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Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
It was at this time that He opened a nocturnal school of kīrtana in the compound of Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita with …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
The first mandate that He issued to Prabhu Nityānanda and Haridāsa was this: “Go, friends, go through the streets of …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
The people of Nadia were now surprised. They said, “Nimāi Paṇḍita is not only a gigantic genius but is certainly …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
This was brought to Mahāprabhu’s notice. He ordered the townspeople to appear in the evening, each with a torch in …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
It was after this that some of the jealous and low-minded brāhmaṇas of Kulia picked a quarrel with Mahāprabhu and …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
After His sannyāsa, He was induced to visit the house of Advaita Prabhu in Śāntipura. Advaita managed to invite all …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
The holy son fell at the feet of His beloved mother and said, “Mother! This body is yours, and I …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
His biographers have described the journey of Kṛṣṇa Caitanya (that was the name He got after His sannyāsa) from Śāntipura …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
Sārvabhauma was a gigantic paṇḍita of the day. His readings knew no bounds. He was the best naiyāyika of the …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
Caitanya heard with silence what the great Sārvabhauma uttered with gravity for seven days, at the end of which the …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
The reply of Caitanya was that He understood the sūtras very well but could not make out what Śaṅkarācārya meant …
Teachings of lord caitanya Prologue by śrīla bhaktivinoda ṭhākura
Astonished at this, Sārvabhauma said, “How is it that You understand the meanings of the sūtras but do not understand …