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Found 60 records.
Letter to: Mahatma Gandhi
July 12, 1947 — Cawnpore
Letter to: Raja Mohendra Pratap
July 13, 1947 — Cawnpore
Letter to: R. N. Aggarwal M.A
Dec. 13, 1955 — Delhi
Letter to: Sirs
Dec. 25, 1955 — Delhi
Letter to: Appeal to Vaisnava Sect
March 13, 1964 — Delhi
Letter to: Mangalaniloy Brahmacari
May 16, 1966 — New York
Letter to: Ministry of Finance (India)
May 28, 1966 — New York
Letter to: Indian Embassy in America
May 28, 1966 — New York
Letter to: Karandhara
Sept. 1, 1973 — Bhaktivedanta Manor
Letter to: Madhudvisa
Sept. 3, 1973 — Bhaktivedanta Manor
Letter to: Trai
Sept. 4, 1973 — Bhaktivedanta Manor, England

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