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Chapter 20
Under One Master Yamarāja said, “My dear servants, you have accepted me as the Supreme, but factually I am not. …
A second chance 20
Under One Master
A second chance 20
Yamarāja said, “My dear servants, you have accepted me as the Supreme, but factually I am not. Above me, and …
A second chance 20
“Just as the driver of a bullock cart ties ropes through the nostrils of his bulls to control them, the …
A second chance 20
“I, Yamarāja; Indra, the King of heaven; Nirṛti; Varuṇa, the god of the waters; Candra, the moon god; Agni, the …
A second chance 20
“As the different limbs of the body cannot see the eyes, so the living entities cannot see the Supreme Lord, …
A second chance 20
One Supreme Controller
A second chance 20
The Yamadūtas suspected that there was a ruler even above Yamarāja. To eradicate their doubts, Yamarāja immediately replied, “Yes, there …
A second chance 20
In this material world, everyone is controlled by the laws of nature, regardless of who he is. Whether one is …
A second chance 20
Under the Control of Varṇa and Āśrama
A second chance 20
Apart from other living entities, a living being in the human form of body is meant to be controlled by …
A second chance 20
ataḥ pumbhir dvija-śreṣṭha varṇāśrama-vibhāgaśaḥ svanuṣṭhitasya dharmasya saṁsiddhir hari-toṣaṇam