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Text Eight



smṛtyoḥ krameṇa rasanā-manasī niyojya
tiṣṭhan vraje tad-anurāgi-janānugāmī
kālaṁ nayed akhilam ity upadeśa-sāram
smṛtyoḥ krameṇa rasanā-manasī niyojya
tiṣṭhan vraje tad-anurāgi-janānugāmī
kālaṁ nayed akhilam ity upadeśa-sāram



tat — Gospoda Kṛṣṇe; nāma — svetem imenu; rūpa — podobi; carita-ādi — značaju, zabavah in tako naprej; su-kīrtana — s pogovori ali pozornim petjem o; anusmṛtyoḥ — in spominjanjem; krameṇa — postopoma; rasanā — jezik; manasī — in um; niyojya — zaposli; tiṣṭhan — prebiva; vraje — v Vraji; tat — na Gospoda Kṛṣṇo; anurāgi — navezanih; jana — ljudi; anugāmī — z ravnanjem po zgledu; kālam — čas; nayet — mora izkoristiti; akhilam — popolnoma; iti — tako; upadeśa — nasvetov ali napotkov; sāram — bistvo.

tat — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; nāma — the holy name; rūpa — form; carita-ādi — character, pastimes and so on; su-kīrtana — in discussing or chanting nicely; anusmṛtyoḥ — and in remembering; krameṇa — gradually; rasanā — the tongue; manasī — and one’s mind; niyojya — engaging; tiṣṭhan — residing; vraje — in Vraja; tat — to Lord Kṛṣṇa; anurāgi — attached; jana — persons; anugāmī — following; kālam — time; nayet — should utilize; akhilam — full; iti — thus; upadeśa — of advice or instruction; sāram — the essence.



Bistvo vseh napotkov je, da moramo ves čas – štiriindvajset ur na dan – izkoristiti tako, da pozorno opevamo Gospodovo božansko ime, transcendentalno podobo, lastnosti in večne zabave ter se jih spominjamo in s tem postopoma zaposlimo jezik in misli. Tako moramo prebivati v Vraji (Goloki Vṛndāvana-dhāmi) in pod vodstvom bhakt služiti Kṛṣṇi. Ravnati se moramo po zgledu Gospodovih ljubljenih bhakt, ki Mu z globoko privrženostjo vdano služijo.

The essence of all advice is that one should utilize one’s full time – twenty-four hours a day – in nicely chanting and remembering the Lord’s divine name, transcendental form, qualities and eternal pastimes, thereby gradually engaging one’s tongue and mind. In this way one should reside in Vraja [Goloka Vṛndāvana-dhāma] and serve Kṛṣṇa under the guidance of devotees. One should follow in the footsteps of the Lord’s beloved devotees, who are deeply attached to His devotional service.



KOMENTAR: Um je lahko naš sovražnik ali prijatelj, zato ga moramo vzgojiti tako, da se spoprijatelji z nami. Gibanje za zavest Kṛṣṇe je še posebej namenjeno temu, da um izurimo v nenehnem služenju Kṛṣṇi. Naše misli prežema na stotine in tisoče vtisov ne samo iz tega, ampak tudi neštetih prejšnjih življenj. Ti vtisi se včasih prepletejo in ustvarijo nasprotujoče si predstave. Tako lahko delovanje uma postane nevarno za pogojeno dušo. Študenti psihologije poznajo različne duševne spremembe. Bhagavad-gītā (8.6) pravi:

Since the mind may be one’s enemy or one’s friend, one has to train the mind to become his friend. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is especially meant for training the mind to be always engaged in Kṛṣṇa’s business. The mind contains hundreds and thousands of impressions, not only of this life but also of many, many lives of the past. These impressions sometimes come in contact with one another and produce contradictory pictures. In this way the mind’s function can become dangerous for a conditioned soul. Students of psychology are aware of the mind’s various psychological changes. In Bhagavad-gītā (8.6) it is said:

yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ
tyajaty ante kalevaram
taṁ taṁ evaiti kaunteya
sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ
yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ
tyajaty ante kalevaram
taṁ taṁ evaiti kaunteya
sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ

»Človek brez dvoma doseže takšno stanje bivanja, kakršnega ima v mislih, ko zapusti telo.«

“Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.”

Ob smrti si živo bitje z umom in razumom ustvari subtilno obliko določenega telesa za naslednje življenje. Če takrat pomisli na kaj neprimernega, se rodi skladno s tem. Če pa mu uspe misliti na Kṛṣṇo, lahko odide v duhovni svet, na Goloko Vṛndāvano. Selitev iz telesa v telo je zelo subtilna, zato Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī svetuje bhaktam, naj um usposobijo tako, da se ne bodo mogli spominjati ničesar drugega razen Kṛṣṇe. Jezik pa bi morali izuriti, da bi govoril le o Kṛṣṇi in okušal samo kṛṣṇa-prasādo. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī nam svetuje tudi to: tiṣṭhan vraje – živeti morate v Vṛndāvani oziroma kjer koli v Vraja-bhūmi. To območje naj bi merilo štiriinosemdeset kroś. Ena krośa znaša približno tri kvadratne kilometre. Ko Vṛndāvano sprejmemo za dom, se moramo tam zateči k naprednemu bhakti. Tako naj bi zmeraj mislili na Kṛṣṇo in Njegove zabave. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī to podrobneje pojasnjuje v Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhuju (1.2.294):

At the time of death, the mind and intelligence of a living entity create the subtle form of a certain type of body for the next life. If the mind suddenly thinks of something not very congenial, one has to take a corresponding birth in the next life. On the other hand, if one can think of Kṛṣṇa at the time of death, he can be transferred to the spiritual world, Goloka Vṛndāvana. This process of transmigration is very subtle; therefore Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī advises devotees to train their minds in order that they will be unable to remember anything other than Kṛṣṇa. Similarly, the tongue should be trained to speak only of Kṛṣṇa and to taste only kṛṣṇa-prasāda. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī further advises, tiṣṭhan vraje: one should live in Vṛndāvana or any part of Vrajabhūmi. Vrajabhūmi, or the land of Vṛndāvana, is supposed to be eighty-four krośas in area. One krośa equals two square miles. When one makes Vṛndāvana his residence, he should take shelter of an advanced devotee there. In this way one should always think of Kṛṣṇa and His pastimes. This is further elucidated by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī in his Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.294):

kṛṣṇaṁ smaran janaṁ cāsya
preṣṭhaṁ nija-samīhitam
tat-tat-kathā-rataś cāsau
kuryād vāsaṁ vraje sadā
kṛṣṇaṁ smaran janaṁ cāsya
preṣṭhaṁ nija-samīhitam
tat-tat-kathā-rataś cāsau
kuryād vāsaṁ vraje sadā

»Bhakta mora vedno prebivati na duhovnem območju Vraje in ves čas razmišljati o Śrī Kṛṣṇi in Njegovih ljubljenih družabnikih, kṛṣṇaṁ smaran janaṁ cāsya preṣṭham. Z ravnanjem po njihovem zgledu in pod njihovim nenehnim vodstvom lahko začuti gorečo željo po služenju Vsevišnji Božanski Osebnosti.«

“A devotee should always reside in the transcendental realm of Vraja and always engage in kṛṣṇaṁ smaran janaṁ cāsya preṣṭham, the remembrance of Śrī Kṛṣṇa and His beloved associates. By following in the footsteps of such associates and by entering under their eternal guidance, one can acquire an intense desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī v Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhuju (1.2.295) pravi tudi:

Again Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī states in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.295):

sevā sādhaka-rūpeṇa
siddha-rūpeṇa cātra hi
tad-bhāva-lipsunā kāryā
sevā sādhaka-rūpeṇa
siddha-rūpeṇa cātra hi
tad-bhāva-lipsunā kāryā

»Bhakta mora na duhovnem območju Vraje (Vraja-dhāme) služiti Vsevišnjemu Gospodu Śrī Kṛṣṇi s podobnimi čustvi, kot jih imajo Njegovi družabniki. Sprejeti mora vodstvo določenega Kṛṣṇovega družabnika in iti po njegovih stopinjah. Tako lahko ravna na stopnji sādhane (duhovne prakse v pogojenem stanju) in stopnji sādhye (spoznanja Boga), ko je siddha-puruṣa oziroma duhovno popolna duša.«

“In the transcendental realm of Vraja [Vraja-dhāma] one should serve the Supreme Lord, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, with a feeling similar to that of His associates, and one should place himself under the direct guidance of a particular associate of Kṛṣṇa and should follow in his footsteps. This method is applicable both in the stage of sādhana [spiritual practices executed while in the stage of bondage] and in the stage of sādhya [God realization], when one is a siddha-puruṣa, or a spiritually perfect soul.”

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura je ta verz pojasnil takole: »Kdor še nima prave želje po zavesti Kṛṣṇe, mora opustiti vse materialne namene in izuriti um z upoštevanjem stopnjujočih se predpisanih načel, tako da opeva Kṛṣṇo, Njegovo ime, podobo, lastnosti, zabave in drugo ter se jih spominja. Ko bo razvil okus za to, naj poskusi živeti v Vṛndāvani in se pod vodstvom in zaščito izkušenega bhakte neprenehoma spominjati Kṛṣṇovega imena, slave, zabav in lastnosti. To je bistvo vseh napotkov o poglabljanju vdanega služenja Gospodu.

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura has commented as follows upon this verse: “One who has not yet developed interest in Kṛṣṇa consciousness should give up all material motives and train his mind by following the progressive regulative principles, namely chanting and remembering Kṛṣṇa and His name, form, quality, pastimes and so forth. In this way, after developing a taste for such things, one should try to live in Vṛndāvana and pass his time constantly remembering Kṛṣṇa’s name, fame, pastimes and qualities under the direction and protection of an expert devotee. This is the sum and substance of all instruction regarding the cultivation of devotional service.

Na začetni ravni moramo ves čas poslušati kṛṣṇa-kathā. Ta stopnja je śravaṇa-daśā. Z nenehnim poslušanjem petja Kṛṣṇovega transcendentalnega svetega imena in opisov Njegove duhovne podobe, lastnosti in zabav lahko dosežemo stopnjo sprejemanja, ki se imenuje varaṇa-daśā. Takrat se navežemo na poslušanje kṛṣṇa-kathā. Če sveto ime pojemo v zanosu, pa se dvignemo na stopnjo spominjanja, ki ji pravimo smaraṇāvasthā. Pet delov stopnjujoče se kṛṣṇa-smaraṇe je občasno spominjanje, zatopljenost, meditacija, nenehno spominjanje in zanos. Sprva na Kṛṣṇo mislimo v presledkih, pozneje pa nepretrgano. Potem se Ga začnemo zbrano spominjati, čemur pravimo meditacija. Še bolj poglobljena in stalna meditacija pa je anusmṛti. Duša lahko z nepretrgano anusmṛti doseže stopnjo samādhija, duhovnega zanosa. Po popolnem razvoju smaraṇa-daśe oziroma samādhija pa spozna svoj izvorni položaj. Takrat popolnoma razume svoj večni odnos s Kṛṣṇo. To je sampatti-daśā, življenjska popolnost.

“In the neophyte stage one should always engage in hearing kṛṣṇa-kathā. This is called śravaṇa-daśā, the stage of hearing. By constantly hearing the transcendental holy name of Kṛṣṇa and hearing of His transcendental form, qualities and pastimes, one can attain to the stage of acceptance called varaṇa-daśā. When one attains this stage, he becomes attached to the hearing of kṛṣṇa-kathā. When one is able to chant in ecstasy, he attains the stage of smaraṇāvasthā, the stage of remembering. Recollection, absorption, meditation, constant remembrance and trance are the five items of progressive kṛṣṇa-smaraṇa. At first, remembrance of Kṛṣṇa may be interrupted at intervals, but later remembrance proceeds uninterrupted. When remembrance is uninterrupted, it becomes concentrated and is called meditation. When meditation expands and becomes constant, it is called anusmṛti. By uninterrupted and unceasing anusmṛti one enters the stage of samādhi, or spiritual trance. After smaraṇa-daśā or samādhi has fully developed, the soul comes to understand his original constitutional position. At that time he can perfectly and clearly understand his eternal relationship with Kṛṣṇa. That is called sampatti-daśā, the perfection of life.

Caitanya-caritāmṛta začetnikom svetuje, naj se odrečejo vsem sebičnim željam in se po smernicah svetih spisov posvetijo predpisanemu vdanemu služenju Kṛṣṇi. Tako se lahko postopoma navežejo na Kṛṣṇovo ime, slavo, podobo, lastnosti in drugo. Potem bodo tudi brez upoštevanja predpisanih načel čisto naravno služili Kṛṣṇovim lotosovim stopalom. Ta stopnja se imenuje rāga-bhakti, vdano služenje s spontano ljubeznijo. Takrat gre bhakta lahko po stopinjah katerega od Kṛṣṇovih večnih družabnikov iz Vṛndāvane. To je rāgānuga-bhakti oziroma spontano vdano služenje Kṛṣṇi. Tako Mu lahko služimo v śānta-rasi, ko bi bili radi kot Njegove krave, palica, flavta v Njegovih rokah ali pa cvetje okoli Njegovega vratu. V dāsya-rasi gremo po stopinjah Kṛṣṇovih služabnikov, kot so Citraka, Patraka ali Raktaka. V prijateljski sakhya-rasi lahko postanemo Njegovi prijatelji, tako kot Baladeva, Śrīdāmā ali Sudāmā. V vātsalya-rasi, v kateri se izraža starševska ljubezen, smo lahko kot mahārāja Nanda ali Yaśodā. V mādhurya-rasi, ljubezenskem odnosu, pa lahko postanemo kot Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī ali Njene prijateljice, na primer Lalitā, in Njene služabnice (mañjarī), kot sta Rūpa in Rati. To je bistvo vseh napotkov o vdanem služenju Kṛṣṇi.«

“Caitanya-caritāmṛta advises those who are neophytes to give up all kinds of motivated desires and simply engage in the regulative devotional service of the Lord according to the directions of scripture. In this way a neophyte can gradually develop attachment for Kṛṣṇa’s name, fame, form, qualities and so forth. When one has developed such attachment, he can spontaneously serve the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa even without following the regulative principles. This stage is called rāga-bhakti, or devotional service in spontaneous love. At that stage the devotee can follow in the footsteps of one of the eternal associates of Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana. This is called rāgānuga-bhakti. Rāgānuga-bhakti, or spontaneous devotional service, can be executed in the śānta-rasa when one aspires to be like Kṛṣṇa’s cows or the stick or flute in the hand of Kṛṣṇa, or the flowers around Kṛṣṇa’s neck. In the dāsya-rasa one follows in the footsteps of servants like Citraka, Patraka or Raktaka. In the friendly sakhya-rasa one can become a friend like Baladeva, Śrīdāmā or Sudāmā. In the vātsalya-rasa, characterized by parental affection, one can become like Nanda Mahārāja and Yaśodā, and in the mādhurya-rasa, characterized by conjugal love, one can become like Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī or Her lady friends such as Lalitā and Her serving maids (mañjarīs) like Rūpa and Rati. This is the essence of all instruction in the matter of devotional service.”