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Word for Word Index

by others — ŚB 1.11.23, ŚB 3.4.11, ŚB 3.16.20, ŚB 10.16.38, ŚB 10.57.38-39, ŚB 10.78.13-15, ŚB 11.8.14, ŚB 11.13.24, ŚB 4.8.37, ŚB 4.9.20-21, ŚB 4.12.26
by other — ŚB 3.28.7
by others, who aspire for material happiness. — ŚB 6.11.23
with other women — ŚB 6.18.51
with other — ŚB 7.3.11
by other ways — ŚB 7.15.66, ŚB 7.15.67
with other peaks — ŚB 8.2.2-3
others — ŚB 8.2.14-19, ŚB 10.47.24
with others — ŚB 10.15.23
by Your enemies — ŚB 10.76.31
by other methods — ŚB 11.15.34
by other (means) — ŚB 11.20.24
other — ŚB 4.6.18, ŚB 4.31.12, CC Antya 1.186
kim uta anyaiḥ
what to speak of any other thing — ŚB 1.13.20
kim anyaiḥ
what is the use of anything else — ŚB 1.16.6
anyaiḥ ca
and others also — ŚB 8.19.15
and by many others — ŚB 10.2.1-2
ca anyaiḥ
and by other — ŚB 6.7.2-8
anyaiḥ saha
along with other fish — ŚB 11.1.23