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The Dynasty of Bharata

Dynastie Bharaty

This Twenty-first Chapter describes the dynasty born from Mahārāja Bharata, the son of Mahārāja Duṣmanta, and it also describes the glories of Rantideva, Ajamīḍha and others.

Tato kapitola popisuje dynastii pocházející od Mahārāje Bharaty, syna Mahārāje Duṣmanty, a rovněž líčí slávu Rantidevy, Ajamīḍhy a dalších.

The son of Bharadvāja was Manyu, and Manyu’s sons were Bṛhatkṣatra, Jaya, Mahāvīrya, Nara and Garga. Of these five, Nara had a son named Saṅkṛti, who had two sons, named Guru and Rantideva. As an exalted devotee, Rantideva saw every living entity in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore he completely engaged his mind, his words and his very self in the service of the Supreme Lord and His devotees. Rantideva was so exalted that he would sometimes give away his own food in charity, and he and his family would fast. Once, after Rantideva spent forty-eight days fasting, not even drinking water, excellent food made with ghee was brought to him, but when he was about to eat it a brāhmaṇa guest appeared. Rantideva, therefore, did not eat the food, but instead immediately offered a portion of it to the brāhmaṇa. When the brāhmaṇa left and Rantideva was just about to eat the remnants of the food, a śūdra appeared. Rantideva therefore divided the remnants between the śūdra and himself. Again, when he was just about to eat the remnants of the food, another guest appeared. Rantideva therefore gave the rest of the food to the new guest and was about to content himself with drinking the water to quench his thirst, but this also was precluded, for a thirsty guest came and Rantideva gave him the water. This was all ordained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead just to glorify His devotee and show how tolerant a devotee is in rendering service to the Lord. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, being extremely pleased with Rantideva, entrusted him with very confidential service. The special power to render the most confidential service is entrusted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to a pure devotee, not to ordinary devotees.

Synem Bharadvāje byl Manyu a jeho synové se jmenovali Bṛhatkṣatra, Jaya, Mahāvīrya, Nara a Garga. Nara měl syna jménem Saṅkṛti, který zplodil dva syny, Gurua a Rantidevu. Rantideva jakožto vznešený oddaný viděl každou živou bytost ve vztahu s Nejvyšší Osobností Božství, a proto svou mysl, slova i sebe sama plně zaměstnával službou Nejvyššímu Pánu a Jeho oddaným. Byl tak ušlechtilý, že rozdával svoje jídlo a sám se svou rodinou držel půst. Jednou mu poté, co se čtyřicet osm dní postil a nepil ani vodu, přinesli výborný pokrm připravený na ghí, ale když se ho chystal sníst, přišel k němu brāhmaṇa. Rantideva tedy nejedl a místo toho ihned předložil část svého jídla jemu. Když brāhmaṇa odešel a Rantideva chtěl začít jíst, co zbylo, přišel nějaký śūdra. Král se s ním tedy o zbytky podělil. Právě ve chvíli, kdy se pouštěl do jídla, objevil se další host. Rantideva dal zbývající jídlo nově příchozímu a byl ochoten spokojit se s pouhou vodou na uhašení žízně. I to mu však bylo znemožněno, neboť přišel žíznivý host, a král dal vodu jemu. To vše zařídil Nejvyšší Pán, aby oslavil svého oddaného a ukázal, jak tolerantní je oddaný, který slouží Pánu. Rantideva Ho nesmírně potěšil, a proto mu Pán svěřil velice důvěrnou službu. Zvláštní schopnost poskytovat tu nejdůvěrnější službu nedává Nejvyšší Osobnost Božství obyčejným oddaným; dává ji čistému oddanému.

Garga, the son of Bharadvāja, had a son named Śini, and Śini’s son was Gārgya. Although Gārgya was a kṣatriya by birth, his sons became brāhmaṇas. The son of Mahāvīrya was Duritakṣaya, whose sons were Trayyāruṇi, Kavi and Puṣkarāruṇi. Although these three sons were born of a kṣatriya king, they also achieved the position of brāhmaṇas. The son of Bṛhatkṣatra constructed the city of Hastināpura and was known as Hastī. His sons were Ajamīḍha, Dvimīḍha and Purumīḍha.

Garga, syn Bharadvāje, měl syna jménem Śini a jeho synem byl Gārgya. Přestože pocházel z rodu kṣatriyů, jeho synové se stali brāhmaṇy. Mahāvīryovým synem byl Duritakṣaya, jehož syny byli Trayyāruṇi, Kavi a Puṣkarāruṇi. Přestože se narodili kṣatriyskému králi, dosáhli i oni postavení brāhmaṇů. Syn Bṛhatkṣatry postavil město zvané Hastināpur a byl znám jako Hastī. Jeho syny se stali Ajamīḍha, Dvimīḍha a Purumīḍha.

From Ajamīḍha came Priyamedha and other brāhmaṇas and also a son named Bṛhadiṣu. The sons, grandsons and further descendants of Bṛhadiṣu were Bṛhaddhanu, Bṛhatkāya, Jayadratha, Viśada and Syenajit. From Syenajit came four sons — Rucirāśva, Dṛḍhahanu, Kāśya and Vatsa. From Rucirāśva came a son named Pāra, whose sons were Pṛthusena and Nīpa, and from Nīpa came one hundred sons. Another son of Nīpa was Brahmadatta. From Brahmadatta came Viṣvaksena; from Viṣvaksena, Udaksena; and from Udaksena, Bhallāṭa.

Ajamīḍhovi se narodil Priyamedha a další brāhmaṇové a rovněž syn jménem Bṛhadiṣu. Jeho syny, vnuky a dalšími potomky byli Bṛhaddhanu, Bṛhatkāya, Jayadratha, Viśada a Syenajit. Syenajitovi se narodili čtyři synové-Rucirāśva, Dṛḍhahanu, Kāśya a Vatsa. Synem Rucirāśvy byl Pāra, jehož syny byli Pṛthusena a Nīpa. Nīpa se stal otcem sta synů a jeho synem byl rovněž Brahmadatta. Ten měl syna Viṣvaksenu, Viṣvaksena Udaksenu a Udaksena Bhallāṭu.

The son of Dvimīḍha was Yavīnara, and from Yavīnara came many sons and grandsons, such as Kṛtimān, Satyadhṛti, Dṛḍhanemi, Supārśva, Sumati, Sannatimān, Kṛtī, Nīpa, Udgrāyudha, Kṣemya, Suvīra, Ripuñjaya and Bahuratha. Purumīḍha had no sons, but Ajamīḍha, in addition to his other sons, had a son named Nīla, whose son was Śānti. The descendants of Śānti were Suśānti, Puruja, Arka and Bharmyāśva. Bharmyāśva had five sons, one of whom, Mudgala, begot a dynasty of brāhmaṇas. Mudgala had twins — a son, Divodāsa, and a daughter, Ahalyā. From Ahalyā, by her husband, Gautama, Śatānanda was born. The son of Śatānanda was Satyadhṛti, and his son was Śaradvān. Śaradvān’s son was known as Kṛpa, and Śaradvān’s daughter, known as Kṛpī, became the wife of Droṇācārya.

Synem Dvimīḍhy se stal Yavīnara, mezi jehož mnohé syny a vnuky patřili Kṛtimān, Satyadhṛti, Dṛḍhanemi, Supārśva, Sumati, Sannatimān, Kṛtī, Nīpa, Udgrāyudha, Kṣemya, Suvīra, Ripuñjaya a Bahuratha. Purumīḍha žádné syny neměl, ale Ajamīḍha zplodil kromě dalších potomků také syna Nīlu, jemuž se narodil Śānti. Potomky Śāntiho byli Suśānti, Puruja, Arka a Bharmyāśva. Bharmyāśva měl pět synů, z nichž jeden, Mudgala, započal dynastii brāhmaṇů. Mudgala přivedl na svět dvojčata-syna Divodāse a dceru Ahalyu. Ahalyā svému manželovi Gautamovi porodila syna Śatānandu. Synem Śatānandy byl Satyadhṛti a jeho synem byl Śaradvān. Śaradvānův syn byl znám pod jménem Kṛpa a Śaradvānova dcera, Kṛpī, se stala manželkou Droṇācāryi.

Text 1:
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Because Bharadvāja was delivered by the Marut demigods, he was known as Vitatha. The son of Vitatha was Manyu, and from Manyu came five sons — Bṛhatkṣatra, Jaya, Mahāvīrya, Nara and Garga. Of these five, the one known as Nara had a son named Saṅkṛti.
Sloka 1:
Śukadeva Gosvāmī řekl: Jelikož Bharadvāje přinesli polobozi Marutové, říkalo se mu Vitatha. Jeho synem byl Manyu, jemuž se narodilo pět synů: Bṛhatkṣatra, Jaya, Mahāvīrya, Nara a Garga. Nara měl syna Saṅkṛtiho.
Text 2:
O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, descendant of Pāṇḍu, Saṅkṛti had two sons, named Guru and Rantideva. Rantideva is famous in both this world and the next, for he is glorified not only in human society but also in the society of the demigods.
Sloka 2:
Ó Mahārāji Parīkṣite, potomku Pāṇḍua, Saṅkṛti měl dva syny, zvané Guru a Rantideva. Rantideva je slavný v tomto i příštím světě, neboť je opěvován nejen mezi lidmi, ale i mezi polobohy.
Texts 3-5:
Rantideva never endeavored to earn anything. He would enjoy whatever he got by the arrangement of providence, but when guests came he would give them everything. Thus he underwent considerable suffering, along with the members of his family. Indeed, he and his family members shivered for want of food and water, yet Rantideva always remained sober. Once, after fasting for forty-eight days, in the morning Rantideva received some water and some foodstuffs made with milk and ghee, but when he and his family were about to eat, a brāhmaṇa guest arrived.
Sloka 3-5:
Rantideva nikdy neusiloval o to, aby pro sebe něco získal. Radoval se ze všeho, co mu seslala prozřetelnost, ale když přišli hosté, všechno dal jim. Následkem toho zakoušel nemalé utrpení a spolu s ním i členové jeho rodiny. Všichni se z nedostatku jídla a vody doslova třásli, ale Rantideva vždy zachovával klid. Jednoho rána, poté, co se postil čtyřicet osm dní, dostal trochu vody a jídla s mlékem a ghí, ale když se společně s rodinou chystal začít jíst, přišel je navštívit bráhmana.
Text 6:
Because Rantideva perceived the presence of the Supreme Godhead everywhere, and in every living entity, he received the guest with faith and respect and gave him a share of the food. The brāhmaṇa guest ate his share and then went away.
Sloka 6:
Rantideva vnímal přítomnost Nejvyššího Boha všude, v těle každé živé bytosti, a proto hosta přijal s vírou a úctou a část jídla mu dal. Brāhmaṇa snědl svůj podíl a pak odešel.
Text 7:
Thereafter, having divided the remaining food with his relatives, Rantideva was just about to eat his own share when a śūdra guest arrived. Seeing the śūdra in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, King Rantideva gave him also a share of the food.
Sloka 7:
Poté Rantideva, který se o zbylé jídlo podělil se svými příbuznými, chtěl právě začít jíst svou porci, když tu ho navštívil śūdra. Král viděl tohoto śūdru ve vztahu s Nejvyšší Osobností Božství a také mu dal část jídla.
Text 8:
When the śūdra went away, another guest arrived, surrounded by dogs, and said, “O King, I and my company of dogs are very hungry. Please give us something to eat.”
Sloka 8:
Jakmile śūdra odešel, objevil se tam další host, doprovázený psy, a řekl: “Ó králi, já a moji psi máme velký hlad. Prosím, dej nám něčeho najíst.”
Text 9:
With great respect, King Rantideva offered the balance of the food to the dogs and the master of the dogs, who had come as guests. The King offered them all respects and obeisances.
Sloka 9:
S velkou úctou věnoval král Rantideva zbytek jídla psům a jejich pánovi, kteří ho přišli navštívit. Král jim vzdával veškerou úctu a poklonil se jim.
Text 10:
Thereafter, only the drinking water remained, and there was only enough to satisfy one person, but when the King was just about to drink it, a caṇḍāla appeared and said, “O King, although I am lowborn, kindly give me some drinking water.”
Sloka 10:
Potom už zbývala jen pitná voda, která by stačila pro jednu osobu, ale když se ji král chystal vypít, objevil se caṇḍāla a řekl: “Ó králi, jsem sice nízkého původu, ale dej mi prosím napít trochu vody.”
Text 11:
Aggrieved at hearing the pitiable words of the poor fatigued caṇḍāla, Mahārāja Rantideva spoke the following nectarean words.
Sloka 11:
Mahārāja Rantideva zesmutněl, když slyšel žalostná slova nebohého, znaveného caṇḍāly, a pronesl slova podobná nektaru.
Text 12:
I do not pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the eight perfections of mystic yoga, nor for salvation from repeated birth and death. I want only to stay among all the living entities and suffer all distresses on their behalf, so that they may be freed from suffering.
Sloka 12:
“Nemodlím se k Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství o osm dokonalostí mystické yogy, ani o osvobození z koloběhu narození a smrti. Chci jenom zůstat se všemi živými bytostmi a snášet za ně všechno neštěstí, aby nemusely trpět.”
Text 13:
By offering my water to maintain the life of this poor caṇḍāla, who is struggling to live, I have been freed from all hunger, thirst, fatigue, trembling of the body, moroseness, distress, lamentation and illusion.
Sloka 13:
“Tím, že jsem obětoval svou vodu na záchranu života tohoto nebohého caṇḍāly, jenž zápasí o přežití, jsem se zbavil všeho hladu, žízně, únavy, třesu těla, sklíčenosti, vyčerpání, nářku a iluze.”
Text 14:
Having spoken thus, King Rantideva, although on the verge of death because of thirst, gave his own portion of water to the caṇḍāla without hesitation, for the King was naturally very kind and sober.
Sloka 14:
Když takto král Rantideva promluvil, přestože byl sám na pokraji smrti žízní, bez váhání dal svůj příděl vody tomuto caṇḍālovi, jelikož byl od přírody velice laskavý a moudrý.
Text 15:
Demigods like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who can satisfy all materially ambitious men by giving them the rewards they desire, then manifested their own identities before King Rantideva, for it was they who had presented themselves as the brāhmaṇa, śūdra, caṇḍāla and so on.
Sloka 15:
Tehdy před králem Rantidevou odhalili svou pravou totožnost polobozi, jako je Pán Brahmā a Pán Śiva, kteří dovedou uspokojit všechny osoby s hmotnými cíli tím, že jim dají, po čem touží. To oni se vydávali za brāhmaṇu, śūdru, caṇḍālu a ostatní.
Text 16:
King Rantideva had no ambition to enjoy material benefits from the demigods. He offered them obeisances, but because he was factually attached to Lord Viṣṇu, Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he fixed his mind at Lord Viṣṇu’s lotus feet.
Sloka 16:
Král Rantideva si nepřál užívat hmotných darů od polobohů. Poklonil se jim, ale jelikož byl skutečně připoutaný k Pánu Viṣṇuovi, Vāsudevovi, Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství, upřel svou mysl na Jeho lotosové nohy.
Text 17:
O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, because King Rantideva was a pure devotee, always Kṛṣṇa conscious and free from all material desires, the Lord’s illusory energy, māyā, could not exhibit herself before him. On the contrary, for him māyā entirely vanished, exactly like a dream.
Sloka 17:
Ó Mahārāji Parīkṣite, díky tomu, že byl král Rantideva čistý oddaný, stále si vědomý Kṛṣṇy a prostý všech hmotných tužeb, Pánova matoucí energie, māyā, se před ním nemohla projevit. Naopak, přestala pro něj existovat stejně jako sen.
Text 18:
All those who followed the principles of King Rantideva were totally favored by his mercy and became pure devotees, attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa. Thus they all became the best of yogīs.
Sloka 18:
Všichni, kdo se řídili zásadami krále Rantidevy, obdrželi v plné míře jeho milost a stali se z nich čistí oddaní, připoutaní k Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství, Nārāyaṇovi. Tak se všichni stali nejlepšími z yogīnů.
Texts 19-20:
From Garga came a son named Śini, and his son was Gārgya. Although Gārgya was a kṣatriya, there came from him a generation of brahmaṇas. From Mahāvīrya came a son named Duritakṣaya, whose sons were Trayyāruṇi, Kavi and Puṣkarāruṇi. Although these sons of Duritakṣaya took birth in a dynasty of kṣatriyas, they too attained the position of brāhmaṇas. Bṛhatkṣatra had a son named Hastī, who established the city of Hastināpura [now New Delhi].
Sloka 19-20:
Gargovi se narodil syn jménem Śini a jeho synem byl Gārgya. Přestože byl kṣatriyou, vzešlo z něho pokolení brāhmaṇů. Mahāvīrya zplodil syna Duritakṣayu, jehož syny byli Trayyāruṇi, Kavi a Puṣkarāruṇi. I oni dosáhli postavení brāhmaṇů, třebaže se narodili v dynastii kṣatriyů. Bṛhatkṣatra měl syna jménem Hastī, jenž založil město zvané Hastināpur (nyní Nové Dillí).
Text 21:
From King Hastī came three sons, named Ajamīḍha, Dvimīḍha and Purumīḍha. The descendants of Ajamīḍha, headed by Priyamedha, all achieved the position of brāhmaṇas.
Sloka 21:
Tři synové krále Hastīho se jmenovali Ajamīḍha, Dvimīḍha a Purumīḍha. Všichni Ajamīḍhovi potomkové v čele s Priyamedhou se stali brāhmaṇy.
Text 22:
From Ajamīḍha came a son named Bṛhadiṣu, from Bṛhadiṣu came a son named Bṛhaddhanu, from Bṛhaddhanu a son named Bṛhatkāya, and from Bṛhatkāya a son named Jayadratha.
Sloka 22:
Dalším Ajamīḍhovým synem byl Bṛhadiṣu, jemuž se narodil Bṛhaddhanu. Jeho syn se jmenoval Bṛhatkāya, a ten zplodil Jayadrathu.
Text 23:
The son of Jayadratha was Viśada, and his son was Syenajit. The sons of Syenajit were Rucirāśva, Dṛḍhahanu, Kāśya and Vatsa.
Sloka 23:
Synem Jayadrathy byl Viśada a jeho synem byl Syenajit. Synové Syenajita nesli jména Rucirāśva, Dṛḍhahanu, Kāśya a Vatsa.
Text 24:
The son of Rucirāśva was Pāra, and the sons of Pāra were Pṛthusena and Nīpa. Nīpa had one hundred sons.
Sloka 24:
Synem Rucirāśvy byl Pāra a jeho syny byli Pṛthusena a Nīpa. Nīpa zplodil sto synů.
Text 25:
King Nīpa begot a son named Brahmadatta through the womb of his wife, Kṛtvī, who was the daughter of Śuka. And Brahmadatta, who was a great yogī, begot a son named Viṣvaksena through the womb of his wife, Sarasvatī.
Sloka 25:
Král Nīpa zplodil syna Brahmadattu v lůně své ženy Kṛtvī, která byla dcerou Śuky. A Brahmadatta, velký yogī, zplodil v lůně své manželky Sarasvatī syna jménem Viṣvaksena.
Text 26:
Following the instructions of the great sage Jaigīṣavya, Viṣvaksena compiled an elaborate description of the mystic yoga system. From Viṣvaksena, Udaksena was born, and from Udaksena, Bhallāṭa. All these sons are known as descendants of Bṛhadiṣu.
Sloka 26:
Viṣvaksena sestavil podle pokynů velkého mudrce Jaigīṣavyi důkladný popis systému mystické yogy. Viṣvaksenovi se narodil Udaksena a Udaksenovi Bhallāṭa. Ti všichni jsou známi jako potomci Bṛhadiṣua.
Text 27:
The son of Dvimīḍha was Yavīnara, whose son was Kṛtimān. The son of Kṛtimān was well known as Satyadhṛti. From Satyadhṛti came a son named Dṛḍhanemi, who became the father of Supārśva.
Sloka 27:
Synem Dvimīḍhy byl Yavīnara, jehož synem byl Kṛtimān. Synem Kṛtimāna se stal Satyadhṛti. Tomu se narodil Dṛḍhanemi, který se stal otcem Supārśvy.
Texts 28-29:
From Supārśva came a son named Sumati, from Sumati came Sannatimān, and from Sannatimān came Kṛtī, who achieved mystic power from Brahmā and taught six saṁhitās of the Prācyasāma verses of the Sāma Veda. The son of Kṛtī was Nīpa; the son of Nīpa, Udgrāyudha; the son of Udgrāyudha, Kṣemya; the son of Kṣemya, Suvīra; and the son of Suvīra, Ripuñjaya.
Sloka 28-29:
Supārśva měl syna Sumatiho, Sumati Sannatimāna a jeho synem byl Kṛtī, jenž od Brahmy získal mystickou sílu a vyučoval šesti saṁhitām, které obsahují verše Sāma Vedy nazývané Prācyasāma. Kṛtīmu se narodil Nīpa, Nīpovi Udgrāyudha, Udgrāyudhovi Kṣemya, Kṣemyovi Suvīra a Suvīrovi Ripuñjaya.
Text 30:
From Ripuñjaya came a son named Bahuratha. Purumīḍha was sonless. Ajamīḍha had a son named Nīla by his wife known as Nalinī, and the son of Nīla was Śānti.
Sloka 30:
Ripuñjaya zplodil syna, který se jmenoval Bahuratha. Purumīḍha zůstal bez synů. Ajamīḍha měl se svou manželkou Nalinī syna Nīlu a jeho synem byl Śānti.
Texts 31-33:
The son of Śānti was Suśānti, the son of Suśānti was Puruja, and the son of Puruja was Arka. From Arka came Bharmyāśva, and from Bharmyāśva came five sons — Mudgala, Yavīnara, Bṛhadviśva, Kāmpilla and Sañjaya. Bharmyāśva prayed to his sons, “O my sons, please take charge of my five states, for you are quite competent to do so.” Thus his five sons were known as the Pañcālas. From Mudgala came a dynasty of brāhmaṇas known as Maudgalya.
Sloka 31-33:
Synem Śāntiho byl Suśānti, synem Suśāntiho Puruja a synem Puruji Arka. Arkův syn Bharmyāśva měl pět synů-Mudgalu, Yavīnaru, Bṛhadviśvu, Kāmpillu a Sañjayu. Bharmyāśva své syny žádal: “Ó moji synové, ujměte se prosím mých pěti států, máte k tomu všechny předpoklady.” Proto se jeho pěti synům říkalo Pañcālové. Mudgalou začala dynastie brāhmaṇů nazývaná Maudgalya.
Text 34:
Mudgala, the son of Bharmyāśva, had twin children, one male and the other female. The male child was named Divodāsa, and the female child was named Ahalyā. From the womb of Ahalyā by the semen of her husband, Gautama, came a son named Śatānanda.
Sloka 34:
Bharmyāśvův syn Mudgala přivedl na svět dvojčata, chlapce a dívku. Chlapec se jmenoval Divodāsa a děvče Ahalyā. Ahalyā po oplodnění semenem svého manžela Gautamy porodila syna zvaného Śatānanda.
Text 35:
The son of Śatānanda was Satyadhṛti, who was expert in archery, and the son of Satyadhṛti was Śaradvān. When Śaradvān met Urvaśī, he discharged semen, which fell on a clump of śara grass. From this semen were born two all-auspicious babies, one male and the other female.
Sloka 35:
Synem Śatānandy byl Satyadhṛti, který byl zručným lučištníkem, a jeho synem byl Śaradvān. Když se Śaradvān setkal s Urvaśī, vypustil semeno, jež padlo na trs trávy śara. Z tohoto semene se narodila dvě překrásná děťátka, jedno mužského a druhé ženského pohlaví.
Text 36:
While Mahārāja Śāntanu was on a hunting excursion, he saw the male and female children lying in the forest, and out of compassion he took them home. Consequently, the male child was known as Kṛpa, and the female child was named Kṛpī. Kṛpī later became the wife of Droṇācārya.
Sloka 36:
Když byl Mahārāja Śāntanu na lovecké výpravě, uviděl v lese ležet chlapečka a děvčátko a ze soucitu je vzal domů. Chlapci se proto říkalo Kṛpa a dívce Kṛpī. Ta se později stala manželkou Droṇācāryi.