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Bg. 13.1-2
Arjuna said: O my dear Kṛṣṇa, I wish to know about prakṛti [nature], puruṣa [the enjoyer], and the field and …
Bg. 13.3
O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this …
Bg. 13.4
Now please hear My brief description of this field of activity and how it is constituted, what its changes are, …
Bg. 13.5
That knowledge of the field of activities and of the knower of activities is described by various sages in various …
Bg. 13.6-7
The five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifested, the ten senses and the mind, the five sense objects, desire, …
Bg. 13.8-12
Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense …
Bg. 13.13
I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to …
Bg. 13.14
Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the …
Bg. 13.15
The Supersoul is the original source of all senses, yet He is without senses. He is unattached, although He is …
Bg. 13.16
The Supreme Truth exists outside and inside of all living beings, the moving and the nonmoving. Because He is subtle, …
Bg. 13.17
Although the Supersoul appears to be divided among all beings, He is never divided. He is situated as one. Although …
Bg. 13.18
He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. …