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Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.8.26
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Being materially advanced means taking birth in an aristocratic family and possessing great wealth, an education, and attractive personal beauty. …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
In one sense, of course, material opulences are God’s grace. To take birth in a very aristocratic family or nation …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
One who drinks wine will become intoxicated and may think that he is flying in the sky or that he …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
These dreams are on the mental platform, the egoistic platform, and the bodily platform. But I am not the body. …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Even if one is mentally very advanced, he does not know that he is under the influence of the inferior …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Kuntīdevī says that those who are intoxicated in this way cannot feelingly address the Lord. They cannot feelingly say, jaya …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Nowadays, therefore, because we are in a time of economic prosperity, no one is interested in going to the churches …
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
“No, sir,” they reply.
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
“All right,” the Communists say. “Ask us.”
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
Then the people say, “O Communist friends, give us bread.”
Teachings of queen kuntī 9
The Communist friends, of course, have brought a whole truckload of bread, and they say, “Take as much as you …