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अन्तवन्त इमे देहा नित्यस्योक्ताः शरीरिणः ।
अनाशिनोऽप्रमेयस्य तस्माद्युध्यस्व भारत ॥ १८ ॥



antavanta ime dehā
nityasyoktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ
anāśino ’prameyasya
tasmād yudhyasva bhārata
antavanta ime dehā
nityasyoktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ
anāśino ’prameyasya
tasmād yudhyasva bhārata



anta-vantaḥ — perishable; ime — all these; dehāḥ — material bodies; nityasya — eternal in existence; uktāḥ — are said; śarīriṇaḥ — of the embodied soul; anāśinaḥ — never to be destroyed; aprameyasya — immeasurable; tasmāt — therefore; yudhyasva — fight; bhārata — O descendant of Bharata.

anta-vantaḥ – minljiva; ime – vsa ta; dehāḥ – materialna telesa; nityasya – večno obstoječe; uktāḥ – rečeno je; śarīriṇaḥ – utelešene duše; anāśinaḥ – ki ni nikoli uničena; aprameyasya – neizmerljive; tasmāt – zato; yudhyasva – bojuj se; bhārata – o Bharatov potomec.



The material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity is sure to come to an end; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata.

Materialno telo neuničljivega, neizmerljivega, večnega živega bitja bo gotovo preminilo. Zato se bojuj, o Bharatov potomec.



The material body is perishable by nature. It may perish immediately, or it may do so after a hundred years. It is a question of time only. There is no chance of maintaining it indefinitely. But the spirit soul is so minute that it cannot even be seen by an enemy, to say nothing of being killed. As mentioned in the previous verse, it is so small that no one can have any idea how to measure its dimension. So from both viewpoints there is no cause of lamentation, because the living entity as he is cannot be killed nor can the material body be saved for any length of time or permanently protected. The minute particle of the whole spirit acquires this material body according to his work, and therefore observance of religious principles should be utilized. In the Vedānta-sūtras the living entity is qualified as light because he is part and parcel of the supreme light. As sunlight maintains the entire universe, so the light of the soul maintains this material body. As soon as the spirit soul is out of this material body, the body begins to decompose; therefore it is the spirit soul which maintains this body. The body itself is unimportant. Arjuna was advised to fight and not sacrifice the cause of religion for material, bodily considerations.

Materialno telo je po naravi minljivo. Premine lahko takoj ali pa po sto letih. To je samo vprašanje časa. Ni ga mogoče ohranjati v nedogled. Duhovna duša pa je tako majcena, da je sovražnik ne more niti videti, kaj šele ubiti. Pri prejšnjem verzu smo omenili, da je tako majhna, da nihče ne ve, kako bi jo bilo mogoče izmeriti. Z nobenega od teh dveh stališč ni razloga za žalost, saj živega bitja, kakršno je, ni mogoče ubiti, materialnega telesa pa ni mogoče ohranjati poljubno dolgo ali ga trajno zaščititi. Drobceni delec celotnega duha dobi materialno telo na podlagi svojega delovanja, zato je zanj dobro, da živi po religioznih načelih. Vedānta-sūtre označujejo živo bitje kot svetlobo, saj je sestavni delec vrhovne svetlobe. Kakor sončna svetloba vzdržuje ves univerzum, tako svetloba duše vzdržuje materialno telo. Ko duša telo zapusti, se le-to začne razkrajati. Vzdrževalec telesa je torej duša. Sámo telo je nepomembno. Kṛṣṇa je Arjuni svetoval, naj se bojuje in ne odstopi od religioznih načel zaradi materialnih, telesnih ozirov.