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Text 16




यदासीत्तदपि न्यूनं तेनान्यदपि सन्दधे ।
तदपि द्‌व्यङ्गुलं न्यूनं यद् यदादत्त बन्धनम् ॥ १६ ॥



yadāsīt tad api nyūnaṁ
tenānyad api sandadhe
tad api dvy-aṅgulaṁ nyūnaṁ
yad yad ādatta bandhanam
yadāsīt tad api nyūnaṁ
tenānyad api sandadhe
tad api dvy-aṅgulaṁ nyūnaṁ
yad yad ādatta bandhanam



yadā — when; āsīt — became; tat api — even the new rope that had been joined; nyūnam — still short; tena — then, with the second rope; anyat api — another rope also; sandadhe — she joined; tat api — that also; dvi-aṅgulam — by a measurement of two fingers; nyūnam — remained short; yat yat ādatta — in this way, one after another, whatever ropes she joined; bandhanam — for binding Kṛṣṇa.

yadā — quando; āsīt — tornou-se; tat api — mesmo a nova corda que fora juntada; nyūnam — ainda curta; tena — então, à segunda corda; anyat api — outra corda também; sandadhe — ela juntou; tat api — essa também; dvi-aṅgulam — dois dedos; nyūnam — permaneceu curta; yat yat ādatta — dessa maneira, uma após a outra, todas as cordas que ela juntava; bandhanam — para amarrar Kṛṣṇa.



This new rope also was short by a measurement of two fingers, and when another rope was joined to it, it was still two fingers too short. As many ropes as she joined, all of them failed; their shortness could not be overcome.

Essa nova corda também era curta, faltando-lhe no comprimento a medida equivalente a dois dedos, e quando se juntou outra corda a ela, ainda faltavam dois dedos. Por mais cordas que ela juntasse, todas eram insuficientes; o comprimento que faltava não se completava.