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Text 75

Text 75



ye keha jāne, āṅṭi cuṣite lāgila
ye nā jāne gauḍiyā pīlu cāvāñā khāila
ye keha jāne, āṅṭi cuṣite lāgila
ye nā jāne gauḍiyā pīlu cāvāñā khāila


Palabra por palabra

ye — those who; keha — some; jāne — knew; āṅṭi — seeds; cuṣite lāgila — began to lick; ye — those who; jāne — did not know; gauḍiyā — Bengali devotees; pīlu — the pīlu fruit; cāvāñā — chewing; khāila — ate.

ye — los que; keha — algunos; jāne — conocían; āṅṭi — las semillas; cuṣite lāgila — chuparon; ye — aquellos que; jāne — no conocían; gauḍiyā — los devotos bengalíes; pīlu — la fruta pīlu; cāvāñā — masticando; khāila — comieron.



Those devotees who were familiar with pīlu fruits sucked on the seeds, but the Bengali devotees who did not know what they were chewed the seeds and swallowed them.

Los devotos que conocían la fruta pīlu se limitaron a chupar las semillas, pero los devotos bengalíes que no sabían qué era las masticaron y las tragaron.