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Text 206



duḥkhī vaiṣṇava dekhi’ tāṅre karāna bhojana
gauḍīyā āile dadhi, bhāta, taila-mardana
duḥkhī vaiṣṇava dekhi’ tāṅre karāna bhojana
gauḍīyā āile dadhi, bhāta, taila-mardana

Palabra por palabra


duḥkhī vaiṣṇava — a un vaiṣṇava muy pobre; dekhi’ — al ver; tāṅre — a él; karāna bhojana — da de comer; gauḍīyā āile — cuando un vaiṣṇava bengalí venía a Mathurā; dadhi — yogur; bhāta — arroz cocido; taila-mardana — dar masaje con aceite de mostaza en el cuerpo.

duḥkhī vaiṣṇava — a poverty-stricken Vaiṣṇava; dekhi’ — seeing; tāṅre — to him; karāna bhojana — gives food for eating; gauḍīyā āile — when a Bengali Vaiṣṇava came to Mathurā; dadhi — yogurt; bhāta — cooked rice; taila-mardana — massaging mustard oil on the body.



Subuddhi Rāya solía gastar sus ahorros en comprar yogur para los vaiṣṇavas bengalíes que venían a Mathurā. También les daba arroz cocido y masajes con aceite. Cuando veía a un vaiṣṇava muy pobre, utilizaba su dinero para darle de comer.

Subuddhi Rāya used to spend his savings to supply yogurt to Bengali Vaiṣṇavas who came to Mathurā. He also gave them cooked rice and oil massages. When he saw a poverty-stricken Vaiṣṇava, he would use his money to feed him.



Este verso hace referencia especial al sustento de los vaiṣṇavas bengalíes. El vaiṣṇava gauḍīya es el vaiṣṇava bengalí. La mayor parte de los devotos del Señor Caitanya en aquella época eran gauḍīyas y oriyās, originarios de Bengala y de Orissa. Todavía hoy en día hay cientos de miles de seguidores en Bengala y Orissa. Los bengalíes están habituados a una dieta basada en el arroz cocido. Cuando iban a Mathurā, en el norte, se encontraban con que la gente solía comer capatis o roṭis de trigo. Los bengalíes no podían digerir aquella comida porque estaban acostumbrados al arroz cocido. Por esa razón, Subuddhi Rāya, tan pronto como veía llegar a Mathurā un vaiṣṇava bengalí, trataba de ofrecerle arroz cocido. Los bengalíes también tienen costumbre de darse masaje con aceite de mostaza. En todo caso, Subuddhi Rāya quería servir a los vaiṣṇavasen función de sus necesidades. Por eso les proporcionaba yogur para facilitar la digestión de los alimentos de Mathurā, y en particular, de los capatis y roṭis de trigo.

There is a special reference for the maintenance of Bengali Vaiṣṇavas. A Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava is a Bengali Vaiṣṇava. Most of the devotees of Lord Caitanya at that time were Gauḍīyas and Oriyās, inhabitants of Bengal and Orissa. There are still many hundreds of thousands of His followers in Bengal and Orissa. Bengalis are habituated to eating cooked rice as their staple food. When they went to Mathurā in the north, they found that the people generally ate chapatis or roṭis made of wheat. The Bengalis could not digest this food because they were used to cooked rice. Therefore as soon as Subuddhi Rāya saw a Bengali Vaiṣṇava arriving in Mathurā, he would try to supply him with cooked rice. Bengalis are also accustomed to taking a massage with mustard oil. In any case, Subuddhi Rāya wanted to serve the Vaiṣṇavas according to their needs. Therefore he would supply yogurt to ease the digestion of food eaten in Mathurā, particularly the chapatis and roṭis made with wheat.