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Šesta mantra

Mantra Six



yas tu sarvāṇi bhūtāny
ātmany evānupaśyati
sarva-bhūteṣu cātmānaṁ
tato na vijugupsate
yas tu sarvāṇi bhūtāny
ātmany evānupaśyati
sarva-bhūteṣu cātmānaṁ
tato na vijugupsate



yaḥ — kdor; tu — toda; sarvāṇi — vsa; bhūtāni — živa bitja; ātmani — v povezavi z Vsevišnjim Gospodom; eva — samo; anupaśyati — premišljeno vidi; sarva-bhūteṣu — v vseh živih bitjih; ca — in; ātmānam — Naddušo; tataḥ — potem; na — ne; vijugupsate — sovraži nikogar.

yaḥ — he who; tu — but; sarvāṇi — all; bhūtāni — living entities; ātmani — in relation to the Supreme Lord; eva — only; anupaśyati — observes in a systematic way; sarva-bhūteṣu — in every living being; ca — and; ātmānam — the Supersoul; tataḥ — thereafter; na — not; vijugupsate — hates anyone.



Kdor dosledno vse vidi v povezavi z Vsevišnjim Gospodom in se zaveda, da so vsa živa bitja Njegovi delci ter da je Vsevišnji Gospod v vsem, ta ničesar in nikogar ne sovraži.

He who systematically sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord, who sees all living entities as His parts and parcels, and who sees the Supreme Lord within everything never hates anything or any being.



To je opis mahā-bhāgavate, velike osebnosti, ki vse vidi povezano z Vsevišnjo Božansko Osebnostjo. Navzočnost Vsevišnjega Gospoda spoznavamo na treh stopnjah. Spoznanje kaniṣṭha-adhikārījev je najnižje. Glede na svojo veroizpoved hodijo na kraje čaščenja, kot so tempelj, cerkev ali mošeja, kjer častijo Gospoda po navodilih svetih spisov. Častilci na tej stopnji mislijo, da je Gospod navzoč samo v svetišču, drugje pa ne. Ne znajo določiti razvojne stopnje vdanega služenja pri drugih, niti ne vedo, kdo je spoznal Vsevišnjega Gospoda. Držijo se obredov in se včasih prepirajo med seboj o tem, katera vrsta vdanosti je boljša. Kaniṣṭha-adhikārīji so v resnici materialistični bhakte, ki si šele prizadevajo, da bi se dvignili nad materijo na duhovno raven.

This is a description of the mahā-bhāgavata, the great personality who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Lord’s presence is realized in three stages. The kaniṣṭha-adhikārī is in the lowest stage of realization. He goes to a place of worship, such as a temple, church or mosque, according to his religious faith, and worships there according to scriptural injunctions. Devotees in this stage consider the Lord to be present at the place of worship and nowhere else. They cannot ascertain who is in what position in devotional service, nor can they tell who has realized the Supreme Lord. Such devotees follow the routine formulas and sometimes quarrel among themselves, considering one type of devotion better than another. These kaniṣṭha-adhikārīs are actually materialistic devotees who are simply trying to transcend the material boundary to reach the spiritual plane.

   Tisti bhakte, ki so dosegli drugo stopnjo spoznanja, se imenujejo madhyama-adhikārīji. Ti razlikujejo med štirimi vrstami živih bitij: (1) Vsevišnjim Gospodom, (2) Gospodovimi bhaktami, (3) nedolžnimi, ki ničesar ne vedo o Gospodu ter (4) brezbožniki, ki nimajo vere v Boga in sovražijo tiste, ki Mu vdano služijo. Madhyama-adhikārīji se do vsake od teh skupin vedejo drugače. H Gospodu usmerjajo svojo ljubezen in Ga častijo, sklepajo prijateljstva s tistimi, ki vdano služijo Gospodu, skušajo prebuditi spečo ljubezen do Boga v srcih nedolžnih in se izogibajo brezbožnikov, ki se norčujejo iz samega Gospodovega imena.

Those who have attained the second stage of realization are called madhyama-adhikārīs. These devotees observe the distinctions between four categories of being: (1) the Supreme Lord; (2) the devotees of the Lord; (3) the innocent, who have no knowledge of the Lord; and (4) the atheists, who have no faith in the Lord and hate those in devotional service. The madhyama-adhikārī behaves differently toward these four classes of person. He adores the Lord, considering Him the object of love; he makes friends with those who are in devotional service; he tries to awaken the dormant love of God in the hearts of the innocent; and he avoids the atheists, who deride the very name of the Lord.

   Nad madhyama-adhikārījem pa je uttama-adhikārī, ki vse vidi v povezavi z Vsevišnjim Gospodom. Tak bhakta ne dela razlik med brezbožniki in pobožnimi, temveč vsa bitja dojema kot Božje delce. Ve, da v bistvu ni razlike med izjemno učenim brāhmaṇo in pouličnim psom, saj sta oba Gospodova delca, čeprav sta ujeta v različni vrsti teles, ki sta posledici njunega delovanja v prejšnjih življenjih. Zaveda se, da Božji delec, ki je zdaj v brahmanskem telesu, ni zlorabil svoje neznatne neodvisnosti, ki jo je prejel od Gospoda, Božji delec, ujet v pasje telo, pa jo je, in je zato kaznovan po zakonih narave. Uttama-adhikārī se ne zmeni za dejanja enega ali drugega, temveč obema skuša pomagati. Takega učenega bhakto zunanja telesna podoba ne premoti, saj ga privlači duhovna iskra živega bitja.

Above the madhyama-adhikārī is the uttama-adhikārī, who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord. Such a devotee does not discriminate between an atheist and a theist but sees everyone as part and parcel of God. He knows that there is no essential difference between a vastly learned brāhmaṇa and a dog in the street, because both of them are part and parcel of the Lord, although they are encaged in different bodies on account of the different qualities of their activities in their previous lives. He sees that the brāhmaṇa particle of the Supreme Lord has not misused his little independence given him by the Lord and that the dog particle has misused his independence and is therefore being punished by the laws of nature by being encaged in the form of a dog. Not considering the respective actions of the brāhmaṇa and the dog, the uttama-adhikārī tries to do good to both. Such a learned devotee is not misled by material bodies but is attracted by the spiritual spark within them.

   Tisti, ki posnemajo uttama-adhikārīje in mahajo z idejami enakosti ali bratstva, delujejo pa na telesni ravni, so lažni človekoljubi. Vesoljnega bratstva se moramo učiti od uttama-adhikārījev, ne pa od bedakov, ki ne razumejo niti posamezne duše niti vsepovsod navzoče Gospodove emanacije Nadduše.

Those who imitate an uttama-adhikārī by flaunting a sense of oneness or fellowship but who behave on the bodily platform are actually false philanthropists. The conception of universal brotherhood must be learned from an uttama-adhikārī and not from a foolish person who does not properly understand the individual soul or the Supreme Lord’s Supersoul expansion, who dwells everywhere.

   Šesta mantra s strokovnim sanskrtskim izrazom anupaśyati jasno pravi, da bi morali »opazovati« ali dosledno videti. To pomeni, da moramo hoditi po stopinjah prejšnjih ācārij, popolnih učiteljev. Anu pomeni »slediti«, paśyati pa »opazovati«. Z anupaśyati torej razumemo, da stvari ne bi smeli opazovati tako, kot nam jih slikajo telesne oči, temveč bi se morali držati nauka ācārij. Zaradi materialnih pomanjkljivosti s prostim očesom ničesar ne vidimo v pravi luči. Zares spregledamo šele, ko sprejmemo znanje iz višjega vira, najvišji vir pa je vedska modrost, ki jo je izgovoril sam Gospod. Vedske resnice sestopajo po nasledstvu učiteljev in učencev od Vsevišnjega Gospoda do Brahme, od Brahme do Nārade, od Nārade do Vyāse in nato do Vyāsovih številnih učencev. V prejšnjih dobah Ved ni bilo treba zapisovati, saj so bili ljudje pametnejši in so imeli boljši spomin. Nauk so lahko razumeli že, če so ga enkrat slišali iz ust verodostojnega duhovnega učitelja.

It is clearly mentioned in this sixth mantra that one should “observe,” or systematically see. This means that one must follow the previous ācāryas, the perfected teachers. Anupaśyati is the exact Sanskrit word used in this connection. Anu means “to follow,” and paśyati means “to observe.” Thus the word anupaśyati means that one should not see things as he does with the naked eye but should follow the previous ācāryas. Due to material defects, the naked eye cannot see anything properly. One cannot see properly unless one has heard from a superior source, and the highest source is the Vedic wisdom, which is spoken by the Lord Himself. Vedic truths are coming in disciplic succession from the Lord to Brahmā, from Brahmā to Nārada, from Nārada to Vyāsa, and from Vyāsa to his many disciples. Formerly there was no need to record the messages of the Vedas, because people in earlier ages were more intelligent and had sharper memories. They could follow the instructions simply by hearing once from the mouth of a bona fide spiritual master.

   Dandanes obstaja veliko komentarjev k razodetim spisom, ampak večine med njimi niso napisali učitelji iz duhovnega nasledstva Śrīla Vyāsadeve, ki je izvorni pisec vedske modrosti. Končno, najpopolnejše in najbolj vzvišeno Śrīla Vyāsadevovo delo je Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, ki je naravni komentar k Vedānta-sūtri. Zapisal je tudi Bhagavad-gīto, ki jo je izgovoril sam Gospod. To sta najpomembnejša razodeta sveta spisa in noben komentar, ki je v nasprotju z njunimi načeli, ni verodostojen. Upaniṣade, Vedānta-sūtra, Vede, Bhagavad-gītā in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam se med seboj povsem ujemajo, zato nihče ne bi smel sklepati o nauku Ved, ne da bi prejel znanje o njem od predstavnikov Vyāsadevovega duhovnega nasledstva učiteljev in učencev, ki verjamejo v Božansko Osebnost in Njegove raznolike energije, pojasnjene v Śrī Īśopaniṣad.

At present there are many commentaries on the revealed scriptures, but most of them are not in the line of disciplic succession coming from Śrīla Vyāsadeva, who originally compiled the Vedic wisdom. The final, most perfect and sublime work by Śrīla Vyāsadeva is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, which is the natural commentary on the Vedānta-sūtra. There is also the Bhagavad-gītā, which was spoken by the Lord Himself and recorded by Vyāsadeva. These are the most important revealed scriptures, and any commentary that contradicts the principles of the Bhagavad-gītā or Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is unauthorized. There is complete agreement among the Upaniṣads, Vedānta-sūtra, Vedas, Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and no one should try to reach any conclusion about the Vedas without receiving instructions from members of Vyāsadeva’s disciplic succession, who believe in the Personality of Godhead and His diverse energies as they are explained in Śrī Īśopaniṣad.

   Bhagavad-gītā (18.54) pravi, da lahko uttama-adhikārī postane le, kdor je že osvobojen (brahma-bhūta). Kdor je na tej stopnji, lahko vsako živo bitje vidi kot svojega brata. Politiki, ki se nenehno pehajo za gmotnimi pridobitvami, pa takega spoznanja ne morejo imeti. Kdor posnema uttama-adhikārīja, bo za lastno slavo ali materialno korist deloval v telesno dobro drugih, njihovim dušam pa ne bo koristil. Tak posnemovalec si ne more pridobiti znanja o duhovnem svetu. Uttama-adhikārīji v snovnih telesih vidijo duše oziroma duhovna bitja, zato jim služijo na duhovni ravni in jih tako obenem zadovoljijo tudi po materialni strani.

According to the Bhagavad-gītā (18.54), only one who is already on the liberated platform (brahma-bhūta) can become an uttama-adhikārī devotee and see every living being as his own brother. This vision cannot be had by politicians, who are always after some material gain. One who imitates the symptoms of an uttama-adhikārī may serve another’s outward body for the purpose of fame or material reward, but he does not serve the spirit soul. Such an imitator can have no information of the spiritual world. The uttama-adhikārī sees the spirit soul within the material body and serves him as spirit. Thus the material aspect is automatically served.