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Deseta mantra

Mantra Ten



anyad evāhur vidyayā-
nyad āhur avidyayā
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṁ
ye nas tad vicacakṣire
anyad evāhur vidyayā-
nyad āhur avidyayā
iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṁ
ye nas tad vicacakṣire



anyat — drugačen; eva — vsekakor; āhuḥ — je rečeno; vidyayā — z negovanjem znanja; anyat — drugačen; āhuḥ — je rečeno; avidyayā — z negovanjem nevednosti;  iti   —  tako; śuśruma   —  sem slišal; dhīrāṇām — od razsodnih; ye — ki; naḥ — nam; tat — to; vicacakṣire — pojasnili.

anyat — different; eva — certainly; āhuḥ — said; vidyayā — by culture of knowledge; anyat — different; āhuḥ — said; avidyayā — by culture of nescience; iti — thus; śuśruma — I heard; dhīrāṇām — from the sober; ye — who; naḥ — to us; tat — that; vicacakṣire — explained.



Modri so nam pojasnili, da nekaj dosežemo z razvijanjem znanja, drugo pa z negovanjem nevednosti.

The wise have explained that one result is derived from the culture of knowledge and that a different result is obtained from the culture of nescience.



Bhagavad-gītā (13.8–12) nam v trinajstem poglavju svetuje, naj znanje negujemo takole:

As advised in Chapter Thirteen of the Bhagavad-gītā (13.8–12), one should culture knowledge in the following way:

   (1) Postati bi morali plemeniti in se naučiti drugim izkazovati primerno spoštovanje.

(1) One should become a perfect gentleman and learn to give proper respect to others.

   (2) Ne bi se smeli izdajati za pobožnega človeka samo zato, da bi si pridobili ugled.

(2) One should not pose himself as a religionist simply for name and fame.

   (3) Drugim ne bi smeli povzročati trpljenja ne v mislih, ne v besedah, ne v dejanjih.

(3) One should not become a source of anxiety to others by the actions of his body, by the thoughts of his mind, or by his words.

   (4) Naučiti bi se morali potrpežljivosti, tudi če nas drugi izzivajo.

(4) One should learn forbearance even in the face of provocation from others.

   (5) Neodkritosrčnosti v odnosih z drugimi bi se morali izogibati.

(5) One should learn to avoid duplicity in his dealings with others.

   (6) Poiskati bi morali verodostojnega duhovnega učitelja, ki nas lahko postopoma privede do stopnje duhovnega spoznanja, se mu predati, mu služiti in postavljati ustrezna vprašanja.

(6) One should search out a bona fide spiritual master who can lead him gradually to the stage of spiritual realization, and one must submit himself to such a spiritual master, render him service and ask relevant questions.

   (7) Da bi dosegli samospoznanje, se moramo držati načel, ki jih predpisujejo razodeti sveti spisi.

(7) In order to approach the platform of self-realization, one must follow the regulative principles enjoined in the revealed scriptures.

   (8) Odločno moramo hoditi po poti, začrtani v svetih spisih.

(8) One must be fixed in the tenets of the revealed scriptures.

   (9) Povsem se moramo vzdržati vsega, kar nam škoduje na poti samospoznavanja.

(9) One should completely refrain from practices which are detrimental to the interest of self-realization.

   (10) Ne bi smeli sprejeti več, kot potrebujemo za vzdrževanje telesa.

(10) One should not accept more than he requires for the maintenance of the body.

   (11) Ne bi se smeli zmotno enačiti z grobim snovnim telesom in si domišljati, da nam tisti, ki so povezani s tem telesom, pripadajo.

(11) One should not falsely identify himself with the gross material body, nor should one consider those who are related to his body to be his own.

   (12) Ves čas bi se morali zavedati, da bomo morali izkušati trpljenje ponavljajočih se rojstev, starosti, bolezni in smrti, vse dokler bomo imeli materialno telo. Ni se smiselno ukvarjati z načrtovanjem, kako se rešiti težav, ki doletevajo telo. Najbolje je poiskati način za obuditev svojega duhovnega jaza.

(12) One should always remember that as long as he has a material body he must face the miseries of repeated birth, old age, disease and death. There is no use in making plans to get rid of these miseries of the material body. The best course is to find out the means by which one may regain his spiritual identity.

   (13) Ne bi se smeli navezovati na več, kot potrebujemo za duhovno napredovanje.

(13) One should not be attached to more than the necessities of life required for spiritual advancement.

   (14) Na ženo, otroke in dom se ne bi smeli navezati bolj, kot to predpisujejo razodeti sveti spisi.

(14) One should not be more attached to wife, children and home than the revealed scriptures ordain.

   (15) Ne bi se smeli veseliti ali žalostiti, kadar doživimo kaj prijetnega ali neprijetnega, temveč bi se morali zavedati, da se ti občutki porajajo v umu.

(15) One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind.

   (16) Postati bi morali čisti bhakte Božanske Osebnosti Śrī Kṛṣṇe in Mu služiti s polno pozornostjo.

(16) One should become an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and serve Him with rapt attention.

   (17) Vzljubiti bi morali življenje v samotnem in mirnem okolju, ugodnem za duhovni razvoj. Izogibati pa bi se morali gosto naseljenih krajev, kjer se zbirajo brezbožni ljudje.

(17) One should develop a liking for residence in a secluded place with a calm and quiet atmosphere favorable for spiritual culture, and one should avoid congested places where nondevotees congregate.

   (18) Postati bi morali znanstvenik oziroma filozof in raziskovati duhovno znanje, zavedajoč se, da je le to trajno, medtem ko se materialno znanje konča s smrtjo telesa.

(18) One should become a scientist or philosopher and conduct research into spiritual knowledge, recognizing that spiritual knowledge is permanent whereas material knowledge ends with the death of the body.

   Teh osemnajst postavk sestavlja postopno pot razvijanja pravega znanja. Vsi drugi postopki so opredeljeni kot nevednost. Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, veliki ācārya, je trdil, da so vse oblike materialnega znanja samo zunanji izraz slepilne energije in da z njihovim negovanjem še nismo boljši od osla. Enako uči Śrī Īśopaniṣad. Z napredkom materialnega znanja se sodobni človek samo spreminja v osla. Nekateri materialistični politiki v duhovni preobleki obsojajo sodobno civilizacijo, da je satanska, na žalost pa se ne zmenijo za negovanje pravega znanja, kot ga opisuje Bhagavad-gītā. Peklenskih okoliščin tako ne morejo spremeniti.

These eighteen items combine to form a gradual process by which real knowledge can be developed. Except for these, all other methods are considered to be in the category of nescience. Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, a great ācārya, maintained that all forms of material knowledge are merely external features of the illusory energy and that by culturing them one becomes no better than an ass. This same principle is found here in Śrī Īśopaniṣad. By advancement of material knowledge, modern man is simply being converted into an ass. Some materialistic politicians in spiritual guise decry the present system of civilization as satanic, but unfortunately they do not care about the culture of real knowledge as it is described in the Bhagavad-gītā. Thus they cannot change the satanic situation.

   V sodobni družbi celo otrok misli, da je samostojen in da mu ni treba izkazovati spoštovanja starejšim. Ker naše visoko šolstvo podaja napačno znanje, mladi po vsem svetu odraslim povzročajo preglavice. Zato nas Śrī Īśopaniṣad zelo resno opozarja, da nas negovanje nevednosti vodi v drugo smer kot pot znanja. Univerze so tako rekoč samo središča nevednosti. Posledica tega je, da znanstveniki odkrivajo smrtonosna orožja, da bi z njimi uničili druge države. Dandanašnjih študentov ne poučujejo o brahmacaryi (spolno vzdržnem študentskem življenju), niti ti nimajo vere v odredbe svetih spisov. Verskih načel ne poučujejo, da bi kdo živel po njih, temveč samo za lastni ugled. Sovraštvo zato ni prisotno le na družbenem in političnem področju, ampak tudi na verskem.

In the modern society, even a boy thinks himself self-sufficient and pays no respect to elderly men. Due to the wrong type of education being imparted in our universities, boys all over the world are giving their elders headaches. Thus Śrī Īśopaniṣad very strongly warns that the culture of nescience is different from that of knowledge. The universities are, so to speak, centers of nescience only; consequently scientists are busy discovering lethal weapons to wipe out the existence of other countries. University students today are not given instructions in the regulative principles of brahmacarya (celibate student life), nor do they have any faith in any scriptural injunctions. Religious principles are taught for the sake of name and fame only and not for the sake of practical action. Thus there is animosity not only in social and political fields but in the field of religion as well.

   Nacionalizem se je na raznih koncih sveta razvil zato, ker so množice gojile nevednost. Nihče ne pomisli, da je neznatna zemlja samo kepa snovi, ki skupaj z drugimi kosi leti po brezmejnem vesolju. V primerjavi z vesoljnim prostranstvom so ti kosi snovi kot prah v zraku. Ker je Bog kepe snovi po Svoji dobroti ustvaril same po sebi popolne, so te povsem opremljene za vesoljsko plovbo. Naši astronavti so morda zelo ponosni na to, da upravljajo z vesoljskimi ladjami, ne razmišljajo pa o tem, kdo je vrhovni upravljavec velikanskih vesoljskih ladij, planetov.

Nationalism has developed in different parts of the world due to the cultivation of nescience by the general people. No one considers that this tiny earth is just a lump of matter floating in immeasurable space along with many other lumps. In comparison to the vastness of space, these material lumps are like dust particles in the air. Because God has kindly made these lumps of matter complete in themselves, they are perfectly equipped with all necessities for floating in space. The drivers of our spaceships may be very proud of their achievements, but they do not consider the supreme driver of these greater, more gigantic spaceships called planets.

   Obstaja nešteto sonc in planetnih sistemov. Neznatna bitjeca, ki smo neskončno majhni Gospodovi delci, skušamo vladati brezmejnim planetom. Tako se vedno znova rojevamo in umiramo, starost in smrt pa nam večinoma izjalovita vse načrte. Človeška življenjska doba traja približno sto let, postopoma pa se bo zmanjšala na dvajset ali trideset let. Zaslepljeni ljudje so si zaradi negovanja nevednosti na teh planetih ustvarili svoje države, da bi lahko v teh nekaj letih kar najučinkoviteje čutno uživali. Taki nevedneži si zadajajo povsem nemogočo nalogo, da bi med državami začrtali popolne meje. Pa vendar si zaradi te namere narodi zadajajo trpljenje. Države več kot petdeset odstotkov sredstev namenijo obrambi in jih tako nekoristno zapravijo. Nihče se ne zmeni za negovanje pravega znanja, zaslepljeni ljudje pa so kljub temu ponosni, misleč, da so materialno in duhovno napredni.

There are innumerable suns and innumerable planetary systems also. As infinitesimal parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, we small creatures are trying to dominate these unlimited planets. Thus we take repeated birth and death and are generally frustrated by old age and disease. The span of human life is scheduled for about a hundred years, although it is gradually decreasing to twenty or thirty years. Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment more effectively for these few years. Such foolish people draw up various plans to render national demarcations perfectly, a task that is totally impossible. Yet for this purpose each and every nation has become a source of anxiety for others. More than fifty percent of a nation’s energy is devoted to defense measures and thus spoiled. No one cares for the cultivation of real knowledge, yet people are falsely proud of being advanced in both material and spiritual knowledge.

   Śrī Īśopaniṣad nas svari pred lažno izobrazbo, Bhagavad-gītā pa nas poučuje, kako razviti pravo znanje. Ta mantra pravi, da moramo vidyo (znanje) sprejeti od dhīre oziroma tistega, ki ga materialna slepila ne vznemirjajo. Nihče ne more postati tak brez popolnega duhovnega spoznanja, saj le takrat po ničemer ne hrepeni in za ničimer ne žaluje. Dhīra se zaveda, da sta telo in um, ki si ju je v stiku z materijo naključno pridobil, le tuji prvini – zato iz slabe kupčije skuša potegniti kar največ.

Śrī Īśopaniṣad warns us of this faulty type of education, and the Bhagavad-gītā gives instructions as to the development of real knowledge. This mantra states that the instructions of vidyā (knowledge) must be acquired from a dhīra. A dhīra is one who is not disturbed by material illusion. No one can be undisturbed unless he is perfectly spiritually realized, at which time one neither hankers nor laments for anything. A dhīra realizes that the material body and mind he has acquired by chance through material association are but foreign elements; therefore he simply makes the best use of a bad bargain.

   Za duhovno bitje sta takšno telo in um slaba kupčija. Naravno okolje za živo bitje je živi, duhovni svet, materialni svet pa je mrtev. Vse dokler žive duhovne iskre ravnajo z mrtvimi kosi snovi, se mrtvi materialni svet zdi živ. V resnici pa svet poganjajo žive duše, delci vrhovnega živega bitja. Dhīre so se teh dejstev naučili od višjih avtoritet, z življenjem po predpisanih načelih pa so si pridobili tudi globlje razumevanje.

The material body and mind are bad bargains for the spiritual living entity. The living entity has actual functions in the living, spiritual world, but this material world is dead. As long as the living spiritual sparks manipulate the dead lumps of matter, the dead world appears to be a living world. Actually it is the living souls, the parts and parcels of the supreme living being, who move the world. The dhīras have come to know all these facts by hearing them from superior authorities and have realized this knowledge by following the regulative principles.

   Da bi lahko zaživeli po predpisanih načelih, se moramo zateči k verodostojnemu duhovnemu učitelju, saj transcendentalni nauk in predpisana načela sestopajo z učitelja na učenca. Takega znanja ne moremo dobiti po srečnem naključju v izobraževalnem sistemu, ki goji nevednost. Dhīra postanemo samo s ponižnim poslušanjem verodostojnega duhovnega učitelja. Arjuna, na primer, je postal dhīra s ponižnim poslušanjem Gospoda Kṛṣṇe, same Božanske Osebnosti. Popoln učenec mora torej biti tak kot Arjuna, duhovni učitelj pa kot sam Gospod. To je pot sprejemanja vidye (znanja) od dhīre (tistega, ki ni vznemirjen).

To follow the regulative principles, one must take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. The transcendental message and regulative principles come down from the spiritual master to the disciple. Such knowledge does not come in the hazardous way of nescient education. One can become a dhīra only by submissively hearing from a bona fide spiritual master. Arjuna, for example, became a dhīra by submissively hearing from Lord Kṛṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead Himself. Thus the perfect disciple must be like Arjuna, and the spiritual master must be as good as the Lord Himself. This is the process of learning vidyā (knowledge) from the dhīra (the undisturbed).

   Adhīra (človek, ki se ni podvrgel dhīrovemu usposabljanju) ne more nikogar voditi ali učiti. Sodobni politiki, ki se izdajajo za dhīre, so v resnici adhīre, zato od njih ne moremo pričakovati popolnega znanja. V resnici stremijo samo po dobri plači. Kako bi lahko potem vodili množice k pravi poti samospoznavanja? Če si torej želimo pridobiti pravo izobrazbo, moramo ponižno poslušati dhīro.

An adhīra (one who has not undergone the training of a dhīra) cannot be an instructive leader. Modern politicians who pose themselves as dhīras are actually adhīras, and one cannot expect perfect knowledge from them. They are simply busy seeing to their own remuneration in dollars and cents. How, then, can they lead the mass of people to the right path of self-realization? Thus one must hear submissively from a dhīra in order to attain actual education.