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Text 29



kadācid īśvarasya bhagavato viṣṇoś cakrāt paramāṇv-ādi-dvi-parārdhāpavarga-kālopalakṣaṇāt parivartitena vayasā raṁhasā harata ābrahma-tṛṇa-stambādīnāṁ bhūtānām animiṣato miṣatāṁ vitrasta-hṛdayas tam eveśvaraṁ kāla-cakra-nijāyudhaṁ sākṣād bhagavantaṁ yajña-puruṣam anādṛtya pākhaṇḍa-devatāḥ kaṅka-gṛdhra-baka-vaṭa-prāyā ārya-samaya-parihṛtāḥ sāṅketyenābhidhatte.
kadācid īśvarasya bhagavato viṣṇoś cakrāt paramāṇv-ādi-dvi-parārdhāpavarga-kālopalakṣaṇāt parivartitena vayasā raṁhasā harata ābrahma-tṛṇa-stambādīnāṁ bhūtānām animiṣato miṣatāṁ vitrasta-hṛdayas tam eveśvaraṁ kāla-cakra-nijāyudhaṁ sākṣād bhagavantaṁ yajña-puruṣam anādṛtya pākhaṇḍa-devatāḥ kaṅka-gṛdhra-baka-vaṭa-prāyā ārya-samaya-parihṛtāḥ sāṅketyenābhidhatte.

Palabra por palabra


kadācit — a veces; īśvarasya — del Señor Supremo; bhagavataḥ — de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios; viṣṇoḥ — del Señor Viṣṇu; cakrāt — del disco; paramāṇu-ādi — comenzando con el tiempo de los diminutos átomos; dvi-parārdha — la duración de la vida de Brahmā; apavarga — finalizando; kāla — de tiempo; upalakṣaṇāt — con las características; parivartitena — girar; vayasā — por el orden cronológico de las eras; raṁhasā — rápidamente; harataḥ — quitar; ā-brahma — comenzando con el Señor Brahmā; tṛṇa-stamba-ādīnām — hasta las pequeñas matas de hierba; bhūtānām — de todas las entidades vivientes; animiṣataḥ — sin pestañear (sin fallar); miṣatām — ante los ojos de las entidades vivientes (que no pueden detenerlo); vitrasta-hṛdayaḥ — con el corazón lleno de temor; tam — a Él; eva — ciertamente; īśvaram — al Señor Supremo; kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham — cuya arma personal es el disco del tiempo; sākṣāt — directamente; bhagavantam — a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios; yajña-puruṣam — que acepta toda clase de ceremonias de sacrificio; anādṛtya — sin preocuparse de; pākhaṇḍa-devatāḥ — encarnaciones de Dios inventadas (dioses hechos por los hombres o semidioses); kaṅka — águilas; gṛdhra — buitres; baka — garzas; vaṭa-prāyāḥ — como cuervos; ārya-samaya-parihṛtāḥ — a quienes se rechaza en las Escrituras védicas autorizadas, que los āryas aceptan; sāṅketyena — por invención, o sin estar basados en la autoridad que indican las Escrituras; abhidhatte — considera dignas de adoración.

kadācit — sometimes; īśvarasya — of the Supreme Lord; bhagavataḥ — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; viṣṇoḥ — of Lord Viṣṇu; cakrāt — from the disc; paramāṇu-ādi — beginning from the time of minute atoms; dvi-parārdha — the duration of the life of Brahmā; apavarga — ending; kāla — of time; upalakṣaṇāt — having the symptoms; parivartitena — revolving; vayasā — by the chronological order of ages; raṁhasā — swiftly; harataḥ — taking away; ā-brahma — beginning from Lord Brahmā; tṛṇa-stamba-ādīnām — down to the small clumps of grass; bhūtānām — of all living entities; animiṣataḥ — without blinking the eyes (without fail); miṣatām — before the eyes of the living entities (without their being able to stop it); vitrasta-hṛdayaḥ — being afraid in the heart; tam — Him; eva — certainly; īśvaram — the Supreme Lord; kāla-cakra-nija-āyudham — whose personal weapon is the disc of time; sākṣāt — directly; bhagavantam — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; yajña-puruṣam — who accepts all kinds of sacrificial ceremonies; anādṛtya — without caring for; pākhaṇḍa-devatāḥ — concocted incarnations of God (man-made gods or demigods); kaṅka — buzzards; gṛdhra — vultures; baka — herons; vaṭa-prāyāḥ — like crows; ārya-samaya-parihṛtāḥ — who are rejected by authorized Vedic scriptures accepted by the Āryans; sāṅketyena — by concoction or with no basis of authority indicated by scripture; abhidhatte — he accepts as worshipable.



El arma personal del Señor Kṛṣṇa, el disco, recibe el nombre de hari-cakra, el disco de Hari. Ese cakra es la rueda del tiempo. Se expande desde el comienzo de los átomos hasta el momento de la muerte de Brahmā, y controla todas las actividades. Con su constante girar, consume la vida de las entidades vivientes, desde el Señor Brahmā hasta la insignificante brizna de hierba. De ese modo pasamos por la infancia, la niñez, la juventud y la madurez, y nos dirigimos también hacia el final de la vida. Esa rueda del tiempo es imposible de detener. Siendo el arma personal de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, es muy intransigente. A veces el alma condicionada teme la proximidad de la muerte y desea adorar a alguien que pueda salvarla de ese peligro que la amenaza. Pero ni siquiera entonces tiene en cuenta a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, cuya arma es el incansable factor tiempo. En lugar de ello, se refugia en un dios hecho por el hombre y de quien se habla en escrituras desautorizadas. Esos dioses son como águilas, buitres, garzas y cuervos. Las Escrituras védicas no los mencionan. La inminente muerte es como el ataque de un león, y ni los buitres, ni las águilas, ni los cuervos ni las garzas pueden salvarnos de ese ataque. Quien se refugia en dioses desautorizados, hechos por los hombres, no puede salvarse de las garras de la muerte.

The personal weapon used by Lord Kṛṣṇa, the disc, is called hari-cakra, the disc of Hari. This cakra is the wheel of time. It expands from the beginning of the atoms up to the time of Brahmā’s death, and it controls all activities. It is always revolving and spending the lives of the living entities, from Lord Brahmā down to an insignificant blade of grass. Thus one changes from infancy, to childhood, to youth and maturity, and thus one approaches the end of life. It is impossible to check this wheel of time. This wheel is very exacting because it is the personal weapon of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sometimes the conditioned soul, fearing the approach of death, wants to worship someone who can save him from imminent danger. Yet he does not care for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose weapon is the indefatigable time factor. The conditioned soul instead takes shelter of a man-made god described in unauthorized scriptures. Such gods are like buzzards, vultures, herons and crows. Vedic scriptures do not refer to them. Imminent death is like the attack of a lion, and neither vultures, buzzards, crows nor herons can save one from such an attack. One who takes shelter of unauthorized man-made gods cannot be saved from the clutches of death.



It is stated: hariṁ vinā mṛtiṁ na taranti. No one can save himself from the cruel hands of death without being favored by Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gītā it is stated, mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te: whoever fully surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svāmī or yogī. All these cheaters claim to follow religious principles, and all this has become very popular in this Age of Kali. There are many pāṣaṇḍīs who, without referring to the śāstras, pose themselves as incarnations, and foolish people follow them. Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has left behind Him Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Bhagavad-gītā. Not referring to these authorized scriptures, rascals take shelter of man-made scriptures and try to compete with Lord Kṛṣṇa. That is the greatest difficulty one encounters when trying to promote spiritual consciousness in human society. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is trying its best to bring people back to Kṛṣṇa consciousness in its pure form, but the pāṣaṇḍīs and atheists, who are cheaters, are so numerous that sometimes we become perplexed and wonder how to push this movement forward. In any case, we cannot accept the unauthorized ways of so-called incarnations, gods, cheaters and bluffers, who are described here as crows, vultures, buzzards and herons.

It is stated: hariṁ vinā mṛtiṁ na taranti. No one can save himself from the cruel hands of death without being favored by Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gītā it is stated, mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te: whoever fully surrenders unto Kṛṣṇa can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svāmī or yogī. All these cheaters claim to follow religious principles, and all this has become very popular in this Age of Kali. There are many pāṣaṇḍīs who, without referring to the śāstras, pose themselves as incarnations, and foolish people follow them. Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has left behind Him Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Bhagavad-gītā. Not referring to these authorized scriptures, rascals take shelter of man-made scriptures and try to compete with Lord Kṛṣṇa. That is the greatest difficulty one encounters when trying to promote spiritual consciousness in human society. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is trying its best to bring people back to Kṛṣṇa consciousness in its pure form, but the pāṣaṇḍīs and atheists, who are cheaters, are so numerous that sometimes we become perplexed and wonder how to push this movement forward. In any case, we cannot accept the unauthorized ways of so-called incarnations, gods, cheaters and bluffers, who are described here as crows, vultures, buzzards and herons.