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ŚB 12.2.27-28
sapta-ṛṣīṇām — of the constellation of the seven sages (the constellation known to Westerners as Ursa Major); tu — and; …
ŚB 12.2.27-28
saptarṣīṇāṁ tu yau pūrvau dṛśyete uditau divi tayos tu madhye nakṣatraṁ dṛśyate yat samaṁ niśi
ŚB 12.2.27-28
tenaiva ṛṣayo yuktās tiṣṭhanty abda-śataṁ nṛṇām te tvadīye dvijāḥ kāla adhunā cāśritā maghāḥ
ŚB 12.2.27-28
Of the seven stars forming the constellation of the seven sages, Pulaha and Kratu are the first to rise in …