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The Progeny of the Daughters of Dakṣa

Potomstvo Dakṣových dcer

As described in this chapter, Prajāpati Dakṣa begot sixty daughters in the womb of his wife Asiknī. These daughters were given in charity to various persons to increase the population. Since these offspring of Dakṣa were women, Nārada Muni did not try to lead them toward the renounced order of life. Thus the daughters were saved from Nārada Muni. Ten of the daughters were given in marriage to Dharmarāja, thirteen to Kaśyapa Muni, and twenty-seven to the moon-god, Candra. In this way fifty daughters were distributed, and of the other ten daughters, four were given to Kaśyapa and two each to Bhūta, Aṅgirā and Kṛśāśva. One should know that it is because of the union of these sixty daughters with various exalted personalities that the entire universe was filled with various kinds of living entities, such as human beings, demigods, demons, beasts, birds and serpents.

Prajāpati Dakṣa zplodil v lůně své manželky Asiknī šedesát dcer, které byly darovány různým osobnostem, aby zvýšily počet obyvatelstva. Jelikož těmito Dakṣovými potomky byly ženy, Nārada Muni se je nesnažil vést k životnímu stavu odříkání. Dcery byly tedy před Nāradou Munim ochráněny. Deset jich bylo provdáno za Dharmarāje, třináct za Kaśyapu Muniho a dvacet sedm za boha Měsíce, Candru. Takto bylo rozděleno padesát dcer a ze zbývajících deseti byly čtyři dány Kaśyapovi a po dvou Bhūtovi, Aṅgirovi a Kṛśāśvovi. Měli bychom vědět, že právě díky spojení těchto šedesáti dcer s různými vznešenými osobnostmi byl celý vesmír zaplněn různými druhy živých bytostí, jako jsou lidé, polobozi, démoni, zvěř, ptáci a hadi.

Text 1:
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, thereafter, at the request of Lord Brahmā, Prajāpati Dakṣa, who is known as Prācetasa, begot sixty daughters in the womb of his wife Asiknī. All the daughters were very affectionate toward their father.
Sloka 1:
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī pravil: Můj milý králi, poté zplodil Prajāpati Dakṣa, který je známý jako Prācetasa, na žádost Pána Brahmy v lůně své manželky Asiknī šedesát dcer. Všechny měly svého otce velice rády.
Text 2:
He gave ten daughters in charity to Dharmarāja [Yamarāja], thirteen to Kaśyapa [first twelve and then one more], twenty-seven to the moon-god, and two each to Aṅgirā, Kṛśāśva and Bhūta. The other four daughters were given to Kaśyapa. [Thus Kaśyapa received seventeen daughters in all.]
Sloka 2:
Deset dcer daroval Dharmarājovi (Yamarājovi), třináct Kaśyapovi (nejprve dvanáct a pak ještě jednu), dvacet sedm bohu Měsíce a po dvou Aṅgirovi, Kṛśāśvovi a Bhūtovi. Zbývající čtyři dcery dal znovu Kaśyapovi. (Kaśyapa tedy obdržel celkem sedmnáct dcer.)
Text 3:
Now please hear from me the names of all these daughters and their descendants, who filled all the three worlds.
Sloka 3:
Nyní si ode mě prosím vyslechni jména těchto dcer a jejich potomků, kteří zaplnili všechny tři světy.
Text 4:
The ten daughters given to Yamarāja were named Bhānu, Lambā, Kakud, Yāmi, Viśvā, Sādhyā, Marutvatī, Vasu, Muhūrtā and Saṅkalpā. Now hear the names of their sons.
Sloka 4:
Deset dcer, které byly dány Yamarājovi, se jmenovalo Bhānu, Lambā, Kakud, Yāmi, Viśvā, Sādhyā, Marutvatī, Vasu, Muhūrtā a Saṅkalpā. Nyní slyš jména jejich synů.
Text 5:
O King, a son named Deva-ṛṣabha was born from the womb of Bhānu, and from him came a son named Indrasena. From the womb of Lambā came a son named Vidyota, who generated all the clouds.
Sloka 5:
Ó králi, Bhānu porodila syna jménem Deva-ṛṣabha, který měl syna Indrasenu. Z lůna Lamby se narodil syn Vidyota, jenž stvořil všechny mraky.
Text 6:
From the womb of Kakud came the son named Saṅkaṭa, whose son was named Kīkaṭa. From Kīkaṭa came the demigods named Durgā. From Yāmi came the son named Svarga, whose son was named Nandi.
Sloka 6:
Kakud porodila syna Saṅkaṭu, jehož syn se jmenoval Kīkaṭa. Z Kīkaṭy vzešli polobozi zvaní Durga. Yāmi měla syna jménem Svarga, jehož syn se jmenoval Nandi.
Text 7:
The sons of Viśvā were the Viśvadevas, who had no progeny. From the womb of Sādhyā came the Sādhyas, who had a son named Arthasiddhi.
Sloka 7:
Syny Viśvy byli Viśvadevové, kteří zůstali bez potomků. Z lůna Sādhyi se narodili Sādhyové, jež měli syna jménem Arthasiddhi.
Text 8:
The two sons who took birth from the womb of Marutvatī were Marutvān and Jayanta. Jayanta, who is an expansion of Lord Vāsudeva, is known as Upendra.
Sloka 8:
Dvěma syny, kteří se narodili z lůna Marutvatī, byli Marutvān a Jayanta. Jayanta, Jenž je expanzí Pána Vāsudeva, je známý jako Upendra.
Text 9:
The demigods named the Mauhūrtikas took birth from the womb of Muhūrtā. These demigods deliver the results of actions to the living entities of their respective times.
Sloka 9:
Polobozi zvaní Mauhūrtikové se narodili z lůna Muhūrty. Každý z nich vládne určité denní době a udílí živým bytostem výsledky činností, které během této doby vykonali.
Texts 10-11:
The son of Saṅkalpā was known as Saṅkalpa, and from him lust was born. The sons of Vasu were known as the eight Vasus. Just hear their names from me: Droṇa, Prāṇa, Dhruva, Arka, Agni, Doṣa, Vāstu and Vibhāvasu. From Abhimati, the wife of the Vasu named Droṇa, were generated the sons named Harṣa, Śoka, Bhaya and so on.
Sloka 10-11:
Syn Saṅkalpy byl známý jako Saṅkalpa a jeho potomkem byl chtíč. Syny Vasua bylo osm Vasuů. Vyslechni si ode mě jejich jména: Droṇa, Prāṇa, Dhruva, Arka, Agni, Doṣa, Vāstu a Vibhāvasu. Z lůna Abhimati, manželky Vasua jménem Droṇa, přišli na svět synové Harṣa, Śoka, Bhaya a další.
Text 12:
Ūrjasvatī, the wife of Prāṇa, gave birth to three sons, named Saha, Āyus and Purojava. The wife of Dhruva was known as Dharaṇi, and from her womb various cities took birth.
Sloka 12:
Ūrjasvatī, manželce Prāṇy, se narodili tři synové: Saha, Āyus a Purojava. Manželka Dhruvy se jmenovala Dharaṇi, a z jejího lůna se zrodila různá města.
Text 13:
From the womb of Vāsanā, the wife of Arka, came many sons, headed by Tarṣa. Dhārā, the wife of the Vasu named Agni, gave birth to many sons, headed by Draviṇaka.
Sloka 13:
Z lůna Vāsany, jež byla manželkou Arky, přišlo na svět mnoho synů v čele s Tarṣou. Dhārā, manželka Vasua jménem Agni, porodila mnohé syny počínaje Draviṇakou.
Text 14:
From Kṛttikā, another wife of Agni, came the son named Skanda, Kārttikeya, whose sons were headed by Viśākha. From the womb of Śarvarī, the wife of the Vasu named Doṣa, came the son named Śiśumāra, who was an expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Sloka 14:
Z lůna Kṛttiky, další ženy Agniho, přišel na svět Skanda (Kārttikeya), a v čele jeho synů stál Viśākha. Z lůna Śarvarī, manželky Vasua jménem Doṣa, se narodil Śiśumāra, který byl expanzí Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství.
Text 15:
From Āṅgirasī, the wife of the Vasu named Vāstu, was born the great architect Viśvakarmā. Viśvakarmā became the husband of Ākṛtī, from whom the Manu named Cākṣuṣa was born. The sons of Manu were known as the Viśvadevas and Sādhyas.
Sloka 15:
Z lůna Āṅgirasī, manželky Vasua jménem Vāstu, se narodil velký architekt Viśvakarmā. Ten se stal manželem Ākṛtī, jež porodila Manua jménem Cākṣuṣa. Manuovi synové byli známí jako Viśvadevové a Sādhyové.
Text 16:
Ūṣā, the wife of Vibhāvasu, gave birth to three sons — Vyuṣṭa, Rociṣa and Ātapa. From Ātapa came Pañcayāma, the span of day, who awakens all living entities to material activities.
Sloka 16:
Ūṣā, manželka Vibhāvasua, porodila tři syny — Vyuṣṭu, Rociṣu a Ātapu. Ātapa se stal otcem Pañcayāmy, bílého dne, který probouzí všechny živé bytosti k hmotným činnostem.
Texts 17-18:
Sarūpā, the wife of Bhūta, gave birth to the ten million Rudras, of whom the eleven principle Rudras were Raivata, Aja, Bhava, Bhīma, Vāma, Ugra, Vṛṣākapi, Ajaikapāt, Ahirbradhna, Bahurūpa and Mahān. Their associates, the ghosts and goblins, who are very fearful, were born of the other wife of Bhūta.
Sloka 17-18:
Sarūpā, manželka Bhūty, porodila deset miliónů Rudrů, z nichž jedenácti hlavními byli Raivata, Aja, Bhava, Bhīma, Vāma, Ugra, Vṛṣākapi, Ajaikapāt, Ahirbradhna, Bahurūpa a Mahān. Jejich společníci, duchové a šotci, kteří nahánějí hrůzu, se narodili Bhūtově druhé manželce.
Text 19:
The prajāpati Aṅgirā had two wives, named Svadhā and Satī. The wife named Svadhā accepted all the Pitās as her sons, and Satī accepted the Atharvāṅgirasa Veda as her son.
Sloka 19:
Prajāpati Aṅgirā měl dvě ženy, které se jmenovaly Svadhā a Satī. Svadhā přijala za své syny všechny Pity a Satī přijala za syna Atharvāṅgirasu Vedu.
Text 20:
Kṛśāśva had two wives, named Arcis and Dhiṣaṇā. In the wife named Arcis he begot Dhūmaketu and in Dhiṣaṇā he begot four sons, named Vedaśirā, Devala, Vayuna and Manu.
Sloka 20:
Kṛśāśva měl dvě manželky, jež se jmenovaly Arcis a Dhiṣaṇā. S Arcis zplodil Dhūmaketua a s Dhiṣaṇou zplodil čtyři syny, kteří dostali jména Vedaśirā, Devala, Vayuna a Manu.
Texts 21-22:
Kaśyapa, who is also named Tārkṣya, had four wives — Vinatā [Suparṇā], Kadrū, Pataṅgī and Yāminī. Pataṅgī gave birth to many kinds of birds, and Yāminī gave birth to locusts. Vinatā [Suparṇā] gave birth to Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, and to Anūru, or Aruṇa, the chariot driver of the sun-god. Kadrū gave birth to different varieties of serpents.
Sloka 21-22:
Kaśyapa, jehož další jméno je Tārkṣya, měl čtyři ženy — Vinatu (Suparṇu), Kadrū, Pataṅgī a Yāminī. Pataṅgī porodila mnoho druhů ptáků a Yāminī zplodila kobylky. Vinatā (Suparṇā) porodila Garuḍu, který nosí Pána Viṣṇua, a také Anūrua neboli Aruṇu, vozataje boha Slunce. Kadrū porodila různé druhy hadů.
Text 23:
O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, best of the Bhāratas, the constellations named Kṛttikā were all wives of the moon-god. However, because Prajāpati Dakṣa had cursed him to suffer from a disease causing gradual destruction, the moon-god could not beget children in any of his wives.
Sloka 23:
Ó Mahārāji Parīkṣite, nejlepší z Bhāratovců, všechna souhvězdí zvaná Kṛttikā byla manželkami boha Měsíce. Jelikož ho však Prajāpati Dakṣa proklel, aby trpěl nemocí, která způsobuje postupné zničení, bůh Měsíce nemohl mít s žádnou ze svých žen děti.
Texts 24-26:
Thereafter the King of the moon pacified Prajāpati Dakṣa with courteous words and thus regained the portions of light he had lost during his disease. Nevertheless he could not beget children. The moon loses his shining power during the dark fortnight, and in the bright fortnight it is manifest again. O King Parīkṣit, now please hear from me the names of Kaśyapa’s wives, from whose wombs the population of the entire universe has come. They are the mothers of almost all the population of the entire universe, and their names are very auspicious to hear. They are Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kāṣṭhā, Ariṣṭā, Surasā, Ilā, Muni, Krodhavaśā, Tāmrā, Surabhi, Saramā and Timi. From the womb of Timi all the aquatics took birth, and from the womb of Saramā the ferocious animals like the tigers and lions took birth.
Sloka 24-26:
Poté král Měsíce upokojil Prajāpatiho Dakṣu zdvořilými slovy, a získal tak zpět své díly světla, které během nemoci ztratil. Přesto však nemohl plodit děti. Měsíc během temných čtrnácti dnů ztrácí svůj svit a během světlých čtrnácti dnů ho opět projeví. Ó králi Parīkṣite, nyní si ode mě prosím vyslechni jména Kaśyapových žen, z jejichž lůn pochází obyvatelstvo celého vesmíru. Tyto ženy jsou matkami téměř všech živých bytostí ve vesmíru a jejich jména je velice příznivé slyšet. Jsou to Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kāṣṭhā, Ariṣṭā, Surasā, Ilā, Muni, Krodhavaśā, Tāmrā, Surabhi, Saramā a Timi. Z lůna Timi se narodili všichni vodní živočichové a z lůna Saramy dravá zvířata, jako jsou tygři a lvi.
Text 27:
My dear King Parīkṣit, from the womb of Surabhi the buffalo, cow and other animals with cloven hooves took birth, from the womb of Tāmrā the eagles, vultures and other large birds of prey took birth, and from the womb of Muni the angels took birth.
Sloka 27:
Můj milý králi Parīkṣite, z lůna Surabhi se narodil buvol, kráva a jiní sudokopytníci, z lůna Tāmry přišli na svět orli, supi a další velcí draví ptáci a z lůna Muni se narodili andělé.
Text 28:
The sons born of Krodhavaśā were the serpents known as dandaśūka, as well as other serpents and the mosquitoes. All the various creepers and trees were born from the womb of Ilā. The Rākṣasas, bad spirits, were born from the womb of Surasā.
Sloka 28:
Syny Krodhavaśi byli hadi zvaní dandaśūka, jakož i ostatní plazi a moskyti. Všechny popínavé rostliny a stromy se zrodily z lůna Ily. Rākṣasové, zlí duchové, se narodili z lůna Surasy.
Texts 29-31:
The Gandharvas were born from the womb of Ariṣṭā, and animals whose hooves are not split, such as the horse, were born from the womb of Kāṣṭhā. O King, from the womb of Danu came sixty-one sons, of whom these eighteen were very important: Dvimūrdhā, Śambara, Ariṣṭa, Hayagrīva, Vibhāvasu, Ayomukha, Śaṅkuśirā, Svarbhānu, Kapila, Aruṇa, Pulomā, Vṛṣaparvā, Ekacakra, Anutāpana, Dhūmrakeśa, Virūpākṣa, Vipracitti and Durjaya.
Sloka 29-31:
Gandharvové se narodili z lůna Ariṣṭy a lichokopytníci — jako například kůň — se zrodili z lůna Kāṣṭhy. Ó králi, z lůna Danu přišlo na svět šedesát jedna synů, z nichž osmnáct bylo velice významných: Dvimūrdhā, Śambara, Ariṣṭa, Hayagrīva, Vibhāvasu, Ayomukha, Śaṅkuśirā, Svarbhānu, Kapila, Aruṇa, Pulomā, Vṛṣaparvā, Ekacakra, Anutāpana, Dhūmrakeśa, Virūpākṣa, Vipracitti a Durjaya.
Text 32:
The daughter of Svarbhānu named Suprabhā was married by Namuci. The daughter of Vṛṣaparvā named Śarmiṣṭhā was given to the powerful King Yayāti, the son of Nahuṣa.
Sloka 32:
Suprabhā, dcera Svarbhānua, byla provdána za Namuciho. Dcera Vṛṣaparvy jménem Śarmiṣṭhā byla věnována mocnému králi Yayātimu, synovi Nahuṣi.
Texts 33-36:
Vaiśvānara, the son of Danu, had four beautiful daughters, named Upadānavī, Hayaśirā, Pulomā and Kālakā. Hiraṇyākṣa married Upadānavī, and Kratu married Hayaśirā. Thereafter, at the request of Lord Brahmā, Prajāpati Kaśyapa married Pulomā and Kālakā, the other two daughters of Vaiśvānara. From the wombs of these two wives of Kaśyapa came sixty thousand sons, headed by Nivātakavaca, who are known as the Paulomas and the Kālakeyas. They were physically very strong and expert in fighting, and their aim was to disturb the sacrifices performed by the great sages. My dear King, when your grandfather Arjuna went to the heavenly planets, he alone killed all these demons, and thus King Indra became extremely affectionate toward him.
Sloka 33-36:
Vaiśvānara, syn Danu, měl čtyři nádherné dcery, které se jmenovaly Upadānavī, Hayaśirā, Pulomā a Kālakā. Hiraṇyākṣa se oženil s Upadānavī a Kratu s Hayaśirou. Se zbývajícími dvěma se poté na žádost Pána Brahmy oženil Prajāpati Kaśyapa. Z lůn těchto dvou Kaśyapových manželek se narodilo šedesát tisíc synů v čele s Nivātakavacou, kteří jsou známí jako Paulomové a Kālakeyové. Byli fyzicky velice silní a znalí boje a jejich cílem bylo narušovat oběti vykonávané velkými mudrci. Můj milý králi, tvůj děd Arjuna sám všechny tyto démony zabil, když cestoval na nebeské planety, a král Indra si ho proto velice oblíbil.
Text 37:
In his wife Siṁhikā, Vipracitti begot one hundred and one sons, of whom the eldest is Rāhu and the others are the one hundred Ketus. All of them attained positions in the influential planets.
Sloka 37:
Vipracitti zplodil v lůně své ženy Siṁhiky sto a jednoho syna, z nichž nejstarším je Rāhu a zbývajícími je sto Ketuů. Všichni získali postavení na vlivných planetách.
Texts 38-39:
Now please hear me as I describe the descendants of Aditi in chronological order. In this dynasty the Supreme Personality of Godhead Nārāyaṇa descended by His plenary expansion. The names of the sons of Aditi are as follows: Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūṣā, Tvaṣṭā, Savitā, Bhaga, Dhātā, Vidhātā, Varuṇa, Mitra, Śatru and Urukrama.
Sloka 38-39:
Nyní prosím poslouchej, jak v chronologickém pořadí vyjmenuji potomky Aditi. V této dynastii sestoupil ve Své úplné expanzi Nārāyaṇa, Nejvyšší Osobnost Božství. Syny Aditi jsou Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūṣā, Tvaṣṭā, Savitā, Bhaga, Dhātā, Vidhātā, Varuṇa, Mitra, Śatru a Urukrama.
Text 40:
Saṁjñā, the wife of Vivasvān, the sun-god, gave birth to the Manu named Śrāddhadeva, and the same fortunate wife also gave birth to the twins Yamarāja and the river Yamunā. Then Yamī, while wandering on the earth in the form of a mare, gave birth to the Aśvinī-kumāras.
Sloka 40:
Saṁjñā, manželka boha Slunce Vivasvāna, porodila Manua jménem Śrāddhadeva a tatáž šťastlivá žena porodila také dvojčata — Yamarāje a řeku Yamunu. Když potom Yamī putovala po Zemi v podobě klisny, přivedla na svět Aśvinī-kumāry.
Text 41:
Chāyā, another wife of the sun-god, begot two sons named Śanaiścara and Sāvarṇi Manu, and one daughter, Tapatī, who married Saṁvaraṇa.
Sloka 41:
Chāyā, další manželka boha Slunce, zplodila dva syny zvané Śanaiścara a Sāvarṇi Manu, a jednu dceru, Tapatī, která se provdala za Saṁvaraṇu.
Text 42:
From the womb of Mātṛkā, the wife of Aryamā, were born many learned scholars. Among them Lord Brahmā created the human species, which are endowed with an aptitude for self-examination.
Sloka 42:
Z lůna Mātṛky, Aryamovy manželky, přišlo na svět mnoho velkých učenců. Z nich stvořil Pán Brahmā lidský druh s vlohami k introspekci.
Text 43:
Pūṣā had no sons. When Lord Śiva was angry at Dakṣa, Pūṣā had laughed at Lord Śiva and shown his teeth. Therefore he lost his teeth and had to live by eating only ground flour.
Sloka 43:
Pūṣā neměl žádné syny. Když se Pán Śiva hněval na Dakṣu, Pūṣā se mu vysmíval a ukazoval své zuby. Proto o ně přišel a od té doby se musí živit pouze rozemletou moukou.
Text 44:
Racanā, the daughter of the Daityas, became the wife of Prajāpati Tvaṣṭā. By his semen he begot in her womb two very powerful sons named Sanniveśa and Viśvarūpa.
Sloka 44:
Racanā, dcera Daityů, se stala manželkou Prajāpatiho Tvaṣṭy. Ten prostřednictvím svého semene zplodil v jejím lůně dva neobyčejně silné syny, kteří se jmenovali Sanniveśa a Viśvarūpa.
Text 45:
Although Viśvarūpa was the son of the daughter of their eternal enemies the demons, the demigods accepted him as their priest in accordance with the order of Brahmā when they were abandoned by their spiritual master, Bṛhaspati, whom they had disrespected.
Sloka 45:
Když se polobohů zřekl jejich duchovní mistr, Bṛhaspati, jehož zneuctili, přijali v souladu s pokynem Brahmy za svého kněze Viśvarūpu, přestože byl synem dcery jejich věčných nepřátel, démonů.