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ŚB 4.21.1
maitreya uvāca mauktikaiḥ kusuma-sragbhir dukūlaiḥ svarṇa-toraṇaiḥ mahā-surabhibhir dhūpair maṇḍitaṁ tatra tatra vai
ŚB 4.21.1
Real opulence is supplied by natural gifts such as gold, silver, pearls, valuable stones, fresh flowers, trees and silken cloth. …
ŚB 4.21.2
candanāguru-toyārdra- rathyā-catvara-mārgavat puṣpākṣata-phalais tokmair lājair arcirbhir arcitam
ŚB 4.21.3
savṛndaiḥ kadalī-stambhaiḥ pūga-potaiḥ pariṣkṛtam taru-pallava-mālābhiḥ sarvataḥ samalaṅkṛtam
ŚB 4.21.4
prajās taṁ dīpa-balibhiḥ sambhṛtāśeṣa-maṅgalaiḥ abhīyur mṛṣṭa-kanyāś ca mṛṣṭa-kuṇḍala-maṇḍitāḥ
ŚB 4.21.4
Offerings of natural products such as betel nuts, bananas, newly grown wheat, paddy, yogurt and vermillion, carried by the citizens …
ŚB 4.21.5
śaṅkha-dundubhi-ghoṣeṇa brahma-ghoṣeṇa cartvijām viveśa bhavanaṁ vīraḥ stūyamāno gata-smayaḥ
ŚB 4.21.5
The reception given to the King was full of opulence, yet he did not become proud. It is said, therefore, …
ŚB 4.21.6
pūjitaḥ pūjayām āsa tatra tatra mahā-yaśāḥ paurāñ jānapadāṁs tāṁs tān prītaḥ priya-vara-pradaḥ
ŚB 4.21.6
A responsible king was always approachable by his citizens. Generally the citizens, great and common, all had an aspiration to …
ŚB 4.21.7
sa evam ādīny anavadya-ceṣṭitaḥ karmāṇi bhūyāṁsi mahān mahattamaḥ kurvan śaśāsāvani-maṇḍalaṁ yaśaḥ sphītaṁ nidhāyāruruhe paraṁ padam
ŚB 4.21.7
A responsible king or chief executive has many responsible duties to attend to in ruling over the citizens. The most …