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Priklic božanske navzočnosti




oṁ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idaṁ
pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya
pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate
oṁ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idaṁ
pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya
pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate



oṁ — Popolna Celota; pūrṇam — popolna in celovita; adaḥ — tista; pūrṇam — popoln in celovit; idam — ta pojavni svet; pūrṇāt — iz vsepopolnega; pūrṇam — popolna enota; udacyate — izhaja; pūrṇasya — Popolne Celote; pūrṇam — popolnoma, vse; ādāya — odvzeto; pūrṇam — popolno ravnovesje; eva — celo; avaśiṣyate — ostaja.

oṁ — the Complete Whole; pūrṇam — perfectly complete; adaḥ — that; pūrṇam — perfectly complete; idam — this phenomenal world; pūrṇāt — from the all-perfect; pūrṇam — complete unit; udacyate — is produced; pūrṇasya — of the Complete Whole; pūrṇam — completely, all; ādāya — having been taken away; pūrṇam — the complete balance; eva — even; avaśiṣyate — is remaining.



Gospod, Božanska Osebnost, je popoln in celovit, zato je tudi vse, kar izhaja iz Njega, na primer pojavni svet, popolnoma opremljeno kot popolna celota in je po svoji naravi popolno. Ker je Gospod Popolna Celota, ostaja v popolnem ravnovesju, čeprav iz Njega izhaja brezmejno število popolnih enot.

The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.



Popolna Božanska Osebnost je Popolna Celota oziroma Vrhovna Absolutna Resnica. Spoznanje brezosebnega Brahmana ali Paramātme (Nadduše) še ni popolno razumevanje Absolutne Celote. Vsevišnja Božanska Osebnost je sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha. Z brezosebnim Brahmanom spoznamo Njegov vidik večnosti oziroma sat, s spoznanjem Paramātme se nam odkrijeta sat in cit oziroma večnost in vednost, s spoznanjem Božanske Osebnosti pa se nam razodenejo vsi duhovni vidiki Absolutne Resnice – sat, cit in ānanda, blaženost. Vigraha pomeni »oblika«. Bog ali Popolna Celota torej ni brezobličen, saj ne bi mogel biti popoln, če bi bil prikrajšan za kakšno lastnost Svojega stvarstva. Zato mora vsebovati vse, kar zaznavamo in kar presega našo zaznavo.

The Complete Whole, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is the complete Personality of Godhead. Realization of impersonal Brahman or of Paramātmā, the Supersoul, is incomplete realization of the Absolute Complete. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha. Realization of impersonal Brahman is realization of His sat feature, or His aspect of eternity, and Paramātmā realization is realization of His sat and cit features, His aspects of eternity and knowledge. But realization of the Personality of Godhead is realization of all the transcendental features – sat, cit and ānanda, bliss. When one realizes the Supreme Person, he realizes these aspects of the Absolute Truth in their completeness. Vigraha means “form.” Thus the Complete Whole is not formless. If He were formless, or if He were less than His creation in any other way, He could not be complete. The Complete Whole must contain everything both within and beyond our experience; otherwise He cannot be complete.

   Bog ali Popolna Celota ima brezmejne moči, ki so vse tako popolne, kot je sam. Tako je tudi pojavni svet po svoji naravi popoln. Štiriindvajset elementov minljivega materialnega vesolja je urejenih tako, da proizvajajo vse potrebno za njegovo vzdrževanje in obstoj. Nikomur ni treba posebej skrbeti za vzdrževanje vesolja. To deluje v svojih časovnih okvirih, ki jih določa energija Popolne Celote, in bo uničeno v skladu z Njenim popolnim načrtom, ko se mu bo čas iztekel.

The Complete Whole, the Personality of Godhead, has immense potencies, all of which are as complete as He is. Thus this phenomenal world is also complete in itself. The twenty-four elements of which this material universe is a temporary manifestation are arranged to produce everything necessary for the maintenance and subsistence of this universe. No other unit in the universe need make an extraneous effort to try to maintain the universe. The universe functions on its own time scale, which is fixed by the energy of the Complete Whole, and when that schedule is completed, this temporary manifestation will be annihilated by the complete arrangement of the Complete Whole.

   Majhne popolne celote (živa bitja) imajo na voljo vse, kar potrebujejo, da lahko spoznajo Popolno Celoto. Vsakršno nepopolnost zaznavamo samo zaradi nepopolnega razumevanja Popolne Celote. Živo bitje lahko svojo zavest v popolnosti izrazi v človeški življenjski obliki, ki jo dobi, potem ko se je v krogu rojstev in smrti razvijalo v 8.400.000 življenjskih vrstah. Po zakonu materialne narave se mora vrniti v razvojni krog, če v človeškem življenju zapravi priložnost, da bi spoznalo svojo popolnost v odnosu s Popolno Celoto.

All facilities are given to the small complete units (namely the living beings) to enable them to realize the Complete Whole. All forms of incompleteness are experienced due to incomplete knowledge of the Complete Whole. The human form of life is a complete manifestation of the consciousness of the living being, and it is obtained after evolving through 8,400,000 species of life in the cycle of birth and death. If in this human life of full consciousness the living entity does not realize his completeness in relation to the Complete Whole, he loses the chance to realize his completeness and is again put into the evolutionary cycle by the law of material nature.

   Ker ne vemo, da je narava urejena tako, da nas popolnoma vzdržuje, si prizadevamo izkoriščati naravne vire za tako imenovano popolno življenje čutnega uživanja. Takšno življenje je zaslepljujoče in zavajajoče, saj živo bitje ne more uživati s čutili, če ni tesno povezano s Popolno Celoto. Roka je popolna celota, vse dokler je povezana s celim telesom. Če jo ločimo od telesa, izgubi vse svoje sposobnosti, čeprav se njen videz ne spremeni. Tudi živa bitja so delci Popolne Celote, in če jih ločimo od nje, jih navidezna celovitost ne more v polnosti zadovoljiti.

Because we do not know that there is a complete arrangement in nature for our maintenance, we make efforts to utilize the resources of nature to create a so-called complete life of sense enjoyment. Because the living entity cannot enjoy the life of the senses without being dovetailed with the Complete Whole, the misleading life of sense enjoyment is illusion. The hand of a body is a complete unit only as long as it is attached to the complete body. When the hand is severed from the body, it may appear like a hand, but it actually has none of the potencies of a hand. Similarly, living beings are part and parcel of the Complete Whole, and if they are severed from the Complete Whole, the illusory representation of completeness cannot fully satisfy them.

   Popolnost človeškega življenja lahko spoznamo le, če se posvetimo služenju Popolni Celoti. Vsakršno služenje – bodisi družbeno, politično, krajevno, mednarodno ali celo medplanetno – bo ostalo nepopolno, vse dokler ga ne bomo tesno povezali s Popolno Celoto. Le tako povezani delci postanejo tudi sami po sebi popolni.

The completeness of human life can be realized only when one engages in the service of the Complete Whole. All services in this world – whether social, political, communal, international or even interplanetary – will remain incomplete until they are dovetailed with the Complete Whole. When everything is dovetailed with the Complete Whole, the attached parts and parcels also become complete in themselves.