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kṣetra-kṣetrajñayor evam
antaraṁ jñāna-cakṣuṣā
bhūta-prakṛti-mokṣaṁ ca
ye vidur yānti te param
kṣetra-kṣetrajñayor evam
antaraṁ jñāna-cakṣuṣā
bhūta-prakṛti-mokṣaṁ ca
ye vidur yānti te param



kṣetra — keha; kṣetra-jñayoḥ — keha omaniku; evam — sel moel; antaram — erinevus; jñāna-cakṣuṣā — teadmistele tugineva nägemusega; bhūta — elusolendi; prakṛti — materiaalsest loodusest; mokṣam — vabanemine; ca — samuti; ye — need, kes; viduḥ — teavad; yānti — jõuavad; te — nemad; param — Kõigekõrgemani.

kṣetra — of the body; kṣetra-jñayoḥ — of the proprietor of the body; evam — thus; antaram — the difference; jñāna-cakṣuṣā — by the vision of knowledge; bhūta — of the living entity; prakṛti — from material nature; mokṣam — the liberation; ca — also; ye — those who; viduḥ — know; yānti — approach; te — they; param — the Supreme.



Need, kes näevad teadmistest valgustatud silmadega erinevust keha ja keha tundja vahel ning kes mõistavad samuti materiaalse looduse köidikuist vabanemise protsessi, saavutavad kõrgeima eesmärgi.

Those who see with eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the knower of the body, and can also understand the process of liberation from bondage in material nature, attain to the supreme goal.



Käesoleva, kolmeteistkümnenda peatüki eesmärgiks on näidata, et inimene peab õppima tundma keha, keha omaniku ning Ülihinge vahelist erinevust. Samuti tuleb tunnistada kaheksandast kaheteistkümnenda värsini kirjeldatud vabanemise protsessi. Siis võib inimene jõuda kõrgeimasse sihtpunkti.

The purport of this Thirteenth Chapter is that one should know the distinction between the body, the owner of the body, and the Supersoul. One should recognize the process of liberation, as described in verses 8 through 12. Then one can go on to the supreme destination.

Usklik inimene peaks esmalt kuulama teadust Jumalast heas seltskonnas, et seeläbi järk-järgult valgustuda. Kui inimene võtab vastu vaimse õpetaja, õpib ta eristama materiaalset ja vaimset ning see saab edasise eneseteadvustamise nurgakiviks. Vaimne õpetaja õpetab oma erinevate juhendustega õpilast materialistlikust elukäsitlusest vabanema, nii nagu „Bhagavad-gītās" juhendab Kṛṣṇa Arjunat materialistlikest kaalutlustest loobuma.

A faithful person should at first have some good association to hear of God and thus gradually become enlightened. If one accepts a spiritual master, one can learn to distinguish between matter and spirit, and that becomes the stepping-stone for further spiritual realization. A spiritual master, by various instructions, teaches his students to get free from the material concept of life. For instance, in Bhagavad-gītā we find Kṛṣṇa instructing Arjuna to free him from materialistic considerations.

Igaüks võib mõista, et tema praegune keha on materiaalne; selle võib jagada kahekümne neljaks elemendiks. See keha on jämedakoeline avaldumine. Peenekoelised avaldumised on mõistus ning psühholoogilised fenomenid. Elu tunnused tulenevad nende vastastikustest mõjudest. Kuid kõigest sellest kõrgemale jääb hing ning lisaks hingele eksisteerib veel Ülihing. Hing ja Ülihing ei ole üks ja seesama. See materiaalne maailm toimib tänu hinge ja kahekümne nelja materiaalse elemendi ühendusele. See, kes suudab mõista, et kogu materiaalne avaldumine on hinge ning materiaalsete elementide vaheline ühendus, ning kes mõistab ka Kõrgeima Hinge positsiooni, on valmis vaimsesse maailma tagasi pöörduma. Neid teadmisi tuleb uurida ja teadvustada ning vaimse õpetaja abiga peab inimene täielikult seda peatükki mõistma.

One can understand that this body is matter; it can be analyzed with its twenty-four elements. The body is the gross manifestation. And the subtle manifestation is the mind and psychological effects. And the symptoms of life are the interaction of these features. But over and above this, there is the soul, and there is also the Supersoul. The soul and the Supersoul are two. This material world is working by the conjunction of the soul and the twenty-four material elements. One who can see the constitution of the whole material manifestation as this combination of the soul and material elements and can also see the situation of the Supreme Soul becomes eligible for transfer to the spiritual world. These things are meant for contemplation and for realization, and one should have a complete understanding of this chapter with the help of the spiritual master.

Selliselt lõpevad Bhaktivedanta selgitused „Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā" kolmeteistkümnendale peatükile, mis käsitlesid loodust, nautijat ja teadvust.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Thirteenth Chapter of the Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā in the matter of Nature, the Enjoyer and Consciousness.