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Text 6

Sloka 6



राम: सञ्चोदित: पित्रा भ्रातृन् मात्रा सहावधीत् ।
प्रभावज्ञो मुने: सम्यक् समाधेस्तपसश्च स: ॥ ६ ॥



rāmaḥ sañcoditaḥ pitrā
bhrātṝn mātrā sahāvadhīt
prabhāva-jño muneḥ samyak
samādhes tapasaś ca saḥ
rāmaḥ sañcoditaḥ pitrā
bhrātṝn mātrā sahāvadhīt
prabhāva-jño muneḥ samyak
samādhes tapasaś ca saḥ



rāmaḥ — Lord Paraśurāma; sañcoditaḥ — being encouraged (to kill his mother and brothers); pitrā — by his father; bhrātṝn — all his brothers; mātrā saha — with the mother; avadhīt — killed immediately; prabhāva-jñaḥ — aware of the prowess; muneḥ — of the great sage; samyak — completely; samādheḥ — by meditation; tapasaḥ — by austerity; ca — also; saḥ — he.

rāmaḥ — Pán Paraśurāma; sañcoditaḥ — nabádaný (zabít svou matku a bratry); pitrā — svým otcem; bhrātṝn — všechny své bratry; mātrā saha — s matkou; avadhīt — okamžitě zabil; prabhāva-jñaḥ — vědom si moci; muneḥ — velkého mudrce; samyak — zcela; samādheḥ — prostřednictvím meditace; tapasaḥ — prostřednictvím askeze; ca — také; saḥ — on.



Jamadagni then ordered his youngest son, Paraśurāma, to kill his brothers, who had disobeyed this order, and his mother, who had mentally committed adultery. Lord Paraśurāma, knowing the power of his father, who was practiced in meditation and austerity, killed his mother and brothers immediately.

Tehdy Jamadagni nařídil svému nejmladšímu synovi, Paraśurāmovi, aby zabil své bratry, kteří neuposlechli příkazu, i matku, která myšlenkami zcizoložila. Jelikož Pán Paraśurāma znal moc svého otce, zkušeného v meditaci a askezi, ihned svou matku a bratry usmrtil.



The word prabhāva-jñaḥ is significant. Paraśurāma knew the prowess of his father, and therefore he agreed to carry out his father’s order. He thought that if he refused to carry out the order he would be cursed, but if he carried it out his father would be pleased, and when his father was pleased, Paraśurāma would ask the benediction of having his mother and brothers brought back to life. Paraśurāma was confident in this regard, and therefore he agreed to kill his mother and brothers.

Významné je slovo prabhāva-jñaḥ. Paraśurāma neváhal splnit otcův rozkaz, jelikož znal jeho moc. Věděl, že pokud odmítne nařízení vykonat, stihne ho prokletí, ale pokud ho vykoná, otec z něj bude mít radost, a tehdy bude moci požádat o požehnání, aby matka a bratři znovu ožili. O tom byl Paraśurāma přesvědčen, a proto se nezdráhal svou matku i bratry zabít.