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ŚB 1.10.25
He is famous as the Govardhana-dhārī Hari because He lifted at the age of only seven the hill known as
ŚB 1.10.31
evaṁvidhā gadantīnāṁ sa giraḥ pura-yoṣitām nirīkṣaṇenābhinandan sasmitena yayau hariḥ
ŚB 1.10.36
tatra tatra ha tatratyair hariḥ pratyudyatārhaṇaḥ sāyaṁ bheje diśaṁ paścād gaviṣṭho gāṁ gatas tadā
ŚB 1.11.38
Hari, or the Personality of Godhead, is the supreme transcendental person situated beyond the range of
ŚB 1.12.11
vidhūya tad ameyātmā bhagavān dharma-gub vibhuḥ miṣato daśamāsasya tatraivāntardadhe hariḥ
ŚB 1.12.21
He met Ulūpī at Haridvāra (Hardwar), and he was attracted by that girl belonging to Nāgaloka, and thus
ŚB 1.12.34
Yudhiṣṭhira also requisitioned the heaps of gold for performing sacrifices and for pleasing the Supreme, Hari
ŚB 1.12.34
Therefore, the main purpose of performing sacrifices is to satisfy the Supreme Personality Hari. sacrifices is one and the same at all times and in all circumstances, viz., satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Hari
ŚB 1.12.34
The perfect process of performing yajñas, or sacrifice, to please the Supreme Lord Hari (the Personality
ŚB 1.13.27
yaḥ svakāt parato veha jāta-nirveda ātmavān hṛdi kṛtvā hariṁ gehāt pravrajet sa narottamaḥ
ŚB 1.13.53
sitting calmly in a place with a spiritual atmosphere, deeply absorbed in the thoughts of the Lord Hari
ŚB 1.13.54
jitāsano jita-śvāsaḥ pratyāhṛta-ṣaḍ-indriyaḥ hari-bhāvanayā dhvasta- rajaḥ-sattva-tamo-malaḥ