service in practice means utilizing our different sensory organs in service to Kṛṣṇa
The nectar of devotion 2
When we wish to develop our innate capacity for devotional service, there are certain processes which
The nectar of devotion 2
The First Stages of Devotion
The nectar of devotion 2
To support this statement there are many authoritative assertions by the learned scholars of bygone ages. According to their general …
The nectar of devotion 2
Every living entity under the spell of the material energy is held to be in an abnormal condition of madness. …