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paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrānām
ācārya mahatīṁ camūm
vyūḍhāṁ drupada-putreṇa
tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā

paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrāṇām
ācārya mahatīṁ camūm
vyūḍhāṁ drupada-putreṇa
tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā



paśya — pozri; etām — toto; pāṇḍu-putrāṇām — Pāṇḍuových synov; ācārya — ó, učiteľ; mahatīm — veľké; camūm — vojsko; vyūḍhām — zoradené; drupada-putreṇa — Drupadov syn; tava — tvoj; śiṣyeṇa — žiak; dhī-matā — veľmi inteligentný.

paśya — behold; etām — this; pāṇḍu-putrānām — of the sons of Pāṇḍu; ācārya — O teacher; mahatīm — great; camūm — military force; vyūḍhām — arranged; drupada-putreṇa — by the son of Drupada; tava — your; śiṣyeṇa — disciple; dhī-matā — very intelligent.



Ó, môj učiteľ, pozri na mohutné vojsko synov Pāṇḍuových, ktoré tak znalecky zoradil tvoj múdry žiak, syn Drupadov.

O my teacher, behold the great army of the sons of Pāṇḍu, so expertly arranged by your intelligent disciple the son of Drupada.



Veľký diplomat Duryodhana chcel poukázať na nedostatky brāhmaṇského vrchného veliteľa Droṇu. Droṇācārya mal politický spor s kráľom Drupadom, otcom Draupadī, ktorá bola Arjunovou ženou. Kvôli tomuto sporu vykonal Drupada veľkú obeť, vďaka ktorej bol požehnaný synom, schopným zabiť Droṇācāryu. Droṇācārya to veľmi dobre vedel, no keď za ním Drupadov syn Dhṛṣṭadyumna prišiel, aby sa naučil vojenskému umeniu, neváhal Droṇācārya ako dobrý brāhmaṇa ani sekundu a zasvätil ho do všetkých vojenských tajomstiev, ktoré poznal. Na Kuruovskom bojisku stál Dhṛṣṭadyumna na strane Pāṇḍuovcov a bol veliteľom ich armády. Zoradil vojenské šíky tak, ako sa to naučil od Droṇācāryu. Duryodhana poukázal na túto Droṇācāryovu chybu, čím ho chcel prinútiť, aby bol v boji pevný a neúprosný. Pāṇḍuovci a predovšetkým Arjuna boli tiež jeho obľúbenými žiakmi a Duryodhana chcel dosiahnuť, aby sa Droṇācārya v boji správal neúprosne aj k nim, pretože akékoľvek zaváhanie by mohlo viesť k porážke.

Duryodhana, a great diplomat, wanted to point out the defects of Droṇācārya, the great brāhmaṇa commander in chief. Droṇācārya had some political quarrel with King Drupada, the father of Draupadī, who was Arjuna’s wife. As a result of this quarrel, Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Droṇācārya. Droṇācārya knew this perfectly well, and yet as a liberal brāhmaṇa he did not hesitate to impart all his military secrets when the son of Drupada, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, was entrusted to him for military education. Now, on the Battlefield of Kurukṣetra, Dhṛṣṭadyumna took the side of the Pāṇḍavas, and it was he who arranged for their military phalanx, after having learned the art from Droṇācārya. Duryodhana pointed out this mistake of Droṇācārya’s so that he might be alert and uncompromising in the fighting. By this he wanted to point out also that he should not be similarly lenient in battle against the Pāṇḍavas, who were also Droṇācārya’s affectionate students. Arjuna, especially, was his most affectionate and brilliant student. Duryodhana also warned that such leniency in the fight would lead to defeat.