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upadraṣṭānumantā ca
bhartā bhoktā maheśvaraḥ
paramātmeti cāpy ukto
dehe ’smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ
upadraṣṭānumantā ca
bhartā bhoktā maheśvaraḥ
paramātmeti cāpy ukto
dehe ’smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ



upadraṣṭā — valvaja; anumantā — lubaja; ca — samuti; bhartā — isand; bhoktā — kõrgeim nautija; mahā-īśvaraḥ — Kõigekõrgem Jumal; parama- ātmā — Ülihing; iti — samuti; ca — ja; api — tõepoolest; uktaḥ — öeldakse; dehe — kehas; asmin — selles; puruṣaḥ — nautija; paraḥ — transtsendentaalne.

upadraṣṭā — overseer; anumantā — permitter; ca — also; bhartā — master; bhoktā — supreme enjoyer; mahā-īśvaraḥ — the Supreme Lord; parama-ātmā — the Supersoul; iti — also; ca — and; api — indeed; uktaḥ — is said; dehe — in the body; asmin — this; puruṣaḥ — enjoyer; paraḥ — transcendental.



Ometigi on selles kehas ka teine, transtsendentaalne nautija, kes on Jumal, kõige kõrgeim omanik, ning Ülihingena tuntud valvaja ja lubaja.

Yet in this body there is another, a transcendental enjoyer, who is the Lord, the supreme proprietor, who exists as the overseer and permitter, and who is known as the Supersoul.



Siin öeldakse, et Ülihing, kes on alati koos individuaalse hingega, on Kõigekõrgema Jumala esindaja. Ta ei ole tavaline elusolend. Kuna monistid väidavad, et keha tundjaid on vaid üks, arvavad nad, et Ülihinge ja individuaalse hinge vahel pole mingit erinevust. Selle küsimuse selgitamiseks ütleb siin Jumal, et Paramātmāna viibib Ta iga elusolendi kehas. Paramātmā on erinev individuaalsest hingest, Ta on para – transtsendentaalne. Individuaalne hing kogeb naudingut ühel konkreetsel tegevusväljal, kuid Ülihing viibib igas kehas mitte kui keha piiratud nautija või kehalistes tegevustes osaleja, vaid kui tegevuste tunnistaja, valvaja, lubaja ja kõrgeim nautija. Teda nimetatakse on Paramātmāks, mitte ātmāks, ning Ta on transtsendentaalne. On ilmselge, et ātmā ja Paramātmā on üksteisest erinevad. Ülihinge, Paramātmā käed ja jalad ulatuvad kõikjale, samas kui individuaalse hinge kohta seda öelda ei saa. Ning kuna Paramātmā on Kõigekõrgem Jumal, asub Ta iga elusolendi südames ning võimaldab tal rahuldada soove materiaalsete naudingute järele. Ilma Kõrgeima Hinge loata ei saa individuaalne hing mitte midagi teha. Individuaalne hing on bhukta ehk alalhoitav, ning Jumal on bhoktā ehk alalhoidja. Elusolendeid on lugematul hulgal, ning Jumal viibib nende kõigi juures kui sõber.

It is stated here that the Supersoul, who is always with the individual soul, is the representation of the Supreme Lord. He is not an ordinary living entity. Because the monist philosophers take the knower of the body to be one, they think that there is no difference between the Supersoul and the individual soul. To clarify this, the Lord says that He is represented as the Paramātmā in every body. He is different from the individual soul; He is para, transcendental. The individual soul enjoys the activities of a particular field, but the Supersoul is present not as finite enjoyer nor as one taking part in bodily activities, but as the witness, overseer, permitter and supreme enjoyer. His name is Paramātmā, not ātmā, and He is transcendental. It is distinctly clear that the ātmā and Paramātmā are different. The Supersoul, the Paramātmā, has legs and hands everywhere, but the individual soul does not. And because the Paramātmā is the Supreme Lord, He is present within to sanction the individual soul’s desiring material enjoyment. Without the sanction of the Supreme Soul, the individual soul cannot do anything. The individual is bhukta, or the sustained, and the Lord is bhoktā, or the maintainer. There are innumerable living entities, and He is staying in them as a friend.

On fakt, et iga individuaalne elusolend on Kõigekõrgema Jumala lahutamatu osake ning et nad on üksteisega väga lähedastes sõprussuhetes. Kuid elusolendile on omane kalduvus Kõigekõrgema Jumala seadusi eirata ja püüda Jumalast sõltumatult looduse üle valitseda; selle kalduvuse tõttu öeldakse, et ta kuulub Kõigekõrgema Jumala marginaalsesse energiasse. Elusolend võib asetseda kas materiaalses või vaimses energias. Nii kaua kui elusolend on sõltuv materiaalsest energiast, jääb Kõigekõrgem Jumal, Ülihing sõbrana tema juurde, püüdmaks panna teda tagasi pöörduma vaimsesse energiasse, kuid oma väikese iseseisvuse tõttu keeldub elusolend astumast suhetesse vaimse valgusega. Selline iseseisvuse väärkasutus ongi põhjuseks, miks elusolend on sunnitud oma olemasolu eest võitlema selles tingimustest sõltuvas looduses. Seega annab Jumal elusolendile kogu aeg juhiseid, nii seest- kui väljastpoolt. Väljastpoolt annab Ta juhendusi näiteks „Bhagavad-gītā" kaudu, ning seestpoolt püüab Ta elusolendit veenda, et tema materiaalsetele tagajärgedele suunatud tegevused ei too talle tõelist õnne. Ta ütleb: „Parem loobu oma materialistlikest tegevustest ning suuna oma usk Minule. Siis saad sa õnnelikuks." Seepärast toetub arukas inimene oma usus Paramātmāle ehk Jumala Kõrgeimale Isiksusele ning hakkab seeläbi liikuma õndsusrikka ja teadmisi täis igavese elu poole.

The fact is that every individual living entity is eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and both of them are very intimately related as friends. But the living entity has the tendency to reject the sanction of the Supreme Lord and act independently in an attempt to dominate nature, and because he has this tendency he is called the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. The living entity can be situated either in the material energy or in the spiritual energy. As long as he is conditioned by the material energy, the Supreme Lord, as his friend, the Supersoul, stays with him just to get him to return to the spiritual energy. The Lord is always eager to take him back to the spiritual energy, but due to his minute independence the individual entity is continually rejecting the association of spiritual light. This misuse of independence is the cause of his material strife in the conditioned nature. The Lord, therefore, is always giving instruction from within and from without. From without He gives instructions as stated in Bhagavad-gītā, and from within He tries to convince the living entity that his activities in the material field are not conducive to real happiness. “Just give it up and turn your faith toward Me. Then you will be happy,” He says. Thus the intelligent person who places his faith in the Paramātmā or the Supreme Personality of Godhead begins to advance toward a blissful eternal life of knowledge.