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A Resident of Vṛndāvana I was sitting alone in Vṛndāvana, writing. My Godbrother insisted to me, “Bhaktivedanta Prabhu, you must …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
A Resident of Vṛndāvana
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
I was sitting alone in Vṛndāvana, writing. My Godbrother insisted to me, “Bhaktivedanta Prabhu, you must do it. Without accepting …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
THE PASSENGER CARS behind the locomotive moved forward almost silently. Thumping at a slow rhythm over the tracks, the train …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
It was the morning train to Agra, and there were few passengers. Abhay would be riding as far as Mathurā …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
He had been to Vṛndāvana several times. In his childhood reveries over the train timetables, it had been the first …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
The train passed through the dense thickets of Faridabad and into the agricultural fields, with their interspersed patches of wheat, …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
For a long time Abhay had wanted to take shelter in Vṛndāvana, and now there was no obstacle. His purpose …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
In moving to Vṛndāvana, Abhay was following his predecessor spiritual masters. Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī and Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura had had their …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
Lord Caitanya and His immediate followers had an especially intimate relationship with Vṛndāvana. Lord Caitanya had commissioned Rūpa Gosvāmī and …
Śrīla prabhupāda-līlāmṛta 1.9
Even those Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas who did not live in Vṛndāvana kept Vṛndāvana always in their hearts and proclaimed its glories. …

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