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sandhyāyāṁ mukta-mūrdhajā
nāsaṁvītā bahiś caret
sandhyāyāṁ mukta-mūrdhajā
nāsaṁvītā bahiś caret

Palabra por palabra


na — no; ucchiṣṭā — después de comer; aspṛṣṭa-salilā — sin lavar; sandhyāyām — al atardecer; mukta-mūrdhajā — con el cabello suelto; anarcitā — sin alhajas; asaṁyata-vāk — sin mostrarte reservada; na — no; asaṁvītā — sin ir cubierta; bahiḥ — al exterior; caret — debes ir.

na — not; ucchiṣṭā — after eating; aspṛṣṭa-salilā — without washing; sandhyāyām — in the evening; mukta-mūrdhajā — with the hair loose; anarcitā — without ornaments; asaṁyata-vāk — without being grave; na — not; asaṁvītā — without being covered; bahiḥ — outside; caret — should go.



Después de comer, no saldrás a la calle sin antes haberte lavado la boca, las manos y los pies. No saldrás al atardecer, ni con el cabello suelto, y no saldrás sin arreglarte debidamente con alhajas. No saldrás de casa a no ser que te muestres muy reservada y vayas suficientemente cubierta.

After eating, you should not go out to the street without having washed your mouth, hands and feet. You should not go out in the evening or with your hair loose, nor should you go out unless you are properly decorated with ornaments. You should not leave the house unless you are very grave and are sufficiently covered.



Kaśyapa Muni aconsejó a su esposa que no saliese a la calle sin ir bien vestida y adornada. No le aconsejó las minifaldas que ahora están de moda. En la civilización oriental, para salir a la calle, la mujer debe ir cubierta, de modo que ningún hombre pueda reconocerla. Para purificarse, deben seguirse todas esas reglas. La persona que se vuelve consciente de Kṛṣṇa se purifica por completo, y, de ese modo, siempre se mantiene trascendental a la contaminación del mundo material.

Kaśyapa Muni advised his wife not to go out onto the street unless she was well decorated and well dressed. He did not encourage the miniskirts that have now become fashionable. In Oriental civilization, when a woman goes out onto the street, she must be fully covered so that no man will recognize who she is. All these methods are to be accepted for purification. If one takes to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one is fully purified, and thus one remains always transcendental to the contamination of the material world.