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ŚB 11.5.1
King Nimi further inquired: My dear Yogendras, all of you are most perfect in knowledge of the science of the …
ŚB 11.5.2
Śrī Camasa said: Each of the four social orders, headed by the brāhmaṇas, was born through different combinations of the …
ŚB 11.5.3
If any of the members of the four varṇas and four āśramas fail to worship or intentionally disrespect the Personality …
ŚB 11.5.4
There are many persons who have little opportunity to take part in discussions about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, …
ŚB 11.5.5
On the other hand, brāhmaṇas, members of the royal order and vaiśyas, even after being allowed to approach the lotus …
ŚB 11.5.6
Ignorant of the art of work, such arrogantly proud fools, enchanted and enlivened by the sweet words of the Vedas, …
ŚB 11.5.7
Due to the influence of the mode of passion, the materialistic followers of the Vedas become subject to violent desires …
ŚB 11.5.8
The materialistic followers of Vedic rituals, giving up the worship of the Lord, instead practically worship their wives, and thus …
ŚB 11.5.9
The intelligence of cruel-minded persons is blinded by false pride based on great wealth, opulence, prestigious family connections, education, renunciation, …
ŚB 11.5.10
The Personality of Godhead is eternally situated within the heart of every embodied being; still the Lord remains situated apart, …
ŚB 11.5.11
In this material world the conditioned soul is always inclined to sex, meat-eating and intoxication. Therefore religious scriptures never actually …
ŚB 11.5.11
(Bg. 8.5)