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Text 15



dadau kṛṣṇājinaṁ bhūmir
daṇḍaṁ somo vanaspatiḥ
kaupīnācchādanaṁ mātā
dyauś chatraṁ jagataḥ pateḥ
dadau kṛṣṇājinaṁ bhūmir
daṇḍaṁ somo vanaspatiḥ
kaupīnācchādanaṁ mātā
dyauś chatraṁ jagataḥ pateḥ

Palabra por palabra


dadau — dio, ofreció; kṛṣṇa-ajinam — la piel de un ciervo; bhūmiḥ — madre Tierra; daṇḍaṁ — un bastón de brahmacārī; somaḥ — el dios de la Luna; vanaḥ-patiḥ — el rey de los bosques; kaupīna — la ropa interior; ācchādanam — que cubre el cuerpo; mātā — Su madre, Aditi; dyauḥ — el reino celestial; chatram — una sombrilla; jagataḥ — de todo el universo; pateḥ — del amo.

dadau — gave, offered; kṛṣṇa-ajinam — the skin of a deer; bhūmiḥ — mother earth; daṇḍam — a brahmacārī’s rod; somaḥ — the moon-god; vanaḥ-patiḥ — the king of the forest; kaupīna — the underwear; ācchādanam — covering the body; mātā — His mother, Aditi; dyauḥ — the heavenly kingdom; chatram — an umbrella; jagataḥ — of the whole universe; pateḥ — of the master.



Madre Tierra Le dio una piel de ciervo, y el semidiós de la Luna, que es el rey de los bosques, Le dio una brahma-daṇḍa [un bastón de brahmacārī]. Su madre, Aditi, Le dio tela para Su ropa interior, y la deidad regente del reino celestial Le ofreció una sombrilla.

Mother earth gave Him a deerskin, and the demigod of the moon, who is the king of the forest, gave Him a brahma-daṇḍa [the rod of a brahmacārī]. His mother, Aditi, gave Him cloth for underwear, and the deity presiding over the heavenly kingdom offered Him an umbrella.