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A second chance Introduction
As the sinful Ajāmila lay on his deathbed, he was terrified to see three fierce humanlike creatures coming to drag …
A second chance Introduction
Surprisingly, Ajāmila escaped this terrible fate. How? You’ll find out in the pages of A Second Chance: The Story of …
A second chance Introduction
You’ll also learn many vital truths about the fundamental nature of the self and reality, so you can better prepare …
A second chance Introduction
Even today, people momentarily on the verge of death report encounters like Ajāmila’s, lending credibility to the idea that there …
A second chance Introduction
In 1982, George Gallup, Jr., published a book called Adventures in Immortality, which contained results of a survey on American …
A second chance Introduction
Sixty-seven percent of the people surveyed said they believe in life after death, and fifteen percent said they themselves had …
A second chance Introduction
The people who reported a near-death experience were then asked to describe it. Nine percent reported an out-of-body sensation, and …
A second chance Introduction
The Gallup survey is intriguing, but it leaves unanswered this basic question: Is there any scientific evidence for near-death experiences, …
A second chance Introduction
Apparently there is – from studies of people on the verge of death who, while supposedly unconscious, accurately report events …
A second chance Introduction
Dr. Michael Sabom, a cardiologist at the Emory University Medical School, undertook a scientific study of such reports. He interviewed …
A second chance Introduction
The results of Sabom’s study, detailed in his book Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation (1982), convinced him of the …
A second chance Introduction
The true dimensions of that ultimate question are thoroughly explored in A Second Chance, by His Divine Grace A. C. …